Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked back and forth curiously at the creatures lying on the ground!

"This is a dinosaur bird, right?"

In the cave, a creature with green feathers, claws, and a head that resembles a dinosaur is resting on the ground!

Looks like he's old, and he looks weak!

Bai Yu took many photos of it!

The Nine Lamas ran out and came back with a bunch of fruits, handing one to Bai Yu!

"Well, this fruit tastes good! Where to pick it, give me another one! After

Bai Yu ate the fruit, he reached out and wanted one, and the Nine Lamas held the fruit to avoid Bai Yu's hand, staring at Bai Yu for a while and then breathed a sigh of relief!

Bai Yu looked at the Nine Lamas, and then at the fruit that had been eaten by himself!

"You don't know this fruit! You..."

"Of course I don't know! But looking at your appearance, it should be non-toxic! Then I'm relieved! "

The Nine Lamas picked up a fruit and gnawed it!

Bai Yu silently clenched his fists and said, "Nine Lamas! You TMD don't know this fruit! I don't know if it's poisonous or not, just give me food!

The Ninth Lama spat out the kernel and said, "Although I don't know it, I don't know if it's poisonous, but seeing that you are still alive, then it must be fine!"

"I really am!"

At this moment, the creature suspected of being a dinosaur bird opened its eyes, and then looked at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas vigilantly!

"The Nine Lamas turn on telepathy and explain! Don't scare it!

Bai Yu looked at this guy and said, "Too old, don't be scared to death by the two of us!" "


The Nine Lamas nodded and then communicated with the creature!

Telepathy, can be turned on at any time, can also be turned off at any time, not only can communicate with tailed beasts, but also with some intelligent creatures who do not understand the language!

"It turns out that your name is the Millennium Dragon! I thought it was a dinosaur bird! Bai

Yu leaned against the wall and ate the fruit, and the Nine Lamas pushed a large part of the fruit in front of the Millennium Dragon, and then leaned against the wall with Bai Yu!

In the cave, one person, one beast and a thousand-year-old dragon gnawed the fruit harmoniously and communicated with each other!

Gradually, Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas gained the trust of the Millennium Dragon, and also found that this guy seemed to have some senile dementia!

From the mouth of the thousand-year-old dragon who called himself Long Ye, he knew that he was separated from the ethnic group and had no partner for so many years, but fortunately, a little girl has been taking care of it recently!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other, that little girl couldn't be Abbis!

Long Ye looked at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas and said that his life is now coming to an end, and he wants to return to the dragon's den!

It's a pity that I can't remember where the dragon's den is now!

While chatting about the sky, suddenly there was a shout from outside the cave!

"Long Ye! I am back! "

When Abis dragged a big bag in, she saw Long Ye and Bai Yu, and the Nine Lamas were chatting while nibbling on fruits!

"Long Ye! How are you! Bai Yu, Nine Lamas, why are you here!

"Don't worry, we have no malice, and we chatted well with Long Ye!"

Bai Yu stretched out and said, "I competed with the Nine Lamas to climb the mountain, and I accidentally found this place!" In other words, Apis, you are a Devil Fruit powerhouse! Looking

at the harmonious scene of Bai Yu and them eating fruits together, and Long Ye telling her that Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas are good people and have no malice, Abis completely relieved!

"Well, I eat the fruit of whispering, I can understand the animals, and it is because of this that I found Long Ye!"

"So that's the case, I said how did you know there would be a strong wind, it was the seagull who told you!"

Abis nodded and said, "Well, by the way, I brought Grandpa Bogudan's pork buns, Master Long, you haven't eaten enough, eat some together!"

"The pork buns are already ready! We still plan to go back to eat, but we didn't expect to chat with Long Ye for so long!

Bai Yu grabbed a bun and stuffed it into his mouth: "Apis, you haven't eaten either, you also eat some, Long Ye, we just ate a lot of fruit, these buns are enough!" "


Abis picked up a bun and looked at Long Ye while eating: "Long Ye, I haven't found a clue in that place, but I will work hard and will definitely find it!"

The Ninth Lama's mouth was full of buns: "Abis, even if you find it, with Long Ye's current physical condition, I'm afraid you won't be able to fly, how do you send Long Ye over?"

Albis lowered her head and said, "I, I will try to find a way!" At

this moment, Luffy and Nami, who followed Abis, also came to the cave!

Luffy came straight over and asked, "Apis, who are you talking to!"

"Luffy, you're so presumptuous! Ay!!! Nami

followed behind Luffy, and when she came in and saw the thousand-year-old dragon Dragon Master, the two of them opened their mouths in shock!

Luffy was shocked with excitement!

Nami was horrified and shocked!

After all, the thousand-year-old dragon physique is a bit big!

Upon seeing Luffy, the Nine Lamas quickly stuffed his own bun into his mouth!

"Shock! But fear not, there is no danger!

Bai Yu handed the pork bun to Nami and said, "I met the Nine Lamas when we climbed the mountain and talked with him for a long time!" Nami

took the bun and stuffed it numbly into her mouth!

"Unexpectedly, this legendary creature actually existed! Bai Yu, can you still communicate with it?

"Well, ordinary intelligent creatures can!"

Luffy excitedly came to Long Ye's side, looked back and forth curiously, and finally held Long Ye's big mouth and said, "It's so great!" Where are you from?

Long Ye opened his eyes and looked at Luffy!

Luffy sat cross-legged in front of Long Ye and said, "So, it turns out that you want to go back to your hometown!" Abis

looked at Luffy and Long Ye, she didn't expect that in addition to Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas, Long Ye was also willing to make friends with Luffy!

And at a glance, you can see that Luffy is a good person!

Abis looked at Luffy and asked, "Luffy, how do you know Long Ye's wish?"

Luffy touched his head and said, "I feel it!"

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other, and sure enough, Luffy's intuition was terrifying!

What a perverted talent this is!

"Luffy is amazing!"

Nami finished eating the bun and said, "Then how did you find Long Ye Abis!" "

Albis leans on Ryuye's side and tells Luffy and Nami her and Ryuye's story!

Abis looked at Long Ye and said, "So, I've been looking for the Lost Island where the Dragon's Den is located!"

Nami looked at Abis and said, "Didn't the Lost Island sink a long time ago?"

Abis shook her head and said, "Long Ye said that the island will still float!" It says it's almost time to float up! But Long Ye said that he couldn't remember the location himself, and because he was too old, he lost the ability to fly! But it really wants to go back, and I also want to help Long Ye and send it back!

"But legend alone couldn't find that location, so I asked the navy who just came here, but I didn't expect that they were looking for the keel!"

Nami frowned, "Dragon bone? Does it mean the one that is immortal? It turns out that they caught you for that kind of thing!

Abis nodded and said, "They took me and asked me to explain things clearly, and I made a necklace into the dragon armor that Long Ye gave me, probably because of this, they found out!"

Nami said angrily, "These navy ones are true! What a mess!

"Not only messing around, but also stupid!"

Bai Yu rubbed his temples and said, "Still immortal?" I want to eat peaches! If it is really immortal, is Long Ye still like this? Not only can't fly, but also a little senile dementia!

Abis continued: "In order not to implicate others, I didn't tell anyone, not even Grandpa Bogudan!" But I really want to send Long Ye back to his hometown!"

"Long Ye said that as long as he returns to his hometown, he will be able to recover his spirits, so no matter how long it takes, I must help Long Ye find it!"

After Luffy listened, he looked at Long Ye and Abis and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll take it back!"

Nami looked at Luffy and said, "Wait a minute, Luffy!" It is said that the lost island has sunk into the sea!

Luffy turned to look at Nami and said, "But even the legendary thousand-year-old dragon is true, and the Lost Island must be somewhere!" Bai

Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other and sighed, as expected!

Luffy does things, that's it!

Do what you want!

As for how to do it, let's talk about it when you do it!

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