Bai Yu looked at Karp, he knew that although Karp laughed all day like a nobody, he kept blaming himself in his heart!

Blaming himself for not saving Ace in Marin Fandor, watching him die in front of him, he couldn't even avenge him!

"Okay! Ace is still alive, what are you crying about!

Bai Yu poured the fairy shell into his mouth and said, "It's weird in the middle of the night!" "


Karp's backhand was an iron fist of love, wiped his tears and laughed: "Can't the old man cry happily!" Besides, what's so mad! It's you stinky boy! Why didn't you tell me sooner! Do you want my husband to blame himself to death!

"Shhh! Stinky old man! You're overdoing it!

Bai Yu covered the bao dragon teeth on his head and grinned, "Didn't I have a chance to tell you!" There are many people, in case the news that Ace is still alive leaks, Uncle Sakaski's guy will definitely directly attack the whole army!

"That's what I said! Hahaha!

Karp laughed happily, stuffed all the fairy shells in his hand into his mouth, and then snatched the fairy shells in Bai Yu's hand and sent them to his mouth!

As if the guy who wiped his tears just now was not him!

Looking at the Kapu who had returned to the appearance of having no heart and no lungs, Bai Yu shook his head helplessly and smiled!

"By the way, what are you going to do next?"

Karp turned his head and said, "Warring States told me that he has already naturalized you, and now you have been promoted to brigadier general!"

Bai Yu was surprised: "Naturalized? No way! We have killed the Island of Justice before, and we have declared war with the World Government! Can they really get me into the Navy?

"Who knows what they think! Maybe it's to give the Warring States a face!

Karp looked at Bai Yu and said, "Otherwise, don't be a pirate!" How nice it is to be a navy! With your strength, although the marshal is out of drama because he was a pirate, it is more than enough to serve as a general!

"I'm not in the navy, it's just expedient now, when the appointed time comes, we'll gather again for the New World!"

Bai Yu raised his head and looked at the starry sky and said: "The reason why I am now in the navy is because in Marin Fandor

, I shot at the navy, although I didn't kill it, but I still injured many navies" "And because of the matter of advancing the city, Luffy's idiot made a big fuss about advancing the city, although those vicious guys who escaped from prison on the sixth layer have little to do with him, but they can't be ignored!"

"After all, every one of those guys who escaped is dangerous!"

"Luffy that guy, it's really bothering you!"

Karp took a bite of Xianbei and sighed: "Really, why do you have to be pirates one by one!"

"Who knows!"

Bai Yu stood up and said with a smile: "But the era of the sea thief will not end, even if someone finds that ONE PIECE, if it really wants to end, there is only one way!"

"What way?"

Karp raised his head and looked at Bai Yu!

"That's the red flag planted all over the world!"

Bai Yu turned around and smiled: "It's not early, I'm going back, otherwise my sister should worry!" Old man Karp, you also rest early, staying up late is not good for your health! "

Red flags all over the world?"

Karp got up and looked at Bai Yu's back and frowned, he didn't understand what Bai Yu meant!

When Bai Yu returned to the tavern, the Nine Lamas were introducing Marcino to where these specialties were bought and what they were for!

"Sister, I'm back!"

"Well, Bai Yu, come on, this shell is really amazing, it can even be used to heat food!"

"That's a specialty of Kujima, and there are a lot of shellfish besides this!"


Time flies quickly, and the time for parting has come!

Although Bai Yu really wanted to rest for a while, those pirates did not rest!

Every day in the four seas, there will be people who go out to sea as pirates, for that big secret treasure or their own ambition!

The Great Voyage is also chaotic, especially in the New World, which has been completely chaotic due to the influx of those supernovae!

The Navy is already busy, I heard that every day there will be a roar from Sakaski in the marshal's office!

The warship that picked up Bai Yu has arrived, it is a warship for Bai Yu, and Bai Yu now has the ability and strength to lead a ship alone!

The main thing is that if Bai Yu is allowed to wave alone, he himself does not know where the wave will go!

"Bai Yu, pay attention to safety!"

"Bai Yu, pay attention to protect yourself!"

Marcino, the village chief and the people of the village stood on the pier to bid farewell to Bai Yu!

"Hmm! I know! Take care, too! "

Bai Yu boarded the warship, the Nine Lamas and the Shouhe, and they also waved goodbye at the bow of the ship!

On the third day after Haku woke up, Morizuru and they all woke up, and Marcino loved them!

Morizuru and Brigade also love Marcino, because they are generating a lot of income for the tavern these days!

Although Bai Yu left, he left a shadow doppelganger here, so that he could protect the windmill village, protect Marcino and report Machino to safety, and she was always worried in the province!

"Let's go!"

After saying goodbye to everyone on the shore, Bai Yu turned his head to look at his adjutant!

"Yes, Brigadier General Hakuba!"

Yahn, Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Jianhao!

There are three hundred navies in the entire warship!

The warship slowly left the dock, and Bai Yu turned his head and waved his hand towards the side of the slope that protruded from the mountain!

That's Da Dan them, Da Dan also came to bid farewell to Bai Yu, but because of his identity, he can only wave goodbye to Bai Yu here!

"White feather! Protect yourself! Don't worry Marcino, and tell those two guys to be good and don't get into danger again!

"I know!"

Bai Yu waved his hand and shouted, "I'll tell them!" "

The warship headed for Shells Town first!

Bai Yu is ready to plow the East China Sea again and then leave, although Karp has ploughed several times, but it is difficult to guarantee that there will be fish that slip through the net!

And it's just right to meet acquaintances!

The navy of Shellstown, and that little girl Riga!

The mayor of Orange Town has a puppy hey!

In the village of Sirob, Usopp's rich woman Koya, she is now working hard to learn medical skills, hoping that one day when Usopp returns, she can help Usopp!

Balati, a restaurant on the sea, where Bai Yu invited all the officers and men of the ship to eat a big meal, pull in the distance, and enhance the relationship!

Uncle Jepp personally palmed the spoon, Yahn, they directly expressed five-star praise for this big meal!

The taste is so good!

It is worth mentioning that as soon as Bai Yu entered the door, he saw Yamaji's bounty order posted on the staircase pillar directly opposite the door!

It's the exact same bounty order as Dibalu before plastic surgery!

Bai Yu almost laughed!

In Kokoasi Village, Bai Yu meets Mr. Ah Jian and Nokigao, and Namina's bounty order that is magnified and hung all over the wall!

Bai Yu carried a large bag of oranges when he left, no way, Nuo Qigao was too enthusiastic!

"Whew! Well, here comes this last place! After walking here, we will directly return to the great voyage without wind! "

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