Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter intimate

"Ai...hehe..." Li Mu was proud of it for only three seconds, "Aah...what are you hurts..."

Ai Xi leaned forward a little, her arms were slender and slender, and she easily pinched Li Mu's left cheek across the dining table. It was very hard. She had wanted to do this for a long time. How could someone look so mean? Li Mu's face was simply written: I just need to clean up.

The power of the thumb and forefinger combined is really not to be underestimated, Li Mu screamed in pain, Ai Xi's hand strength is not ordinary, "It hurts... you let go... if you don't let go, I will... I will lick you. !"

"I licked it..." Ten people couldn't stop Li Mu playing a hooligan. She stuck out her tongue and squinted at Ai Xi's hand on her face, and was about to lick it.

"You!" Seeing Li Mu's tongue almost licking her own finger, Ai Xi quickly retracted her hand. Although she didn't lick it, she still took out a tissue to wipe her hands. "Since you like cooking so much, you will be responsible for breakfast and dinner in the future, and I will transfer the money to your account..."

The place that Ai Xi had pinched had turned from white to red. Li Mu turned on the front camera of the mobile phone to observe from all angles, and felt that the left and right faces seemed a little asymmetrical. She covered her face and rubbed it, and asked aggrievedly, "Why? !"

"Well, then you move out, just today." Ai Xi continued to eat sliced ​​bread, and then casually said that she wanted to see Li Mu's fried hair, and her mood became inexplicably happy.

"Ai Xi!" Li Mu lived up to her expectations and was blown away. She didn't count it, but this was at least the fifth time Ai Xi had let her go. Her dignity was not to be trampled on by others. It's not reasonable to say, " your name written on this property certificate?!"


"Then why are you..."

"It's my friend's."

Li Mu was suddenly at a loss for words, and his head turned fast, but he couldn't really provoke Ai Xi. If she really chased people out today, where would she live? Or ride a donkey to find a horse, see if you can find a suitable house quickly, and move out as soon as possible.

"Then you..." Li Mu thought she could bend and stretch herself, she smiled: "Then you must not dislike my poor cooking... Hehe..."

On April 29, 2016, Li Mu officially became Ai Xi's cook, and as soon as she did it, she wanted to be a cook for the rest of her life.

Seeing that it was May 1st, the day of May 11th was the day when wages were paid, and when he thought that he could say goodbye to millet porridge, Li Mu was also in a good mood.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes...

"I still work overtime on May Day!"

"Is it easy to take a vacation!"


As soon as the news was announced, the planning department was full of complaints. Except for Li Mu, because Li Mu was short of money, she could not go anywhere except at home during the three-day vacation. It is better to convert labor into capital in the company. How high is the overtime pay on May Day? ~

It is still a joint project of Zhengyang Group. The other party suddenly has to catch up with the schedule and temporarily add a few more activities. This will take a vacation, and the entire planning department is caught off guard. These several event planning plans are overwhelmed, and it is estimated that they will play all night. .

This is overtime, this is fatal.

In the evening, everyone only had a cup of coffee in the tea room, ate two biscuits and continued to work. Director Zhao said that this kind of thing is common in AG. After all, the treatment is good. You must know that many company employees eat grass and milk milk. The AG was fed high-grade feed, and they were not allowed to express a few more buckets of milk on each person.

So we all milked together... no, we worked overtime together until eleven o'clock at night.

"Director Ai said to let everyone get off work, we are here today, everyone has worked hard." Ai Xi's secretary, Xiao Wang, shouted from the door of the office, and hurriedly sent materials upstairs.

"Aren't you going, Xiaomu?"

"There's a little more, just two minutes." Li Mu is a bit obsessive-compulsive, and she might not be able to sleep tonight if she doesn't finish it.

Due to the temporary rush of the project, there were problems with several suppliers. Ai Xi was also busy until the evening, only to realize that she hadn't eaten all day today.

Li Mu originally thought it would be done in five minutes, but he didn't expect that it took half an hour in the end, stretched out, and left.

When the elevator descended to the tenth floor, it stopped. Ai Xi did not expect that there were still people in the company.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Li Muzhen went in with his head drooping. Today was also a tiring day, and he still hadn't eaten enough. He just secretly ate two chocolate bars while hiding at the workstation.

The two looked at each other and stood at the elevator corner, one left and one right. Ai Xi was pressing the underground garage on the minus three floors, and Li Mu consciously pressed the floor ①.

The phone rang, and Li Mu thought it was his...

"Mom, it's so late and I haven't slept yet." Ai Xi's voice was weak.

"Xixi, do you break up, then break up! I just found out, you told your mother if Xiaowei bullied you, and you have to get married..."


Ai Xi's voice suddenly became higher, which startled Li Mu.

"Mom, can we talk about this another day? It's very late today."

"Is there anything I can't tell Mom?! Don't you worry about me?! Xixi, what happened?"

From childhood to adulthood, Ai Xi has been developing according to the trajectory prescribed by her parents, from her studies to love. She broke up with her first love because she couldn't pass her parents' test. Later, when she was with Gao Wei, who was "a perfect match", everyone was satisfied, except for Herself.

Ai Xi chose to come to City A to develop, but also to avoid people she didn't want to meet, and to avoid some problems she didn't want to face. She has never stood on the opposite side of her parents, but this time... they all said that getting married is the happiest moment in a woman's life, but if she married Gao Wei, she could not feel happy.

As for the relationship, Ai Xi doesn't want to let it go.

"I am very busy and tired today, I will explain this matter another day, that's all!"

Does this tone speak to your mother? Li Mu was speechless, if she had such an attitude, she would have been ripped off by her mother!

Dizzy and a little dark in front of her eyes, Ai Xi felt a little unsteady under her feet, and immediately supported the elevator wall with her hands.

Ai Xi bent over to pick it up, staggering...

"Are you alright?" Li Mu walked over a few steps and got closer to Ai Xi. He didn't help her at first, but after seeing the other person staggering, Li Mu still extended his "hand of friendship".

Help Ai Xi to stand firm. Li Mu has heard Director Ai's glorious deeds. Today, she almost fainted at the event venue during the day. She took out the only remaining chocolate bar from her bag. How much courage can I give to Ai Xi, Li Mu was starving himself, "Here, let's eat something."

"Don't..." Ai Xi refused.

"You can't stand still..." Li Mu tore open the packaging bag and handed it to Ai Xi. Someone so old can't take care of himself at all.

"Don't eat..." Ai Xi shook her head and gave Li Mu a jaw-dropping answer: "The calories are too high."


"You're starving and I can't carry it back!" Li Mu put the chocolate bar directly to her mouth, rarely domineering, "Hurry up... Do you want me to feed you!"

No matter how terrible the calories were, Ai Xi gave in, because she really had no strength, and she would slowly reduce the increased calories later. She took the chocolate bar from Li Mu and took a small bite.

Ding, the first floor is here.

Li Mu struggled for a while, but did not go out, and pressed the close button again.

"Look at me, if you eat my food, I can't take your ride... Rich people are so stingy!"

The author has something to say: Although Xiaomu is cheap, he is still a good person. He will be a wife-guarding madman in the future, and he is not an ordinary loyal dog.

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Today, Coriander opened a new pit. If you are interested, you can pre-receive it. The content is probably (please click the column for details):

After the rebirth of a hapless concubine

Inspirational to change destiny and become a winner in life

But the reality is just to marry into the Hou Mansion as a concubine

Then inexplicably, she was pushed onto the bed by Mrs.


"Notes on the Daily Life of a Concubine"

"The Madam Wants To Get Me To Bed Every Day"

"Sister, where do you put your hand! 》

Coriander finally stretched its claws to ancient times! This low-level version of the copywriting, everyone can make do with it first, if you are interested, collect it and collect it!


Stupid again, I purposely built a king sheep today, I forgot to post the king sheep number: 264080683

That's right, now I'm alone in it [messy], welcome to play~~~

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