DC Knight

Vol 5 Chapter 151: From the dark night!

In the deep sea, after suppressing Corvin, the King of Death took his own army of the Black Lantern Corps towards the Atlantis country, and also conveyed his news of Corvin’s repression to the universe at this time. Black hand. At this time, the black hand who died and resurrected is also leading his own part of the black lamp corpse to the cosmic sector with the cosmic sector code 0. There is the sector he needs to confirm the most because it is right. The green light legion base camp where Black Light is most capable of killing, Oa Star.

Even if the space jump through the wormhole, when the black hand rushed to the Oa Star base camp where the Green Light Legion is located, the battle has long been settled. The bodies of members of the Green Lantern Corps are all floating. The black hand didn't care, and the black light corpse behind him would naturally help him turn these green light policemen who were committed to protecting the universe into a member of his army.

The black hand landed directly on Oa Star, and flew straight towards Oa Star’s central parliament hall. The flight all the way, and saw the members of the Green Lantern Corps sleeping on Oa Star, as he flew These soldiers buried in the cemetery of the Green Light Legion of Eurasian Star also climbed out of their graves and transformed into black lamp corpses craving blood and flesh under the transformation of the black lamp ring. As for the black hand, it stopped in front of the central battery, which had been dyed black and dedicated to provide energy for the Green Light Corps' will light ring. After a sneer, it slowly fell in the Central Assembly Hall.

At this time, in the Central Assembly Hall, a unilateral massacre is under way, belonging to the Black Hand camp, and the scars of the betrayal of the guardian of the universe are being carried out against these former companions, or, the companions of the new 52 universe era massacre. With the black light ring blessing, the scar-face combat power of its own strength is almost the same as that of the universe guardians. This floor allows the scar face to unilaterally suppress and slaughter these universe guardians.

As the black hand fell, there were only three guardians of the universe remaining in the central parliament hall. Only half of the adult’s height was covered with blood. The clothes that once represented the guardian of the universe were already covered. Blood stained. But even so, they did not flinch, perhaps in the way they handled things, because they stripped their emotions and put themselves in an absolutely sensible biological state of high latitude, which made them do many things that ordinary people cannot understand. It also made a lot of big mistakes.

But at least in the face of the universe crisis, they are worthy of the name of the guardian of the universe, even if there are only three remaining, they are still fighting there with the scar face, regardless of the final outcome.

"I knew there were people behind you! Come on, the last fight!"

The three unnamed, the remaining guardians of the universe gave a roar when they saw the black hand slowly descend in the air like a winner, and the three originally distributed glyphs also carried out at this time. Dispersed formation. The two flew towards the scar face in front of them regardless of everything, and the other landed toward the sky, but rushed over there with the black hand that was watching.

Ok? Blackhand, who didn't understand what was happening, just looked at the guardian of the universe in front of him, and rushed towards himself with a calm face, so plain that the blackhand felt that this guy was coming to be sincere. However, three white lights bloomed in the chests of these three cosmic guardians, with endless light and heat rising up a huge mushroom cloud on the already dim Eurasian star.

The power of tyranny overshadowed the black hand in his horrified eyes, destroying the central parliament hall for decision-making and the mountain where the hall is located for the first time, and then centered on the central council hall, the violent shock wave began Spreading rapidly towards Oa Star, destroying everything along the way. Both the objects and the black lamp corpses were completely destroyed in the suicide attacks of the three surviving guardians of the universe, together with the black lamp ring they wore on the hands, all dissipated in this explosion.

On this huge Eurasian star, the soaring mushroom cloud covers almost one sixth of the planet, washing away all darkness and uncleanness on the surface. The black lamp corpses still in the space field above Eurasian star also saw the dazzling white light on the planet’s surface, and they were extremely uncomfortable with the light. They withdrew for hundreds of miles at once, just in space, Startled staring at the final sound of the guardian of the Eurasian universe.

The dazzling white light and the soaring mushroom cloud on Eurasian star lasted for half an hour before slowly dissipating, but the black lamp corpses had not been relieved from this dazzling explosion, and still stopped there. The black light ring worn in the hand is telling them in some way, don't come close, you will die!

However, this is of no use, because they are not self-conscious dead persons. They are just puppets. As puppets, there is only the doomed fate. A suction came from the area where Eurasian Star exploded. Even if they were extremely reluctant, they were also led by the black light under the suction of this suction and flew towards the place where Oa Star exploded. And in the central parliament hall of Ou Axing, the center of the explosion, it has already been razed to the ground by the suicide attacks of the three cosmic guardians.

From the central parliament hall to the rest of the planet, the horizon is endless. No matter what once existed here, the ocean or the forest no longer exists, except for the central battery that powers the Green Light Corps. Still standing there, although it has been contaminated into darkness. But it is still the most prominent symbol of Eurasian Star, standing there, like a watchman, watching all this.

In space, the black lamp corpses pulled by the black lamp ring in their hands also condense towards the central parliament hall, and during the flight, the body begins to decompose, turning into a mass of quintessence of energy gathering on the site of the explosion. Started to reconstruct a body on the ground, and on the ground, a broken blue arm came out of the ground and reappeared on the ground with a broken body. It was in this suicide explosion of the guardian of the universe Surviving betrayal guardian, scared face.

It’s just that she doesn’t look much better at this time. Some of the energy of the black lamp corpse is also divided into herself to help repair her residual body. Within a few minutes, it will return to the previous light and light appearance. . On the other side, it was a black hand that was incapable of blundering and dying again. Although he was already a dead person in essence, a dead person could not die for a second time, but he did not want to come back in this way of death. Once!

Reconstructing the black hand from the body, looking at the scar face in front of him, his expression was directly twisted, but he could only vent this anger to the universe guardian who had been turned into ashes. To be precise, it was the incompetent rage against the earth.

"Damn it! It's going to die! But it's useful to play this set! Ha! Damn bastard, do you know how much energy would be wasted on me like this! Ah!"

The angry black hand vented his anger indiscriminately, the black light ring in his hand released a beam of light there, and the surrounding surface was destroyed twice, while the scar face closed his hands in his sleeves and looked at the black hand blankly. The incompetent anger, even if it was hit by a splash of rubble, had no expression. After the black hand vented the anger in his heart, he began to laugh nervously.

"What's the use of this fate, as long as I'm still there, as long as the great black light still exists, you just exist in another way, rest assured, I will keep your consciousness, I want you to watch yourself guard The cosmic creatures are crying in your hands. Ah, almost forgot, you stripped your emotions, but it’s okay, come back to me from the guardian of the universe from Oa Star!"

Holding the black light ring high in his hand, a dozen black light rings were differentiated from it circling on the surface after the explosion. However, this time the black hand did not achieve the purpose he wanted. These dozen black light rings were only in the black hand After a few weeks of hovering aimlessly above his head, he lost his motivation and fell to the ground. The crisp and sweet voice seemed to mock the black hand.

"They are the guardians of the universe, the high-level creatures stripped of emotions, and the black lamp cannot resurrect such creatures, and their suicide attacks also wiped themselves out of this universe. It can be said that that accompanied the birth of the universe. The oldest group of creatures, the guardians of the universe, can be here to declare out of print."

Seeing the black hand playing all this like a clown, Scarface said lightly, so that the expression of some proud blackhand was twisted again. He wanted to get angry at Scarface directly, but looked at her ancient well. The black face is not in the heart. How many times the chest fluctuated, and the pressure of the flames went down, and then asked Scarface: "So, are all the Green Lantern Corps and the guardians of the universe here?"

He glanced at the black lamp corpse that was blasted by the guardian of the universe and he rebuilt his body and cut half of it. The black hand looked at the scarred face and waited for her answer.

"The guardians of the universe are only Ganser and Said. As for the Green Lanterns, because these guardians intervene halfway, one-sixth of the Green Lanterns escaped, but the problem is not as big as their source of combat power. The central lantern has been polluted by me, without the will light ring, their role is almost zero."

For what happened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Scarface disdain to lie, tell Blackhand about one hundred fifty one, for such a result, Blackhand can also accept, or he did not expect Scarface to do this To the extent, in his imagination, the most is to greatly reduce the strength of the Green Lantern Corps, so that they can not cooperate with other Lantern Ring Corps in the next night. However, as now, most of the Green Lantern Corps was directly extinguished, the light ring of the will they relied on to fight was abolished, and all the guardians of the universe who slaughtered were slaughtered, although it is a pity that they cannot use it for themselves.

"Hahaha, good, a group of remnants are defeated, no need to control, let's go, we should go to the next stop."


"No, the Earth has its own Black Light Justice League. They will solve it. What we are going to is a bigger place. We are going to take what we want!"

With that said, the black light ring in his hand opened a wormhole again, covering the black hand with a scarred face and disappearing on Oa Star. And those remnant black lamp corpses also started to move towards the earth, preparing to cooperate with the black lamp justice alliance lurking on the earth, and set off a black lamp night belonging to them!

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