DC Knight

Vol 5 Chapter 153: Paradise Island (2)

As the superman turned into a stone statue landed on the ground, Wonder Woman and Batman also fell into a passive state, because the snake-haired banshee of the snake-tailed body had already eased from the shock bomb that Batman had just thrown. The head of the poisonous snake was spitting the snake letter, and just now Superman wiped his body with a full range of hot eyes, and only the black lamp corpses with the black lamp ring were derived from the black lamp ring again, watching Lin Batman and Wonder Woman in the game rushed in a scream.

Then, after Wonder Woman Diana came back to consciousness, she found that she was already in the prison cell on Paradise Island, which was specially used to detain the opponents of the gods. For the Wonder Woman with the demigod blood, it is Tianke. Through the electric light that just turned on, Diana can see that there are no major problems with her other two companions. Even the superman who was turned into a stone statue by the snake-haired banshee is now restored to its original flesh and blood.

But because Kryptonite still has no resistance to magic, Superman is worse than himself. All kinds of situations are telling Wonder Woman that this is a conspiracy against the three of them. Now the three are still alive, more It is because the person who dominates everything wants to use them to do something. Standing from the ground, looking at the silent prison, Wonder Woman did not take it lightly, and shouted directly there: "Come out, it took so much energy to catch us, don't you just want to admire us for making a beast fight? Looks like, you have to say that you are really funny."

The full voice reverberates in the dungeon, and Wonder Woman also concentrates, paying attention to the movement in the dungeon.

However, she didn't wait for the prisoner's response to her. Only the sound of a chain moving on the ground gradually approached her. And Diana, who was preoccupied with fighting preparations, also looked in the direction of the sound. Before Diana could see the direction of the sound, the prison door suddenly opened. The figure was also thrown directly in front of Diana through the open prison door.

The sudden change made Diana alert, but when she saw who the figure was thrown into her prison, she panicked because it was thrown into her prison and her limbs were tied. The figure of the iron chain is his mother, Hippolyte! As the queen of Paradise Island, raise your own grown up mother! At this time, she climbed up with a few coughs, and looked at Diana's direction with her **** eyes. A bleak smile appeared.

"Diana, you shouldn't be back."

"No! Mother, why is this! Who did it! The other sisters!" Looking at her mother like this, Diana felt even more angry. She didn't understand why she should treat her mother, her country, etc. like this. Ruthless, if your mother has become this look, then the group of Amazon female warriors who grew up with themselves and watched them grow up are also fierce.

"Don't ask this question, I don't know how many people are still alive, maybe this is the so-called punishment, Diana, why are you coming back, this is not where you should come back."

Hippolyte directly avoided Diana's problems and refused to disclose everything about her blindness, but just blindly said there to let Diana leave. This attitude made Diana completely ashamed, which was far from the mother who taught herself to be brave, fearless, and wise, which was not like what she should say.

"What the **** are you talking about, mother, our sister was slaughtered, our home was occupied, but you told me to leave, I am already here, where can I go, what the **** happened, mother!"

Regarding Diana's question, the queen of Paradise Island avoided it, leaving Diana helpless.

"Because this is the secret I told you before I came, Diana, there are some things, you are completely in the dark, everyone on Paradise Island is weaving a lie for you, which is why Paradise Island will be slaughtered. s reason."

A heavy voice echoed in this underground palace and was imprisoned on the other side. Batman who recovered from the coma also made a noise at this time. Only by saying a few words, Batman restored the truth about Paradise Island.

"Batman? My daughter kept telling me that you are the greatest detective in the world, how much do you know." After hearing something like Batman, Queen Hippolyte, who did not answer Diana's question directly, also asked back Road.


"From when I learned, I was curious."

"From the moment I knew that there were only women on Paradise Island, I had a guess, and the babies I met with Diana just now explained everything."

Hearing Batman saying this, Hippolyte also showed a desperate smile, **** tears were flowing in his **** eyes, and I wondered who he was crying for, for himself, for those dead Amazon women warriors, or for those still Babies killed by themselves and others without opening their eyes to see the world, or all three.

"So, what exactly did Paradise Island hide about me, Bruce!" Leaning on the prison side and looking at Batman, who was integrated with the darkness, Diana also shouted his name directly.

"Do you really want to know, Diana, this will destroy everything you once described to us as Paradise Island."

"But I need to know the truth, I am talking about everything!"

Looking at Batman diagonally across from himself, Diana stared straight into his eyes. Perhaps as Batman said, the previous generation concealed everything from himself, but he grew up on Paradise Island and became a hero. Since you are a hero, you should understand the history of your hometown, no matter how dark this history is!

"Well, since your mother doesn’t plan to tell you, let me tell you, I said just now, when you tell me your hometown, that is, there are only women on Paradise Island, they are powerful Amazons The female warrior, a warrior born to fight for the gods, is made of clay by the gods, as long as the gods are still alive, you will not die old. And you are your mother and the **** in the Greek mythology The combination of King Zeus, the only girl born on Paradise Island, right?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

Diana looked at Batman and knew that he was asking him to do psychological construction and guidance for himself. He wanted to let him know the truth through guidance, rather than being told by Batman, but what happened , Diana has given up thinking. She just wanted to know the truth, a truth about why her sister was to be slaughtered in her hometown.

"Yes, there is no problem. The Amazonian female warrior on Paradise Island will not die naturally because of the protection of the gods. It is a very good ability. But in thousands of years and even tens of thousands of years, legends about gods in human history There are very few, and you have also entered the world with the gods out of the human stage, but you will still train yourself to help the gods to get rid of the monsters left on the earth, then the problem is coming, the war will kill people, I think Over the past 10,000 years, there have been many soldiers who died on Paradise Island."

"Yes, we also have a special cemetery to commemorate those soldiers who have passed away, but this can explain nothing."

"Don't you understand it yet, Diana, if the gods no longer intervene in human affairs, so many years, so many Amazon women warriors have died in battle, as a paradise island to fight the gods, how to add such a Critical force? I'm right, Queen Hippolyte."

A rhetorical question and guidance also completely opened Diana's thinking. In this part, Diana is no longer the little girl who is immersed in the mythology woven by her mother. Her experience in the human world made her more aware of the so-called conspiracy and tricks, as well as some of the darkest places in her heart. Such an experience allowed her to think of the remaining truth through the directions directed by Batman.

"So, in order to replenish the new army, we open the barrier and plunder the population every once in a while?" Diana, who took over the self-righteous truth from Batman's head, turned to look at her mother, not knowing what to say. .

"It would be good if it was just like this, I think, this strategy was adopted at the beginning of Paradise Island, but this has the biggest problem. The ancient population is not as full as it is now. Large-scale plundering of the population is undoubtedly killing chickens and eggs, and There will be exposure and the possibility of conflict with the country. Those girls who have been looted cannot accept this arrangement so simply, so Paradise Island has adopted another approach."

Speaking of which, Batman also stopped talking and looked at Diana, who was already looking at him. He didn't know if he should continue. How to say that he is now in a definite relationship with Diana and he has to take care of himself Her mentality. However, Diana's lips were trembling, and her lowered hands were tightened and loosened so many times, and then she continued: "Go on, I need to know everything!"

"So, Paradise Island chose to leave the island and bring back the sailors at sea, using it directly as a conception machine to make the female warrior on Paradise Island pregnant, thus giving birth to offspring, which can solve the problem of replenishing the new army and at the same time The most thorough brainwashing of these naturally born offspring."

"Then the sailors who existed as stallions were killed after they didn't use value, right, what about the babies born, why guarantee that these babies born are girls..."

When it comes to this, Diana is afraid to ask any more, because she already knows the answer. But she wanted to get a different one from Batman, an answer that would allow her conscience to survive a little, even if it was a good lie.

"I think ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You should know the answer. Diana, those babies are the best explanation. They are all sins committed by Paradise Island."

After Batman debunked this cruel truth, Diana stood there staggering, unable to stand firm. She had never thought of the paradise island that she was proud of, but the land under her feet was full of sins, named paradise island, but writing hell.

As a member of the Black Lantern Justice League, Ia Song, who arranged all the plots, also appeared in the underground palace at this moment, and gave his own laughter to the wonder woman Diana who was almost defeated by this cruel truth.

"Hahaha, that's it. Have you never thought that the so-called Paradise Island is an illusion from the beginning, thinking that you can hide the sky, but I can tell you that all the gifts given by fate have marked the price from the beginning, It’s just that I didn’t find the time to collect your bills. Tell me about myself, my name is Jason Prince, your brother, my sister~"

With a pale smile, dressed in linen, the innocent teenager face with black eyes, watching the three Justice League and the Queen of Paradise Island being held in prison at this time.

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