Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter eat noodles

"Yo, it's so big that I'm still afraid of pain, it's a shame~"

Li Mu's tone matched that expression, just like when he said "Ai Xi, your aunt's towel has fallen off".

Ai Xi suddenly had the urge to kick her, but Li Mu's reaction was much more sensitive than she seemed on the surface. She immediately reached out and held Ai Xi's slender ankle, "Don't move, rub the medicine!"

Fair and impartial without any selfish comments, Ai Xi's feet are really pretty, fair and delicate, giving people a very delicate feeling, Li Mu is not a foot control, but he couldn't help but take a few more glances to rub the medicine name.

"This...will it leave a scar?"

After all, Ai Xi was a little worried when she saw that the back of her feet was red.

Li Mu raised his head and answered "yes" seriously, then circled the area of ​​the burn with his fingers, "This whole piece will..."

Ai Xi's face was solemn, with a "what should I do?" expression, which was a bit too stinky, and even if there were scars, it wouldn't make her face pale. . .

Li Mu continued to lower his head to apply the scalding medicine for her, then clapped his hands, got up and said, "I lied to you... You are not serious, and your face turns white with fright."

"You..." It wasn't because of burns, but because Ai Xi didn't explain to her, she wanted to politely say "thank you", but Li Mu...

"You don't need to thank me, who told me to be kind-hearted and starved to death."

Sure enough, there is no need to be polite to this person.


Because the sound came from her stomach, Ai Xi could hear it very clearly. She subconsciously covered her stomach, "Gu..."

This time, even Li Mu heard it. As a foodie, she knew what this sound meant. Every time around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, her stomach would send out this kind of signal. Therefore, Li Mu said that she could not eat in the office. Disgusted.

Ai Xi felt that she couldn't stay in the living room any longer. She felt a colicky pain in her lower abdomen. She bent over to support the sofa with her hands, and her face became more and more ugly.

Li Mu stood in front of her and noticed her strangeness. It stands to reason that a slight burn would not be exaggerated to such an extent, "Are you uncomfortable?"


"Your aunt is here?" Women know women better than ever. As soon as he entered the door today, Li Mu felt that Ai Xi was abnormal, and his temper was outrageous today.

No wonder Hu Xiaowan said that when Ai Xi came to her aunt, she had a very good temper, and she was not lying.

It hurt so much that Ai Xi didn't even have the strength to speak out loud, and Li Mu had the illusion that she was very gentle today. .

"Gu..." For the third time, Ai Xi didn't understand why she was always embarrassing in front of Li Mu. . .

"You didn't eat at night? If you don't dislike it, I..."

To be honest, people are very easily moved when they are fragile, and Ai Xi was just a little bit moved by Li Mu. According to normal people's thinking, shouldn't it mean that if you don't dislike it, I will do something for you? food?

But how could Li Mu be considered a normal person? !

Li Mu stroked his hair and said seriously: "...If you don't dislike it, I still have half a bowl of instant noodles left, let's eat it for you."

Originally, her stomach was deflated. When Ai Xi heard Li Mu's words, her stomach throbbed with anger. She gritted her teeth and said three words: "I... dislike it."

Li Mu held her hands, she overestimated Ai Xi's humor value, too, looking at her always stern face, this kind of person... Maybe she has a sense of humor? It was the first time that Li Mu had been reprimanded by others after he had lived for so long. Ai Xi's eyes just now were as if she had said something outrageous...

"Ai Xi..." Li Mu stopped her, "That... I'm joking, I'll cook noodles for you?"

"no need."

In the kitchen, the sound of water rushing, Li Mu rolled up her sleeves and washed the leaves of the green vegetables. She wondered if she had the trembling M attribute. Just now, Ai Xi clearly rejected her so "coldly", why can't she bear it now? , open fire, boil water, below, what about fried eggs? ? ?

In just a few minutes, a bowl of vegetable and egg noodles came out of the pot. Although it looked shabby, it was at least healthier than instant noodles. Li Mu didn't send Ai Xi with braised beef noodles, and he was somewhat conscientious.

After finishing the plate, Li Mu felt a little disgusted. She didn't like to eat plain noodles herself. But when she opened the refrigerator, it was empty, and that was the only thing left, no matter the taste, it was still okay to pamper your stomach.

"Come out for something to eat?" Li Mu knocked on the door, "If you don't come out, then I'll go in?"

It turned out to be the master bedroom, which was much more spacious than his own nest. Ai Xi's room was very simple, but it looked strangely empty. This was the first time Li Mu had entered Ai Xi's room.

Ai Xi was leaning against the bed and holding a thick cowhide book while reading, "I said no, and it's rude of you to come in like this."

Please, I cooked the noodles, do you still want me to ask you to go out to eat? "I got something to eat, you can eat whatever you want... That's it..."

"No, eat it yourself."

"I've eaten, eat something, your stomach will feel better, I know it's uncomfortable to be hungry~"

Ai Xi turned the page again, "Don't bother."

Even if you cook for you in person at night, you don't appreciate it, Li Mu is annoying, and even Hu Xiaowan will be "grateful" when she encounters such a good thing, Ai Xi, are you hard-hearted?

"It's not that I'm bothered..." It's only when you're full that you're bothering you. Maybe tonight you're really full, and that's why you're so concerned about you. Li Mu took the book in her hand, with a subordinate flattering face to his superior, and said, "Lord Director, then you can think that I am trying to please you~"

Ai Xi quietly watched her perform alone, and then said, "I have always been clear about public and private... But, you are begging me like this, then I will give you some face."

Dignity, Li Mu felt that his dignity was being trampled on.

Although they are all very simple ingredients, it can be seen from the plate that Li Mu is very attentive. Xu was hungry, just like this bowl of plain noodles, Ai Xi also had a big appetite, the most important thing was the warmth, the warm noodles really made her feel a lot more comfortable.

Li Mu was sitting across from Ai Xi drinking yogurt, glancing at her from time to time. Ai Xi could really pretend, she was so hungry and ate slowly, maintaining her ladylike image.

This bowl of noodles was not too much, and Ai Xi ate it cleanly. After the last bite of noodles, she really... really wanted a mouthful of soup. . .

Since Li Mu was sitting across from her, Ai Xi dismissed the idea.

"It's delicious, right?" Li Mu asked Ai Xi narcissistically while biting the straw. He probed into the bowl and looked at it. My dear, there was not even a single chopped green onion left, this is the best proof that it was delicious!

Ai Xi put down her chopsticks and took a sip of warm water.

It's just improvised and it's so clean. If it tastes good, you can't eat all the porcelain bowls? Li Mu didn't puncture her if he gave her some face, but at this time, he had to say "thank you" anyway, right?

Li Mu was still waiting for Ai Xi to say thank you, Ai Xi just pushed the bowl in front of Li Mu...

"Washed the dishes, I don't like to leave dirty dishes for the next day."

This evokes people, really has the demeanor of a famous lady, Li Mu is sad: born to be the body of a maidservant, the life of a maidservant.

At 9:00am, Li Mu appeared at the entrance of the office of the planning department on time. The office was dead, and everyone present was full of melancholy.

Li Mu walked to her workstation, turned on the computer, and after seeing the chat records in the group, she also joined the melancholy army.

How can the project of Zhengyang Group be said to be yellow? Li Mu looked at the mobile phone calendar, and it was more than ten days since April Fool's Day, and it didn't seem like a joke by everyone's expressions.

Li Mu still couldn't help but want to ask, so he typed a sentence on the screen: Isn't this project already signed, and it's a done deal?

After working so hard for so long, seeing that the achievement is about to be delivered, and now the duck with its mouth is flying, who can not be melancholy?

The pure old Zhao replied: It is said that there was an obvious flaw in the data, and the partner took a professional attitude and clamored to break the contract.

But soon, these eight characters have a stroke.

The author has something to say: I showed off my coquettishness yesterday, and I received a lot of flowers, happy~~

The good habit of spreading flowers must continue to be maintained~~

Indicates that the skin is thin, and specially used [cooked noodles] instead of [below].

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