"How many people have you spoken to?" Mo Ran walked up to her and pulled up the shirt that fell to her shoulders, "I mean at the same time."

Fang Xihan sneered, "Do you care?"

"Maybe..." Mo Ran knew that he was not qualified to question Fang Xihan. In fact, Fang Xihan didn't need to do everything possible to attract Mo Ran's attention. Mo Ran had already paid attention to her, but only classified her as "don't want to mess with". Only among women.

But Fang Xihan didn't seem to be as "vulgar" as she thought.

"You're not too careless, or you're not long enough..." The two were watching TV and chatting, Fang Xihan felt that he had changed, and chatting up without going to bed was a hooligan, but when she and Mo Ran were together , even if there is no physical contact, I feel very comfortable and very feeling.

Of course, it would be better if there could be a little more in-depth communication. This is Mr. Fang's idea.

"Then are you a fan?"

"I admit... yes."

"you like me?"

"Kind of like."

It's boring to talk, Mo Ran brought a dozen cans of beer, and a bunch of shredded squid and mango. Fang Xihan was surprised, Mo Ran would actually like to eat these, and she couldn't see that she had such a little girlish side.

Mo Ran said that Li Mu would come to her house sometimes, and Li Mu's mouth was never idle, so there were always some snacks at home.

"Yo, you are really dedicated, do you like that little girl very much?"

Whether she likes it or not, Mo Ran can't tell the general idea. She chased Li Mu when she was a teenager, and it's been ten years now. Once a lot of things are processed by time, they will change a lot. "I liked it before, now I like it. , it's become a habit."

Get used to being nice to someone for a long time.

"Little Mo, I said this to you alone." Fang Xihan was indeed telling others for the first time that being my girlfriend, she always thought that girlfriends were troublesome creatures because she didn't like them very much. Responsible, "Or, let's try dating?"

Mr. Fang's words today are too innocent. In this era when you meet your eyes and open a room directly at the hotel, who would say "let's try it out"?

"Mr. Fang, are you serious?" It seemed that Fang Xihan was serious, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed at DO for half a month just to watch herself go to work.

"It's like an ordinary couple." Fang Xihan said, a little excited, just like tonight, the two were sitting at a roadside stall eating supper together, drunk, and someone took her home to take care of her. "Aren't you curious how long our relationship will last? I'm curious..."

Mo Ran and Fang Xihan reached a consensus this time. Compared with communication, this is more like a game. This is a game in which whoever falls in love with the other party first is doomed to be hurt.

Obviously, Mo Ran and Fang Xihan didn't take this into consideration. After all, they were both the ones who only hurt people.

"So you agreed to date?"

The word "friendship" is more pleasant to the ear than "nurturing", Mo Ran nodded, "I'm also curious how long my relationship with you will last."

"Then for our new relationship..." Fang Xihan raised a can of beer and touched Mo Ran, "Cheers!"

Fang Xihan raised his head and drank the beer, licked his lips, put the empty wine bottle on the coffee table, couldn't wait to get close to Mo Ran, leaned his head over, and whispered around his ears: "Kissing with you is very comfortable, really, I'm very happy. like…"

"...How comfortable is it?" Mo Ran also pressed her body against him, hugging without any gaps, she gently pressed the back of the other's head with her hands.

The two lips have already met, and no one has answered this question. Mo Ran has always been very active. Whether it is today or before, kissing is already a behavior that does not need to go through the brain, so she often kisses people after a hot kiss , only to find out that he was holding the wrong person. . .

President Fang was still very hot. The moment Mo Ran's tongue stuck in her mouth, she immediately entangled him with the same part. On the other hand, she used her body to rub the other party, her kisses had already begun to dominate, her lips and tongues were taking the initiative, soft and dexterous, raging in the other party's mouth like a snake over and over again, and her hands, from Mo Ran's cheeks , the neck, from the chest to the waist, stroking back and forth.

Even if it just keeps kissing, Fang Xihan has always had a great appetite, but in Mo Ran, as long as he can get a little sweetness, he will not be happy, such as a hug, or just a smile from the other party.

Just kissing and enjoying the shortness of breath can't bear to part, what if you roll the sheets? ! Fang Xihan had already started to take off Mo Ran's clothes.

Mo Ran listened to Fang Xihan's ecstasy moaning. It was just a kiss. It hasn't happened yet. How exaggerated? Fang Xihan's bones are sloppy, since he wants to pretend to be innocent, then... Mo Ran grabs Fang Xihan's hand and counter-presses this kind of thing, it couldn't be easier for Mo Ran.

"On the first day of confirming the relationship, I'm going to bed, don't you think the progress is a little too fast?"

Although he was still unfinished, Fang Xihan still stopped. If Mo Ran didn't want her, she wouldn't touch her. She could wait. It means, "Since you don't want it now, I won't force it. After all, it's fun to have **** with me. If you think I'm dating you just for sex, then you think of me too superficially. "

If this goes on like this, sooner or later, problems will arise, because Mo Ran only likes to be provocative and does not do practical things, and Fang Xihan feels very uncomfortable.

Not only Fang Xihan became more and more interested in Mo Ran, but also Mo Ran's other side Xihan. She is indeed a very attractive woman, Mo Ran felt that way for a long time, but she used to think Fang Xihan's figure. Her face is very seductive, and now, her whole person is full of charm, like a fox.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Mo Ran stopped Fang Xihan, who had already reached the door, walked over and pressed her against the wall, saying, "I find you are very irresponsible... You just got me wet, and you Want to leave?"

"What did you do to me at the hotel last time?"

Moran: "I got wet last time too, so it's even."

"Didn't you say it's going too fast?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of slow person?" After that, Mo Ran blocked her lips. There was a wall behind him. Fang Xihan had nowhere to run. Totally gone.

Fang Xihan had just disliked Mo Ran's kiss too lightly, but now it's finally normal, the kiss was heavy and deep, Mo Ran took off his clothes very quickly, and unbuttoned his underwear with one hand. , "Well~ Xiao Mo, I love you to death—"

After a brief shower in the bathroom, they rolled onto the bed. Fang Xihan lay naked on the bed, just like last time, but the difference was that Mo Ran also took off very cleanly. Mr. Fang sighed that she was still She enjoys the love of "naked-naked-naked" the most, and she can't find the word pure-hearted and few desires in her dictionary.

It doesn't matter if you quit eating meat for half a month, and it doesn't matter if you wait a few more days.

Fang Xihan wrapped his body around Mo Ran, making various inducing hints: "Little Mo... you can try any pose you want, and you don't have to worry about my flexibility—"

"you said."

From three o'clock until dawn, this did not break Mo Ran's longest record, but it was the most enjoyable one for her. In the past, she would only sleep with her head down after finishing it, but this time it was not. After this time, she still had the leisurely love to hold Fang Xihan in her arms, and all kinds of tender teasing.

In the morning, when Fang Xihan woke up, the people beside him had disappeared, and Mr. Fang's voice was high enough, which was completely at the noise level: "Mo-ran!"

Mo Ran was frying eggs in the kitchen, and she was so startled that she ran to the bedroom with a shovel. Her hair was a little messy, she was only wearing a vest and an apron, "What's the matter?"

He was always on call, Fang Xihan saw the hickey on Mo Ran's neck, recalled the entanglement last night, and was satisfied, "It's nothing, I thought you ran away... something burned?"

Mo Ran turned around and ran to the kitchen again, almost slipping.

Fang Xihan hugged the quilt and laughed. Mo Ran had already pulled off the thick shading cloth. The sunlight outside the window was dazzling. , she woke up after rolling with others and found that she was not in the hotel.

Moran can always bring her a different experience.

—[If you like this article, please go to Jin~Jiang~ Literature City to support the genuine version, because it’s really not easy for the author to code words, alas…]-

May 1 has finally passed. Li Mu has never had such a goodbye holiday. Fortunately, the events planned for the occasion were successfully completed as scheduled. Zhengyang Group also packaged a big red envelope for each of the planning department, with a gratifying amount of gold. In addition to the salary, Li Mu's life began to be nourished again.

Breakfast and dinner, Li Mu really took care of them, but Li Mu was very happy, and it was a good thing that Ai Xi was willing to eat with her. Usually, if I eat it alone, I can't finish cooking a single dish, let alone make a few more tricks. Now Ai Xi is with her, she can cook three dishes at a time, one meat, one vegetable and one soup, and there are people who pay for food. share.

The planning department has been working overtime for a while. People have been busy for a while, and Li Mu's biggest pleasure every day is to go to the supermarket to buy food and go home to cook. Since the last time Li Mu stayed up all night to help Ai Xi change her plan, Ai Xi's "heart" has also improved. From time to time, she occasionally goes to fight.

But Li Mu was not happy with Ai Xi entering the kitchen.

"Hey! Why are you so stupid!"

"You go out you go out!"

"So much oil smoke to join in the fun."

"You can eat it, you can control how I made it!"

"You are so annoying!"

Because Li Mu was always being asked to cook, Ai Xi was a little embarrassed before she was so shameless, but Li Mu didn't have a good temper when she was cooking, and it was as if others owed her tens of millions. If Li Mu knew that Ai Xi was thinking this way, she would have to complain again. She was not thinking about Ai Xi. When Ai Xi came to help the cook for the first time, she cut a scallion and cut her fingers. It was dripping with blood. Li Mu was horrified.

"Hey! I said you cut it on your own finger..." Li Mu complained while applying medicine to her finger, "You can also cut a finger by cutting a green onion, which is also a skill."

"Does it hurt?" Li Mu blew on her fingers, just like coaxing a child.

Ai Xi was afraid of the pain, especially when she saw a cut on her finger, which was still bleeding, it hurt even more, but Li Mu despised her last time when her foot was scalded and said it hurt, so this time She didn't say pain in front of Li Mu. "It doesn't hurt."

"It doesn't hurt~" Li Mu bandaged her, and then deliberately squeezed the wound gently. He really didn't use much force, but after all, he still felt the cut.

"Ah..." Ai Xi was in pain, "You **** four-eyed frog!"

Li Mu is happy, who is Ai Xi being stubborn, Li Mu just likes to watch her show weakness, when she is afraid of thunder, when she is scalded, when her aunt comes, when her blood sugar is low, when her stomach hurts, she works overtime and looks haggard when…

Li Mu didn't notice that at these times, she was serving Ai Xi, so it was destined that Li Mu was a toiler who would be eaten by Ai Xi all his life.

"Why haven't you come back?" Because on Friday, Li Mu deliberately cooked a few more dishes, with less variety and more variety, and even made desserts. Ai Xi had not come back to eat alone, so he quarreled with Ai Xi for the best meal, as usual At this point, Ai Xi was back long ago, and when she didn't come back for dinner, she would call to let her know in advance.

Li Mu's mental activity: Do you want to call her? No, that would make it seem like I care about her. So when will she be back? wait. . .

After waiting for another hour, the last table of cold dishes, Li Mu thought that it should be human nature to make a phone call at this time. With this mentality, Li Mu finally called Ai Xi...



It was a man's voice. Li Mu looked at the number on the phone screen again, and made a note of Axi. It's Ai Xi's number. "Ai Xi...is there?"

"Xiao Xi, she's gone to the bathroom, and it's the same as if you had anything to do with me." Gao Wei was very curious, whose number Ai Xi would remark as "Four-eyed Frog", the relationship should be good, "Well, may I ask You are?"

Li Mu understands, boyfriend. . .

Did you forget about going home for dinner because you were on a date with your boyfriend? She forgot to make a phone call. Li Mu has no right to be angry. Of course, they are thinking about her other half. Even Hu Xiaowan, who has such a good relationship, has lost sight of her friends, let alone Ai Xi. She and Ai Xi have nothing to do with each other. How cooked.

"I...it's okay." Li Mu wanted to ask when Ai Xi would come back, but then he thought, her boyfriend is here, will she come back tonight?

After hanging up the phone, I was angry. I made a table of dishes and waited for her. Even if I ran to a date, I was angry. Li Mu was so angry that he had no appetite at all. The dry stir-fried pork belly was also drained, and the mushrooms and greens were drained…

"A girl called you just now, and I picked it up for you... Four-eyed frog?" Gao Wei said and smiled.

Because the previous project was well done, Gao Wei invited Ai Xi to dinner. Not only Ai Xi, but also several AG executives did not come. She forgot to bring her mobile phone when she just went to the bathroom, so she put it on the dining table and flipped through the call records. , it's really Li Mu's call. Ai Xi remembered that she forgot to call Li Mu when she was having a party at night, and hurried back to the past...

By the time Li Mu received Ai Xi's call, she was already pouring the last dish - salad with purple cabbage.

"Li Mu, I'm tonight..." Ai Xi glanced at Gao Wei, but she didn't really like this kind of entertainment, "I'll be right back."

"Ah? Are you still back?" Li Mu kept the last dish and put it back on the table, "It's okay... go on a date, I'll just eat it myself."

"What?!" She hadn't eaten yet. Last time Ai Xi got off work half an hour late, and Li Mu had been waiting for her to come back before eating together, so this time... "Why didn't you call earlier..."

It was already half past eight in the evening when Li Mu called.

"It's me who's hungry, and you still call me stupid! You're so embarrassed, you, dominatrix!" Li Mu scolded, looking at the pork belly in the trash can, her heart was bleeding, how could she be so impulsive! ! Impulsivity is the devil...

"You eat first, I'll be right back."

"You haven't eaten yet?" What's the situation, Li Mu feels that his mind is not enough, Ai Xi and her boyfriend are outside, and now she has to come back to eat with herself? So what is her boyfriend doing, or is it because the two of them have been arguing recently, so Ai Xi is angry and wants to come back? Li Mu had a bit of an impression. Before, Ai Xi had been arguing with someone on the phone, and then calmed down again, so Li Mu didn't care.

Ai Xi seems to have a bit of a tense relationship with her mother these days, and she always speaks with impulsiveness. When did she gossip like this, it's all because of other people's parents, and Li Mu deeply despised herself.

"You leave me some!"

Hearing what Ai Xi said, she really didn't eat.

"Xiao Xi, do you want to go?"

"Yeah, my roommate is a little uncomfortable, I'll go back and have a look, sorry~"

"You didn't drive, I'll take you."

"No, thank you, Mr. Xu and the others will come over later."

"It's okay, it won't take a few minutes to catch up."

When passing by a street intersection in front of the community, Ai Xi asked Gao Wei to stop the car, "I'm going to buy something, or you can go first."

"I'll buy it for you, what do you want?"

There is a dessert shop and a lo-mei shop here. Li Mu likes to visit them very much. Ai Xi remembers it after listening to her all the time. Now that she is passing by, she will bring some back to express her condolences to the poisonous tongue woman at home. How could Gao Wei know Li Mu's taste? Ai Xi declined, "I'll just go by myself."

Ai Xi bought a durian Melaleuca. She didn't understand Li Mu's taste. What kind of delicious food was there? Li Mu was not very picky eater.

"Bought it for the four-eyed frog?"

I don't think I feel it, but when Gao Wei said it, it's not unusual. Ai Xi forced a smile: "She prefers food."

Gao Wei smiled and sighed, "Ah, if you were so considerate to me back then, we wouldn't have... no... I'm joking, don't take it seriously."


"Xiao Xi, I have a girlfriend, what about you?"

Ai Xi said that everything happened, and Gao Wei stopped asking.

Li Mu was lying on the window sill, looking at the stars, the moon, and when Ai Xi would come back... She clearly said that she would be home in ten minutes, but ten and thirty seconds have passed. These leaders have a poor sense of time. , Li Mu was hungry and first nibbled a cucumber to pad his stomach, and just dumped all the vegetables, Li Mu searched the entire refrigerator to find three eggs and two cucumbers, and finally made do with an egg stewed cucumber, at least It's a hot dish.

"Thank you Gao Wei, I wish you happiness."

Gao Wei handed the two food bags to Ai Xi, "Here, take it, I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"I'm honored, Mr. Gao."

Li Mu's cucumber gnawed to the bottom, took a bite that was bitter and astringent, and then saw the "bitter" scene downstairs, "Bah, bah, bah... It's amazing to have an object..."

The mood was inexplicable and bad. Looking at the plate of eggs and cucumbers on the table, I had the urge to throw it into the trash can for a moment, but I still held it back. Anyway, I wanted to save a dish for Ai Xi. . .

In less than three minutes, Ai Xi opened the door and came in. Li Mu squinted his face, turned on the TV and sat on the sofa to watch the dog blood family ethics drama.

Ai Xi saw that there were only two dishes on the table, one was salad with purple cabbage, and the other was braised cucumber with eggs, still steaming, she put the plastic bag on the table and asked Li Mu, "Have you eaten?"

Li Mu Ai ignored it and continued to watch the intensification of the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"Li Mu, have you eaten?"

"Eat." Li Mu got angry and told a lie that made her regret, but she was full of anger anyway.

Ai Xi put the food she just bought on the coffee table. She didn't say that she bought it for Li Mu. She said, "There's something to eat here." She had seen Li Mu's stomach. There is absolutely no problem with eating another thousand layers.

wipe! This is not what her boyfriend bought her to eat. If she didn't know that Li Mu really ate it, "No, I'm full." Ai Xi asked her to eat it. Li Mu felt that Ai Xi was showing her love and affection. , who doesn't know what your partner is like to you.

Ai Xi didn't care much about what she said. She went to the kitchen to serve the rice by herself. When the rice cooker was turned on, there was no trace of the rice being moved at all, and looking at the weight, it was the two people they usually eat. Is Li Mu sure he ate it? Ai Xi felt that Li Mu felt a little strange to her today, was she in a bad mood...

"The rice didn't move, what did you eat at night?"

"I...I've eaten it before, and cooked it for you." Li Mu continued to be stubborn, and he was as stubborn as eating dynamite.

Gu Gu Gu... The sound is exposed. . .

Just nibbling on a cucumber is like an appetizer, and I am even more hungry.

"You haven't eaten yet? Didn't I let you eat first?!"

"I just ate it! Don't worry about it!" Li Mu's stomach continued to growl unsatisfactorily, "Why are you coming back, you can't eat outside."

Sure enough, both of them are irritable, and they can even fight over the issue of "eating or not". Usually Li Mu also likes to argue, but this time it seems that he is really angry, and Ai Xi also thinks that he should be first. Call her and tell her, "I have something to delay tonight, I should have told you, I'm sorry."

"Let's eat-"

"No, I'm not hungry!" Gu Gu Gu... Li Mu slapped his face.

"Did you eat dynamite today?!"

"No dynamite...just a cucumber..."

Li Mu's head twitched. What reason did she have to yell at Ai Xi? Maybe her aunt was coming, so she was so irritable, but her aunt only left last week, how to explain?

"...I bought the Durian Melaleuca, if you don't eat it, I will throw it away." Ai Xi went to get the paper bag, she didn't like the taste of durian anyway.

Durian, Li Mu couldn't resist at all. He wanted to throw it away, didn't he want to waste food? You must know how shameful it is to waste food, especially to waste durian. It's an unforgivable crime. "Why buy if you don't eat? Really..."

"What do you say?"

"Bring it for...for me? Your boyfriend bought it...is it suitable for me to eat?"

"What boyfriend?"

"I saw the one that took you home just now."

It turned out to be Gao Wei, Li Mu must have misunderstood, and Ai Xi didn't want to explain too much to her, so the answer was relatively simple: "He is not my boyfriend, and he didn't buy the things... I went to dinner."

I forgot to add salt to the egg-braised cucumbers made by Li Mu, and they had no taste at all. If Ai Xi knew that Li Mu had poured out five or six plates before, I don’t know how she would feel. It is more delicious than the egg stewed cucumber, because it is adjusted according to Li Mu's taste, so it is spicy, but Ai Xi's taste is light.

"Duck feet, duck feet, duck feet, duck feet..." Li Mu put on disposable gloves and grabbed and gnawed on it, and the whole person was alive immediately. The sea needle, that man is really not her boyfriend? It wasn't her boyfriend who sent her home again and again, and he hugged and hugged her in front of the apartment before, but after hearing that he wasn't her boyfriend, Li Mu felt a little better, "Ai Xi, you are single. ?"

Ai Xi almost cried when she ate the lo mei. She kept drinking water, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were so hot that it was like dripping blood. She gasped, "...Hey...I'm single."

"Hahaha...hahaha..." Li Mu laughed out loud.

"Why are you so happy when I'm single?"

Li Mu was mainly looking at Ai Xi's crying and it was funny, but he didn't consider this aspect, but after Ai Xi's advice, he noticed, "You are 27 this year, after 27, you are 28, round up that. It's like 30 years old... You see you're 30 and still single, I suddenly feel that I don't need to worry, after all, I'm younger than you, only 25 years old, hahaha..."

It is taboo for women to be mentioned about age, and Li Mu's logic is also powerful. Ai Xi is only one year older than her, but less than two years old. After she converts it like this, there is actually a 5-year age difference. "What's your logic... eat your paws."

Going to and from get off work together, grocery shopping together, cooking together, and going to the gym together, Li Mu and Ai Xi basically kept pace.

So that Hu Xiaowan had the following illusion: Is Li Mu and Ai Xi together?

Li Mu and Ai Xi can live in harmony, and it is not impossible to be together. . .

It was during that weekend visit to the supermarket that Li Mu did not expect to meet Hu Xiaowan and her husband Luo Feng.

"This is delicious..." Li Mu pointed to the biscuit set on the top shelf on the shelf, and stood on tiptoe to get it. He was 160 feet tall and wore flat shoes, and his hands were short, so it was obviously out of reach. She never wears high heels when she goes to the supermarket, unlike Ai Xi, she has to dress up when she goes out to buy a bottle of water.

"Which one? This one?" Ai Xi pointed to the rows of biscuits, found the one Li Mu wanted, and got it easily. Her first reaction after years of habit was to look at the nutritional ingredient list on the package. , the prohibitive calories, it is estimated that only Li Mu can eat a large box without any pressure.

Hu Xiaowan thought she was dazzled, the one tall and the other short were not Ai Xi and Li Mu? She actually saw Li Mu and Ai Xi pushing the same trolley. What was even more terrifying was that the two of them were chatting and laughing. Li Mu was out of reach, and Ai Xi took the initiative to help her...

Hu Xiaowan followed Li Mu and Ai Xi like a stalker, in the snack area, the meat and poultry area, the seasoning area, the daily necessities area, and walked around most of the supermarket. When Hu Banxian saw Li Mu and Ai Xi discussing which aunt towel When she was more comfortable, she felt something was wrong!

Originally, it was normal for two women to go to the supermarket like this, but this is not normal for Li Mu. She is crooked, especially the small expression on Li Mu's face. She also took the initiative to carry the bag for Ai Xi. There is ambiguity between gestures and gestures, which makes Hu Xiaowan have to think more, their living conditions are simply the way of getting along with "old husband and wife".

This is big news, absolutely big news. Hu Xiaowan immediately took a candid photo of Li Mu and Ai Xi. In the photo, Ai Xi was swiping the card to check out, and Li Mu stared at Ai Xi with a maddened face... The photo was exaggerated. Li Mu's expression could simply be described as an idiot.

Then, Hu Xiaowan sent the photo to Mo Ran without saying anything.

Having been renting together for nearly two months, I didn't expect that two people who used to be each other's eyes could become friends. They should be friends, Li Mu thought so.

But as time went by, Li Mu found that her feelings were becoming more and more out of control, and she gradually began to feel a little more than friendship towards Ai Xi.

Although Li Mu was blushing because of some contacts with Ai Xi before, she always thought that this was a common problem in her dealings with beautiful women, and she didn't take it seriously.

Until that night...

The two came back from the gym, and after taking a bath, Li Mu sat cross-legged on the sofa eating ice cream and watching the food show.

Ai Xi sat down next to Li Mu and ate the fruit from the fruit bowl. She dared to eat sweets so recklessly at night. Ai Xi also envied Li Mu, "By the way, didn't you say you wanted to teach me self-defense?"

Li Mu dug out a large scoop of ice cream and stuffed it into her mouth, her teeth were getting cold. She held the spoon in her mouth and spread out a hand in front of Ai Xi, "Okay, pay the tuition fee of 2000—"

"Cai Fan..." Ai Xi snatched the ice cream from her hand and didn't let her eat it, "You teach first, teach me before paying."

Li Mu got up and put on his shoes, with a sophisticated tone: "There are no teachers who can't teach well, only students who can't learn well. It must be your own problem if you can't learn it~"

"It's the first time I've heard your words, so let's see if you can't teach or I can't learn."

Li Mu chose a slightly more spacious place, the small area between the dining room and the living room.

So how to teach? Li Mu also learned it a long time ago, but she knows a few common skills, and it must be more than enough to teach Ai Xi, but standing in place and thinking out of thin air, she can't think of the essentials of action.

"So...you can't teach?"

"I want to think about how to teach you broad and profound things in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Can't you! Don't make a noise... I'll forget it after I make a noise!"

Ai Xi didn't give her face: "You teach me in a 'broad and profound' way, and I can understand it."

Li Mu: "I said you should be modest?! I'm the teacher... I didn't like you when I was in high school. If you were too high-profile, you would be beaten! Also... When you go out to socialize in the future, wear a longer skirt. …”

Talking and talking, a little strayed.

"Do you teach or not, or let's do it another way..." Ai Xi hugged Li Mu around her waist from behind, hugging her a little tighter, "For example, how do you resist?"

She was so tight that Li Mu could feel her bumpy figure even with her back, and the tip of her nose could smell a familiar fragrance. Li Mu couldn't tell whether it was bath milk or shampoo, or her body fragrance.

Li Mu's face instantly turned red, she didn't know what she was thinking, but it was really comfortable to be held like this, and at that moment, she felt electric and numb.

Enjoyed, uneasy, and a little scared. Hu Xiaowan has always hugged her like this, but Li Mu has never been like this tonight, his heartbeat is completely uncontrollable, wild as if he is about to come out...

Therefore, it is not because of loneliness that she has feelings for Ai Xi, because of loneliness, she can have feelings for many women. But now, so far, she has only done this to Ai Xi... When Fang Zong wanted to kiss her before, she would refuse, but if it was Ai Xi, if Ai Xi kissed her now, would she refuse?

It's over, Li Mu is mad, why did she want to replace Ai Xi and kiss her... What's more, generally when you are wondering whether or not to refuse something, the most real thought in your heart is that you don't want to refuse.

Ai Xi didn't know that the small embrace in her eyes made Li Mu's heart surge. She still hugged Li Mu and asked in her ear, "So... what should I do in this situation?"

It was just such a sentence, which made Li Mu's legs weak, she was too close, and her voice was too gentle, "Ai Xi, you are hugging too tightly..."

"Will the rogue hug loosely?" In fact, Ai Xi's tone was not gentle, but she spoke in a low voice. Li Mu was too nervous to hear a different charm.

Ai Xi, do you know that you are playing hooligans to me now? But how could Ai Xi know, she certainly wouldn't know that she would have such reverie about the same sex...

Li Mu was very sad, like countless ants crawling around her body, she felt uncomfortable in her heart, not her body. On the contrary, her body enjoyed the feeling. In other words, Li Mu liked Ai Xi to hold her like this. she…

However, Li Mu struggled, "Hurry up..." Although Ai Xi was doing such an intimate act, if she knew her true thoughts, she would definitely... scare her away, right?

"What’s wrong with you?"

In such a situation, Li Mu really didn't know how to resist, and her mind went blank. If Ai Xi doesn't let go, she will be addicted to this feeling, so...will she like Ai Xi? Will it really...

"Ai Xi, let go, I don't want to teach you anymore."

Li Mu's face was very red and hot, and Ai Xi thought she was uncomfortable, "Aren't you uncomfortable? I'll teach you another day."

Ai Xi finally let go of Li Mu. As soon as she got "freedom", Li Mu immediately ran to the bedroom. She knew that she must be very embarrassed now, at least her face was hot enough to fry an egg. She turned her back to Ai Xi and said: "I won't teach, I won't teach..."

How does it feel like a person has changed? Ai Xi was half-joking: "You don't want the 2,000 yuan?"

"Don't, don't...you go find someone else..." A word came from Li Mu's bedroom dully.

Having said that, how could Li Mu be willing to Ai Xi to find someone else? Next time, when Ai Xi hugged her from behind like this, Li Mu couldn't hold back, but turned around and pushed Ai Xi down on the sofa, and then... kissed her.

In the dark, everything seems to have its own arrangements. Under the involvement of many things, Li Mu, intentionally or unintentionally, is getting closer and closer to Ai Xi...

"Xiaomu, it's my birthday the day after tomorrow, and I can't miss a birthday gift and a red envelope! All night long... Let's play all night—"

This Hu Xiaowan is celebrating her birthday, and she bombarded Li Mu half a month ago to try to "brainwash" Li Mu every day. Which perfume you've fallen for... the intention should not be too obvious.

"I know, I know. You reminded me for half a month. If I can't remember it, I will be mentally retarded."

The author has something to say: (thank you for supporting the genuine version, alright)

It's the little wood that fell in love with the director first, Ai Xi is poisonous, and the little wood is really going to be killed by her QAQ.

Smoked and hurt Xiaomu, in the future, we must do it well (□□), every day ♀ (□□), and make the director want to die! !

9000≈10000, coriander is going to be exhausted and collapsed, and it may not be updated for the next two or three days, because you have to find a new job, you have to wait for me to come back, don’t abandon me! !

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