DC Knight

Vol 5 Chapter 218: 7 lights gathered!

Universe Sector 0, the Green Light Corps base camp, Ou Axing, five minutes before Ke Wen became the first blue light Lantern in this plausible new 52 universe. This green light army base camp was destroyed when the black hand was lifted to the prelude of the black night. At this moment, another planet is approaching at a fast speed. This planet is named Mogo, a life planet with self-will, and the green light army volume The biggest member is that this green light sign has entered a state of flickering and flickering with the erosion of the central battery located on Oa Star by black lights.

Because the central battery of the Green Lantern Corps headquarters was eroded by the power of the black lamp, the planet Green Lantern Mogo, who could not get enough energy to supplement it, fell into a dormant state after the last segment of the cosmic voyage and stopped over the green light Corps headquarters Oa Star . The planet Mogo without the blessing of the light ring can't exert its combat power corresponding to its own volume, and can only temporarily serve as a base camp to provide a temporary refuge for the surviving Green Lanterns.

And on this planet Mogo, there are more than the Green Lantern who survived before. At this time, on the peak of the planet Mogo, the cosmic guardian who was previously expelled from Eurasian star, Ganser and the Side soldiers were divided into two ways, allied with other people of the Light Ring Corps in the entire universe, after continuous battles And negotiations, finally gathered six light ring legions in addition to the blue light in the world.

They are the Yellow Lights Senisto Legion representing fear, and the Red Light Legion representing anger. Their leader is Atositas, a humanoid alien race, and a number 666 that was slaughtered because of the mistake of the guardian of the universe. The survivor of the universe sector is opposed to the guardian of the universe; the purple lamp star blue stone army representing love, according to the normal development of the universe, should be based on Hal Jordan’s girlfriend, Carlo Ferris as this army The Queen, but now Hal Jordan has just picked up his lunch box after proposing to his girlfriend.

As a result, the queen who was supposed to be the Star Blue Stone Legion did not have the kind of hegemony, and behind the female guardian of the universe, Side, vaguely headed it. Then there is the one-man legion, representing the greedy Orange Lantern Corps. The leader is La Fritz, and it is also a humanoid alien life, just like the orange lamp. Have a greedy desire that can never be filled, and want to take all the light commandments as their own, including black lights.

And in the end, the indigo lamp representing pity, also known as the blue lamp tribe, the leader is called the blue girl, a female alien with the same appearance as humans, and also bald, the remaining green light led by the guardian of the universe Ganser Legion. The six legions gathered in the life planet Mogo to discuss how to face the event of the night until the black night caused by the black hand who became the black death emperor. During the continuous alliance, the six legions were black. The attack of the Lantern Army each paid a painful price. The power of the Black Lantern made the six legions temporarily put down their prejudices and gathered together.

It was just that during the initial attack of the Black Lantern Army, the six legions without help were basically disabled. Even if they were gathered together at this time, even the members of the first tie legion combined could reach 3600 people. The number of 3600 people is just the number of the Green Lantern Corps officially as the Lantern. Such a defeated soldier, going to fight against the unpredictable black light army on the earth, is basically equivalent to finding death, not to mention only six lights. The blue light is still unowned. .

"Huh, Ganser, that's what you can do? Follow you in the universe for half a circle, just like a few people, the blue light hasn't landed yet, just like that, let's face the gang of undead, yes I’m stupid or you’re stupid, not to mention, who can beat the Green Light Legion now, the energy in your ring is estimated to be enough for you to buy a one-way ticket to the earth."

Senisto, who was once a member of the Green Lantern Corps, was also taunting, thinking that he was the king with his team, and in the end, it was all bronze. This lineup configuration is not as powerful as it was in the ancient times of six lights and black lights. While mocking Ganser, Senisto was also a bit pessimistic about the future that might occur, turned his head, and looked at this time hanging in Carol ·The green light ring on Ferris' neck was the light ring of his only friend Hal Jordan, and his eyes softened.

[I didn’t expect that we would meet again in this way. It’s really ironic, Hal,] With such an idea, Senisto was floating, and he was about to leave.

"Where are you going, Senisto?" Carol, behind Guardian Side, looked at the guy with the most complicated relationship with his fiancé about to leave, and couldn't help asking.

"Earth, although there is no hope of winning this battle, at the very least, I will not stay here and wait for the death to come. I will go to the earth to fight with the **** who masters the black light. Even if I die, I am worthy of it. My name is Senisto. You, Carol, are you still here to discuss guidelines with these unrealistic guys, Hal’s only ring is in your hands, do you want him to be buried in the universe, or return Go home?"

Hearing this, Carol looked down at the green light ring hanging around his neck. This was Hal's only relic. As Sainisto said, if you want to die, at least you have to go back to Earth with Hal and die together, but then again, my fiance and I will die on earth, what's the matter with you aliens, how, Did you die with my fiance too? !

Carol, who inexplicably found the blind spot for a moment, looked back at Side, the cosmic guardian who taught himself how to use purple lights. Without thinking too much, and following the lift-off, Senisto has built a wormhole with a yellow light, ready to go and enter the earth at any time. As the two members representing the yellow lamp and the purple lamp changed, the six-lamp alliance, which was temporarily assembled, also began to have signs of division.

Aside, the leader of the orange lantern, La Fritz, raised his hand, and the light ring in his hand showed the orange lamp undead. He absorbed the life killed by himself into the orange lamp as a member of his army. At the instant of instantiation, he flew towards the blue light suspended in Ganser's hand, attempting to seize it, but the old-style universe guardian gently smashed his sleeve and crushed the orange light undead, watching The orange light talker who attacked himself frowned slightly.

"Do you want to go to war, La Fritz?"

"Oh, since you can’t find the blue light selector, it’s better to hand it to me. I am the greedy orange light. I have a position in the blue light that is hard to fill. Give me your light ring. Me!"

It is an extremely greedy life in itself. If it is not because of the difficulty of the black lamp army, Lafriz will not suppress his desire to cooperate with these goals he wants to capture. But now, the alliance is fragile, and La Fritz does not want to suppress his desires. He just turns his face and prepares for infighting.

For a time, the planet Mogo, colorful lights lit up, stalemate with each other, as the strongest green light army in the light ring army, it was protected by the guardians Ganther and Side, there was not enough green light energy, they were in This infighting is just the audience, there is no right to speak. If you continue like this, before the Black Light Army attacks, the Light Ring Corps, once on the deterrent side of the universe, will be destroyed in the Infighting Force.

In such an atmosphere of daggers, originally suspended in Ganser's hand, the blue light ring that had not been moving had a fierce light, attracting everyone's attention to the past.

"Ganse?" Said, the same guardian of the universe, asked directly.

"It's not me, it's the blue light ring's autonomous response. It found the person selected!"

As soon as the words fell, the blue light ring suspended in Ganser's hand flew out of his hand, with a dazzling light, directly breaking through the blockade of the leader of the orange light La Fritz. The dazzling blue light formed a blue phoenix in the air, a phoenix with three faces, opened the cosmic wormhole directly in the void, and slammed into the wormhole, the wormhole disappeared, and the blue light in the hand of Ganther just now. The absent disappearance of the ring just disappeared, causing the Six Lamp Corps to fall into a state of brutality.

Because they didn't understand this wave of blue light ring operation, you can find the person you selected and we can understand it, but what kind of operation are you going to close the door by the way? ! At this time, we still have this unthinkable.

"Just now, what's that, if my eyes aren't flowered, it's a phoenix, or a phoenix with three faces," Carol rubbed her eyes for the first time in this scene, and some couldn't believe it happened The reality in front of you.

"Yes, that is the Phoenix. To be precise, it is the guardian light beast that every light ring will have. Each light ring legion has a head, and its name is Yao Shihuang. I did not expect it to appear in this way. "" As a veteran user of the light ring, Senisto knew better and looked down at Ganser, who was also in the state of the Mongolian circle. Then he said, "Do you know where Ganser is?"

Before Ganser answered, a calm voice rang from the mountain, "Earth, it will only go to the earth, because the one who responds to its hope is on the earth," everyone looked at the direction from which the sound came, gray The dimensional wall emerged on the mountain peak, and Menshishi’s six-step shaking relatives stepped out of it, watching the six-lamp corps gathered on the planet Mogo, and said slowly.

"and who are you?"

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider. I don't need you to remember it. I'm here, I just want to talk to the people of the Lantern Corps."

"What do you want to say?" After the blue light ring flew away from his hand, the guardian of the universe Ganther floated in the air, and came to the doormen, the calm calm Ganser from beginning to end, and the man in front of him. There was a puzzled expression in front of him, because he could not see through this man who looked like a human but not a human.

"The seven lights are here, it's time to support the earth and summon the light of life."

Standing there, the Men Shishi waved his hand, zoomed in on the dimension wall behind him, and invited all the people of the Light Ring Corps. However, Ganser did not expect that Menshi actually knew the secrets between the Legion of Lights. This should be a secret known only to the guardians of the universe, but at this moment, Ganser had no room for rejection and thinking, just like Menshi It is said that the blue light has found the selected person, so the title of the Seven Lights Legion should be worthy of the name.

Thinking of this, Ganser turned around and looked at the other people of the Light Ring Corps at this time, saying, "Everyone, as he said, the time has come, it's time to go, and the leaders of the Light Ring Corps are in trouble. The light ring in your hands."

Although the leader of the Lamp Ring Corps headed by Senisto was puzzled, his understanding of Ganser made him slowly stretch out the yellow lamp ring in his hand, and other leaders of the Lamp Ring Corps also followed. Only Carlo of the Purple Light glanced at the star blue stone army without movement, and then stretched out his hand. And another female cosmic guardian, Side, also followed the sky and glanced at Ganser. The light belonging to the leaders of the various light ring legions radiated from them and was connected to the light ring of the leader of the light ring legion.

Soon, a new light ring was copied on the ring of the four leaders of the light ring legion, and as the leader of the connected light ring legion, you can feel this new light ring and yourself The light ring in hand has some kind of intimate connection. Before they questioned them, the four copied rings flew towards the dimension wall behind the gate warriors, and did not enter them, and came to the earth.

"This is the ability of every initial light ring. It can copy a light ring of the same class in an emergency and find the wearer to use it for 24 hours. Now it is an emergency. I can’t guarantee this time. How great is the power of the dark night, so it is better to double the strength."

"Oh, old guy, there are a lot of secrets hidden, but you forgot, Haer, who should be the leader of the green light, is dead! The central battery has also been eroded by the black light. The remaining members of the legion, the lights in their hands can do it. It’s a good fart, or are you going to be the leader of the green light, ha, Ganser!"

For Ganser's explanation, Senisto couldn't help but fire, because in the seven lights, there is no position of his friend Hal, is this seven lights still the complete seven lights? Others wanted to be the leader of this green light, he Senisto was the first to refuse.

"Ha, Senisto, my old friend, I never expected you to care about me so much, I'll sleep in the ring for so long~"

Let Senisto and Carol's unexpected sound rang from the light ring on Carol's neck, and wide-eyed Senisto looked at the green light ring on Carol's neck. This one belongs only to his friend Hal. The green light ring that Jordan could only wear, at this time also glowed a dazzling green light, illuminating Carol, and also illuminating the red face of Senisto. At the same time, the remaining members of the Green Lanterns looked at the sky, and they were also familiar with the master of the voice, which was the voice of the late Green Lantern, the Green Lantern's greatest Lantern, Hal Jordan.


"It's me, but we'll talk about it later, now, I have to get out of this ring first," the green light ring hanging on Carol's neck was detached from her, and the voice belonging to Hal Jordan also came from the light ring It came out, "You guys of the Green Lantern Corps, yes, I am Hal Jordan. I know what you are thinking. The central battery has been eroded. We have lost our most proud power, but don’t forget, Before we became Green Lantern, we were people with strong will. It was not the Lantern Ring that made us, but the Lantern Ring that we made. Now, take an oath and recollect the original intention of our joining the Green Lantern Corps. Our oath of the Green Lantern Corps!"

Hal's voice reverberates on the life planet Mogo, as if infectious. It generally reactivates the emotions of the remaining Green Light Legion, including the planet Mogo, which has lost its power at this time, and the sudden growth of plants around it is also its response.

The remaining members of the Green Lantern Corps raised their hands, and the oath belonging to their Green Lantern Corps also sounded on this life planet.

The day is long,

Dark night,

Demons and monsters,

Nowhere to hide,

The gangster rapes the party,

Fear of my divine light,

The green light is steady,

Eternal light!

As these remaining members of the Green Lantern Corps reread their oaths, recalling their original intention to join the Green Lantern Corps, they burst out with infinite power of will. The life planet Mogo also radiates a strong vitality. The green light rising from the ground hit the sky, and this green light ring with the sound of Hal Jordan was gathered into a beam and flew from the planet Mogo.

An arc was drawn in the sky and injected under the planet Mogo, standing on the star of Eurasian, eroded by the power of the black light in the central battery. The appearance that was originally eroded by the power of the black light slowly receded, reappearing its own light. At the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the central lamp furnace of this central battery, a green shark with two fins flew out, and along the projected track, the huge body directly drilled into the Hal The light is ringing.

There is also a green light ring copied from the Hal light ring as a carrier, and it also flew into the dimension wall opened by the Men Yashi. At the same time, Hal's light ring shines dazzlingly, and the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, who was originally determined to die, is resurrected!

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