Rogue Town!

Looking at the distant Melly, Smogg looked at the man standing on the roof and asked, "Why, why are you helping Straw Hat Luffy!" Dragon!

The dragon with the green cloak smiled and said, "That's his choice!" I support him, and what reason can stop a man from sailing away!


Smog took a cigar and looked at the dragon, and the next moment the dragon's figure disappeared directly!

Smogg looked at the distant Merlie and was silent!

That guy, Straw Hat Luffy!

He must not be allowed to enter the Great Voyage!

Catch him anyway!

"Prepare the vessel! Go after the Straw Hat Kid! I'm going to the Great Route!

The navies behind Smog were stunned for a moment, and then said: "But, but Colonel, this island is under your jurisdiction Colonel, if someone from above questions..."

Smogg looked back at him and said, "Then let him come to me!"

Dusty also clenched his saber and said, "I'm going too!" Roronoa Solon! I must catch him myself! "


Seeing that the first and second leaders have decided, what else can these subordinates of them say?

Just follow along!

The sky is falling, tall on top!

The navy turned away one after another to prepare!

Only Smog and Dusty stood in place!

"That, Colonel Smogg, do you know the white feather with different pupils?"

Dusty handed the letter that White Feather handed to her to Smogg, "This is the letter he asked me to give to you, saying that he asked the colonel to pass it on to his grandfather!" His grandfather was a navy? But why should he become a pirate!

"Ah, Dusty, you asked a lot of questions! That guy!

Smog tucked Bai Yu's letter into his arms and said, "In the past, when he came to chat with General Kuzan in the main department, he met him a few times!

Dusty looked at Smog in shock and said, "Great, General!" He also knows the general!

Smogg nodded and said, "That's right, this guy of him has a good relationship with the three generals, in fact, most of the middle and senior generals in the navy are familiar with him!" "

Dusty thinks this melon is a bit of a stretch!

What kind of person is this white feather!

"How, how is it possible! Who is his grandfather?

Smog rubbed his temples and said, "His grandfather is the Marshal of the Warring States!" "

Dusty's brain is instantly overloaded!

It's all about to smoke!

"How, how is it possible! The grandson of the Marshal of the Warring States actually went to become a pirate!

"That's why I'm going to the Great Route to catch Luffy the Straw Hat!" I have a hunch that that straw hat kid is not simple!

Smog took two cigars and said, "As the grandson of the Marshal of the Warring States, Bai Yu will definitely not be a pirate even if he is not in the navy!" However, he actually got on the ship of the straw hat kid! Straw hat boy, what ability does he have to let Bai Yu on board!

Smogg remembered again at this moment, Luffy smiling on the execution table!

Must catch the straw hat kid!

Even if he chases to the ends of the earth, he can't let him go!

He is really, too similar to the One Piece King Gorre D. Roger on the execution table!

At the same time, because of that strange gust of wind, Bucky the Clown and Yarlita escaped from the navy and boarded the pirate ship hidden in the passenger ship!

Bucky the clown stood at the bow of the boat and said, "What a lucky wind just now!" We were able to escape in this way, all thanks to my daily good deeds!

"Yes, yes!"

His subordinates, as well as the cadres Kabaji and Mochi, all nodded with blue noses and swollen faces!

It looks like this is for the Navy to beat!

It's good to escape!

If you are really caught by the Navy....

That's an old sin!

Arlita looked at Bucky the Clown and asked, "Where to go next?"

Bucky the clown looked into the distance and said, "Great Voyage! "

The Great Route?"

Bucky the Clown nodded, "Yes, this is a good opportunity!" I'm going to compete with stinky rubber! Just rush in like that! Rush into a great nostalgic route! "

The Merry went up and down in the wind and waves!

The Meili looks so small in the vast sea!

"Haha! It's like the ship is about to be overturned?

Luffy laughed heartlessly!

"Luffy, you wait, I'll beat you up sooner or later!"

Bai Yu was lying on the deck, and the Nine Lamas were hammering his waist!

Just now, Luffy directly scolded Bai Yu first, and almost gave Bai Yu a protruding disc around his waist!

"Look at that light!"

At this time, Nami smiled at the bright light on the lighthouse of the island in the distance!

Holding the mast, Usopp turned his head to look in the direction of Nami's finger and said, "Is it the lighthouse on the island?"

Nami nodded and said, "It's the light of guidance!" The entrance to the Great Passage is at the end of that light!

Luffy clutched his straw hat and looked into the distance, "Is the Great Passage right ahead?"

"Well, so what's going to be done?"

"Of course it's forward!"

Luffy stood at the bow of the boat and smiled with his hands raised!

Everyone smiled!

Sanji suggested, "Well, to celebrate our ship about to enter the legendary sea, let's have a launching ceremony!"


"Come on!"

Sanji put his feet on a wooden barrel and said, "I'M HERE TO FIND ALL, BIUE!"

Luffy also learned Sanji to put his feet on his feet and said, "I'm here to become One Piece!"

Solon held the three knives at his waist and said, "I want to become the number one swordsman in the world!"

Nami smiled and said, "I'm here to map the world!"

Usopp clenched his fists and said, "I'm here to become a brave sea warrior!"

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other and said in unison: "We want to be travelers who enjoy the beautiful scenery and eat all the food!" Everyone

looked at each other!

Luffy shouted, "Let's go!" Go to the Great Route! "Good


In the storm, the Merry witnessed this scene!

White Feather No. 1 took a picture of everyone and disappeared directly!

Bai Yu smiled while holding the electronic watch!

The real journey has just begun!

The Meili broke through the rough waves, and Yang Qifan headed for the great voyage!


It has been two days since I left Rogue Town, and these two days have been calm, slowly moving towards the great voyage!

Bai Yu is exercising and practicing ninjutsu every day, and as for the Nine Lamas, just lie on your stomach and bask in the sun!

It doesn't need to cultivate, as long as it stays there, it can slowly recover its strength!

Bai Yu thinks about his partner while exercising, the system is easy!

In the past, because there was Xiao Yi, learning a ninjutsu or something, it was all fool-like operation, and I only needed to slap my hands and shout what to do!

The Chakra in the body has Xiaoyi to help control the output, and now it is necessary to seal the seal to control the Chakra!

Before the strength of the body was also easy to get a variety of potions to enhance physical fitness, although it was also exercised, but the intensity was not so great!

However, Bai Yu felt that in fact, it was still good for his strength to slowly improve on his own!

At least after Xiao Yi is well, it will be smoother and smoother when it is coordinated!

Luffy sat in his exclusive seat and turned to look at Nami, "Nami, hasn't the Great Voyage arrived yet?"

Nami looked at the chart and turned her head and said, "We just set off from Rogue Town two days ago!" It won't be a few days before you arrive, you're waiting a few days!

Luffy smiled and nodded, "Okay! "

Usopp is looking around with a telescope from the observation deck of the mast!

Sanji leaned against the railing on the foredeck and said, "The weather is so nice, that storm is like a dream!" Bai

Yu didn't say that the storm may have been done by the guy who was suspected to have slippers prints on his face, in order to send Luffy and the whole group to escape from Rogue Town!

Solon, Solon was sitting next to him on the deck leaning against the railing and sleeping huffing!

Bai Yu found that since Solon came on board, he was not only bloody, but also a sleeping god!

Even if you recharge your strength, you don't have to do this!

At this moment, Usopp noticed a special situation and said, "Hey! A large flock of birds spotted in the starboard direction!

Luffy turned to look at Usopp and asked, "A flock of birds?" Bai

Yu stopped exercising and looked over there, sure enough, there was a flock of birds, but what were they doing?

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