Seeing this guy who almost wrote arrogance on his face, the proprietress quickly took out a wine bottle and filled it for him.

"Ah, that guy is Berumeber!"

Although Bai Yu did not hear the news about Solon and Monka, he did not hear the news of this product, and he was a young man!

Berumeber shook his glass and looked at the liquor in the glass and said, "By the way, this time is really boring, so I decided to execute Solon tomorrow, everyone look forward to it!"

Bai Yu frowned, just about to beckon Luffy to come over and cook, but saw Luffy sprint at a speed of 100 meters, and punched Belumeber in the face and directly knocked him over!

Although I don't know why Luffy made a move, Bai Yu must have believed Luffy, stood up decisively, and went up to Berumeber who fell to the ground!

Yellow-haired boy with a chin in the ass, Lao Tzu has put up with you for a long time!

So pretended!


Berumeber huddled in the corner, covering his face and stomach.

Bai Yu and Luffy wanted to continue beating him, but were stopped by Kebi.

"Mr. Luffy, Mr. White Feather, you have to calm down!"

The two navies who followed him hurriedly stepped forward to check on his situation, only to see this cargo covering his face and shedding tears in pain, looking at Luffy and Bai Yu and shouting: "You, you dare to hit me!" I'm the son of Colonel Monka!

"So what! You guy is personal scum!

"It seems that I kicked these few feet correctly!"

Belumeber covered his face and looked at Bai Yu and Luffy, "I'm going to tell my dad and let him execute you!"

"Just let the horses come!"

"Execute us?"

Saying that, Luffy was about to go up and beat Berumeber again, and Bai Yu also rubbed his wrist, ready to operate on Berumeber's face!

"Aaaaah! Mr. Luffy, Mr. White Feather, calm down! Do you want to be enemies of the Navy?

Kebi quickly took Luffy and Bai Yu's hands.

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Hey, Kebi, do you want to listen to what you are saying!" Me and Luffy, but pirates!

"I decided, White Feather, that I'm going to make Solon our partner!"

"Haha, it seems that this guy named Solon is not bad!"

Berumeber looked at Bai Yu and Luffy in shock and said, "You guys, you are pirates!"

"Quick, go, take me to my father!"

Berumeber rushed out of the restaurant with a roll, and the two navies behind him glanced at Luffy and White Feather, and also turned and ran towards the naval base.

"Bai Yu, let's go, follow me to save our partner!"

"Okay, by the way, lady, please leave this table for us, if you have food, we are preparing a table, wait for us to pick up our partners, come back and eat!"

Bai Yu stretched his waist and said, "Luffy, tell me about Solon, what kind of person is he?"

"Sauron, he's a good man!"


Naval base, execution ground.

Bai Yu sat on the wall, looking at the man wearing a green turban, his eyes full of sharpness, and the man with a waist seal around his waist was smacked by the guy who was tied to the cross and exposed to the sun.

"I haven't eaten or drunk for more than twenty days, what a horrible guy! But it has its own alternative tenderness! Hahaha, it seems that Luffy's vision is really good!

Luffy came to Solon and invited him directly to the opening, but Solon decisively refused!

Bai Yu thought that he seemed to need to go out on his own and impress him with his mouth cannon, but he didn't expect that Luffy, a hot-blooded idiot with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also do a routine!

Unexpectedly ready to use Solon's knife to seduce, bah, is to invite Solon to join.

"Ah, if you want a knife, you have to be my companion!"

"You're so bad-hearted, bastard!"

Solon looked at the idiot in front of him and desperately wanted to give him a knife.

"Are you guys going to break into the naval base? Wait, idiot, you ran backwards! The naval base is over there! "

Ah, wait for me, rubber—rocket~!"

Solon looked at Luffy's figure rushing towards the naval base, turned his head to look at Bai Yu, who was sitting on the wall and laughing, "Hey, what the hell is that guy?" You too, why are your eyes different? And you are together, aren't you worried about him?

White Feather jumped off the wall and came to Solon, "Luffy's words don't worry about him, he's a rubber man who eats rubber fruit." I, on the other hand, am a ninja, and as for the different eye color, that's because my eyes are like this!

"What two weird guys! Hey, you don't think I'll agree to join you!

"You're a nice person, Luffy likes it too, and you'll definitely join us!" I just heard you talk to Luffy, you said you have to live no matter what, to do what you want to do, right?

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Well, Solon, you don't want to die before you finish what you want to do!"

Solon frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"Before I came, I heard that Belumeber say that I would execute you tomorrow!"


"Because this Luffy beat up Berumeber before he came!" Hahaha! "

That guy

..." "So..." Before

Bai Yu finished speaking, Kebi also climbed over the wall and ran directly to Solon to untie the rope.

"Mr. Solon, run away! What Mr. Shiraha said is true! Berumeber didn't intend to keep your promise in the first place!

Solon looked at the little fat man with pink hair and said, "Hey, if you let me go, you'll be killed!"

"I can't stand the behavior of these navies!" I, want to be a righteous navy! Now the only ones who can save you are Mr. Luffy and Mr. Shiraha! And they need your help!

"I said, you stop me and let Bai Yu untie me, so you'll be fine!"


Kirby scratched his head, indeed!

Isn't it much faster for Mr. Shiraha to break the rope than I am to slowly untie it here!

"That's it! Because you have committed rebellion, I will execute you on the spot!" At

this moment, a tall strong man with a disabled right hand but a big axe came over with a group of navies.

"Pirates, pirate hunters, are you going to spread wild on my territory together to carry out a coup d'état?"

"Huh, who do you think you are? Engage in a coup? Do you think you are a dictator?

When Bai Yu heard this, he directly looked at Monka angrily and said, "You are also worthy of being a navy!" As a navy, you actually exploit and oppress civilians, you don't deserve to wear this outfit! Bai

Yu put down the sealing scroll he was carrying, and two red words "Justice" were written on the back of the imperial god robe!

"Mr. Shiraha!"

"Bai Yu, you guy!"

Solon didn't understand why White Feather, who was a pirate, had the word "justice" embroidered on his clothes.

"Kebi, you remember for me, not all pirates are villains, and not all navies are righteous! I hope that you will be firm in your heart in the future and be a righteous navy!

"Abominable bastard, what are you talking about! Shoot me and kill him! With

a wave of his axe, Monka raised his gun and aimed at the navy and shot at White Feather and Solon!

Kirby closed his eyes in fear!

"Yes, dead!"

Solon's eyes widened unwillingly!

"Abominable! I can't die here yet!

"Don't worry! Can't die! I

saw Bai Yu standing in front of the two people, his hands quickly sealed, and he slapped him on the ground!

"Tudun—Tuliu Wall!"

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