"Yo, Choba! It seems that you read it right! It's really going to be on fire!

Kuleiha came to Bai Yu with a wine bottle!

Choiba hides behind Kureha... Actually Choiba dodged back!

"Are you Dr. Kuleiha?"

"Me? Boy, do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth? "


Bai Yu touched the Yin Seal mark on his head and said, "No, my partner needs treatment, she is infected with an unknown virus, this virus is tricky!" Need your help!

"Boy, do you know medical skills?"

"No, I just know some simple knowledge! So please help us! Nine Lamas, come out! "

The golden flame dispersed, and the Nine Lamas came out of Bai Yu's body, but they still protected Nami and prevented her from being blown by the cold wind!

"What a funny little ghost!"

Kureha looked at the Nine Lamas and then turned around, "Bring her in!" "

The Nine Lamas and Choiba looked at each other!

"You..." "

You..." "You

can talk!"

Bai Yu looked curiously at the talking reindeer named Choba, while Kureha looked curiously at the talking nine-tailed fox called the Nine Lamas!

"Okay, you guys want to talk later! Bring that little girl in first! In

the room, Nami was lying on the bed sweating profusely, and her face was red from fever!

"Boy, I haven't asked what your name is!"

"My name is Bai Yu!"

Kureha said while examining Nami: "When did she start having a fever?"

Bai Yu looked at Nami on the bed and said, "Probably after we left the small garden!" By the way, it was back then that the little garden was an island of dinosaurs! "

Primeval Island!"

Kuleiha turned to look at Qioba and said, "Qioba, how is it?" Know what the reason is?

Qioba looked at the instrument in his hand and reacted: "It's Caschia!"

"That's right! It's Caschia!

"Then this patient will be handed over to you!"

Bai Yu looked at Nami, who had finally determined the cause and was healed, and finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"That's wonderful! Thank you Dr Kuleiha and Dr Choiba! Thank you so much!

"Dr. Choba? Dislike! I don't need human thanks! No matter how much you praise me, I won't be happy! Looking

at Qiao Ba, who said hatred in his mouth, but his body couldn't help twisting up, Bai Yu smiled!

This guy is a little cute!

The Nine Lamas glanced at Bai Yu!

While grinding the herbs, Qioba glanced at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas from time to time!

"Dr. Choba, say whatever you want!"

"No, no!"

Qiao Ba accelerated the grinding of the herbs and said, "That, don't you think it's strange?" A talking reindeer standing and walking? Aren't you afraid?

The Nine Lamas hugged his paws and said, "Why be afraid? Afraid of you what?

"I'm one, monster!"

"Cut! That's it! Who isn't a monster yet! My Nine Lamas are the strongest tailed beasts!

Bai Yu pulled down his sunglasses and looked at Qiao Ba and said, "Well, in fact, if I look at it from the eyes of a normal person, I am also a monster!" "

Aaaaah! Ahhhh Qiao

Ba looked at Bai Yu's eyes and instantly opened his mouth!

"Are you sick with this? I'll go find the medical book!

"Hahaha! No more trouble!

Bai Yu patted Qiao Ba's shoulder and said, "My eyes are like this!" In fact, monsters don't care about anything! Qioba, you ate the devil fruit! "


"In fact, what makes people feel scared and scared is the unknown, and the monster happens to be an unknown name! So Choba, the guys who call you monsters just don't understand you! Although I just met, I know that you are a very good and responsible doctor!

Qioba looked at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas without speaking, just turned around, wiped his eyes, and then continued to grind the herbs!

"How is this herb a little spicy today!"

Kuleiha looked at Bai Yu behind them with a wine bottle and smiled!

"That, I have polished this medicine! Wait a while when her fever subsides, I'll come again, I, I'll go out for a stroll first! "

Choiba jumped off the chair and ran out!

The Nine Lamas glanced at Bai Yu, and then followed behind Qioba!

"Dr. Kureha, Choiba said this because many people used to say he was a monster!"

Kuleiha took a sip of wine and said, "Yes! After all, everyone doesn't know this child, or dare not approach this child!

Bai Yu sat on the chair next to Nami's bed and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter, just be yourself, why always care about the eyes of others!" What if monsters are not monsters? He's a very qualified doctor!

Kuleiha also smiled and nodded: "Yes! After all, I gave him all my medical skills! Choiba he really..." "

Doctor Doryl! Here are the wounded!

"White feathers! Come and help! Luffy and Sanji are about to hang! "


I make up!

What happened!


When Qioba went out from the house to say a walk, tears just went out and suddenly flowed!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas are the few people who not only are not afraid of themselves, but also chat with themselves when they meet for the first time!

When others saw themselves for the first time, they either turned their heads and shouted for the monster to escape, or pulled out their weapons and threatened to stay away!

Qioba wiped his tears that were about to freeze, walked towards the outside of the castle, and said that if he wanted to go out for a while, he would have to wander for a while!

As a result, as soon as I came to the open space in front of the castle, I saw a thinly dressed guy climbing up with an unconscious person!

Both were injured!

The guy who climbed up awake with his partner was severely frostbitten, and he didn't care about his body, but shouted to Choiba with all his strength: "He, he is my companion!" At

this time, the Nine Lamas who came with him also saw these two guys who were seriously injured!

"Luffy! Yamaji!

"Nine, Nine Lamas!"

"Nami has already been treated, it will be fine!"

"Well, that's good, Yama, Yamaji!"

"I know!"

The Ninth Lama turned his head to look at the stunned Qioba and shouted, "Doctor Qioba, please save these two guys!" We are companions!

"Oh! Good! I'm coming! "

Qioba hurriedly ran over to check the status of Sanji!

And then one dragged one back to the castle!


When Bai Yu helped Kureha and Choiba deal with Sanji and Luffy's injuries, he finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"These two guys are actually quite badly injured!"

After Qioba wiped the sweat for Kuleiha, he wiped the sweat for himself and said, "Don't worry!" They will be fine! "


Bai Yu nodded and said, "I believe in the medical skills of Dr. Kuleiha and Dr. Qioba!"

"Hahaha, you guy, no matter how much you praise me, I won't care!"

Qioba began to twist his body again uncontrollably!

After settling Luffy and Sanji, Hakuba returns to Nami's bed!

Sanji and Luffy's injuries look scary, but with Qioba there, plus the physique of these two goods, it's absolutely fine!

It's Nami here, and she needs to take good care of it!

After all, the little bug that bites Nami is a caschia bug that has been extinct in the outside world for more than a hundred years!

But luckily, there are doctors and medicines that can be treated!

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