"Flew out! Hahaha! Come on! Go straight!

Luffy sat in his exclusive seat and covered his straw hat and laughed happily!

Usopp sighed with tears in his eyes: "Even the sea has split!" Is this the power of the Elbaf warriors! Dongli

and Brocky looked at the huge goldfish slowly sinking to the bottom and the distant Melly and laughed: "Go straight ahead!" Friend! "

On the Meili, Bai Yu is flipping through the information to see the harvest in the small garden, Sanji is processing dinosaur meat, and the Nine Lamas are fishing with Karu ducks!

Usopp and Luffy dance happily with their arms around their shoulders!

Solon starts exercising at the stern!

Swing this giant dumbbell and practice your strength!

The events in the small garden made Solon begin to have a sense of crisis!

The enemies you encounter in the future will get stronger and stronger!

You have to get stronger!

"The two of them really have spirit!"

Nami looked at the noisy Usopp and Luffy and shook her head and smiled!

Nami touched her forehead and felt a little uncomfortable, just now the focus was on the giant goldfish, and now she came back to her senses, feeling a little weak and tired!

"I seem to be a little tired from the tossing just now! Vivi, can you help me look at the pointer? Vivi

took the permanent pointer in Nami's hand pointing to Alabastan and looked at it stunned!

Nami looked at Vivi and said with a smile: "Now I can finally go to Alabastan!" Hope the road is all the best! There will be no accidents!

Vivi nodded and looked at Luffy and said, "With everyone here, no, I will definitely be able to return to Alabastan!" Stop the riots and save my country!

"Don't worry! Sure!

After Yamaji processed the dinosaur meat, he made some snacks for Vivi and Nami, and coffee and black tea were also prepared for the drinks!

Seeing that there was food, Usopp, Luffy, and the Nine Lamas Karu Duck all came together!

"It looks delicious!"

"Oh! Delicious!

"And no! I want it too!

"You're all in the kitchen!"

As soon as Sanji finished speaking, Luffy Nine Lamas had already rushed to the kitchen!

Sweat beaded from Nami's forehead, panting, and she felt that her vision was so blurry!

"Weiwei, I'm a little tired, I need to go back to the room to rest first!"

Wei Wei nodded and said, "Well, leave it to me, you go back to the room and have a good rest!" Sail to me to watch! Nami

slowly got up, but she couldn't hold on anymore and fell on the deck!

Vivi quickly checked Nami's situation, and then called everyone over!

"What's wrong? Vivi! Did something happen? "

Vivi! Nami what happened to her?

"Nami has a high fever!"

Everyone hurriedly sent Nami back to the room!

Originally, the task of looking at the direction of the pointer was given to Solon, and the Nine Lamas followed uneasily, but fortunately the Nine Lamas followed!

Solon this guy just makes sure that the ship is in a straight line, and the pointer doesn't look at it!

If it weren't for the presence of the Nine Lamas, the direction would have been unknown!

As a white feather who knows more things than those idiots left, he checks Nami's situation!

"It's not like a high fever!"

Bai Yu frowned, if it was because of a cold, the cold and fever would definitely not be so serious!

Yamaji took a cigarette and looked at Bai Yu nervously, "White Feather! What the hell is going on with Miss Nami? Will it die!

"Don't talk! I'm still watching!

Bai Yu opened her eyes and carefully observed Nami's body!


Not a fever!

It's like being infected with some kind of virus!

The immune system has gone crazy!

Look at this situation, either this unknown virus Gaga or Namega!

Wei Wei looked at the weak Nami and asked, "Bai Yu, do any of you know medical skills?"

Luffy, they pointed at Nami, then paused, and then pointed at Hakuba!

"Trouble, not a common cold, it's caused by another unknown virus! And it has already infected most of Nami's body!

Bai Yu wiped the sweat on his head and said, "I can use Chakra to remove the virus, but what was removed along with the virus was Nami's own resistance!" I can only find a way to stabilize Nami's current situation! You still need to find a doctor quickly!

Luffy looked at the weak Nami and said, "Although I don't understand, if you eat more meat, you should recover quickly!" Yamaji!

Sanji nodded and said, "I'll go and make some food for Miss Nami for the patient, but this can only play an auxiliary role, we still need to find a doctor!" Speaking of which, during normal sailing, I spend a hundred times more time on Miss Nami and Vivi's food than when I cook it for you! "

Fresh meat and vegetables, perfect nutritional pairing! The food that is about to break is for you to eat!

"With me, the daily nutrition mix is absolutely fine!" But if it is the patient's food, it needs to be divided into many categories, Bai Yu, do you know the current situation of Miss Nami, what nutrition does she need to supplement?

Bai Yu and Vivi wiped Nami's sweat and said, "Sugars and vitamins and the like, Nami needs energy in her body now!" "

The immune system in Nami's body has gone crazy!

What Bai Yu can do is stabilize the current situation!

Build walls in places that haven't been infected by the virus!

Boost your immune system where the virus is infected!

Although White Feather can kill them all with Chakra!

But in this way, Nami's body's immune system has problems, and it is not far from Ga!

Luffy looked at the weak Nami and asked, "Hakuha, will Nami get better?"

"Yes, but be sure to find a doctor!"

Bai Yu looked at everyone: "This is a life-threatening virus!" Although I can help Nami stabilize the current situation, it must not be delayed for too long! Otherwise, Nami would really die!


"Miss Nami is in danger!"

"Go to the doctor! I want to save Nami! "

Sanji, Luffy, and Usop Karu are running around in the cabin in panic!

"Nope! In my drawer there is a newspaper, it is about Alabastan!

Nami slowly opened her eyes, and Bai Yu helped her get up!

Vivi took out the newspaper and saw that her hands couldn't stop trembling!

The army of 300,000 kings has defected!

The Alabastan King Army, which originally had a numerical advantage, instantly reversed the situation by two levels!

"The riots in Alabastan are about to break out completely! We, we can't afford to lose time! Bai Yu, can you help me? Just hold out until Alabastan and find a doctor! We must send Vivi back as soon as possible!

"What stupid thing are you talking about! Even if you can make it, a doctor will not be able to save you by then!

Bai Yu looked at Nami and said, "Your physical condition is constantly declining, I can only help you delay it!" You have to find a doctor as soon as possible!

Wei Wei put down the newspaper and looked at everyone: "If this continues, the war will break out soon!" I have to hurry back to Alabastan!

Vivi looked up at Luffy and said, "I want to go back quickly!" So, we are going to the island with doctors at once, cured Nami, we are going to Alabastan! This is the fastest way for me to get back to Alabastan!

Luffy covered his straw hat and smiled, "That's right!

Usopp touched his head and said, "Is it really okay?" As a princess, you should be worried about the million people!


Vivi nodded and said, "That's why we must make Nami get better as soon as possible!"

Nami looked at Vivi and said weakly, "I'm sorry! Vivi!

Vivi helped Nami lie down again and said, "Don't force it, Nami!" You need to get better quickly! "

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