After the short vacation, Li Mu just returned to City A on the weekend afternoon, and he didn't have a chance to catch his breath, so he was dragged out by Hu Xiaowan and Moran.

Cafe, "Trial Trial".

Li Mu buried his head and ate three cakes in a row, only to realize that there was something wrong with Hu Xiaowan and Moran's eyes.

"Explain." Hu Xiaowan pushed the phone in front of Li Mu, showing a photo of Li Mu and Ai Xi visiting the supermarket together, and then raised her legs and sighed, "It's good, I heard that you gave Ai Xi a strong kiss?!"

Have you heard of it yet? Li Mu knew that he could not avoid this, but whenever he had a crush or an ambiguous object, the first reaction of Hu Xiaowan and Moran was the same.

"Playing a game, Mo Ran is also there." Li Mu stirred the coffee with a guilty conscience.

"Li Mu, you're a coward. What else have you to hide from us? Are you still not a sister? If you like her, we will definitely help you chase..." Hu Xiaowan patted her chest. As if she was chivalrous.

Li Mu doesn't know how to chase people, but she can be sure that Mo Ran is very good at it. It's one thing to look good, and it's another thing to know how to play tricks. Last night, when Li Mu heard Ai Xi say that he had just broken up, he really wanted to chase after her. Ai Xi didn't hate her and seemed to be able to accept Les...

"Well, I like her." Li Mu's lower lip was swollen from being bitten by himself, before he uttered these words with little momentum.

"Ah—" Hu Xiaowan's scream attracted the eyes of the customers around her. She just said that just to cover Li Mu's words, but she didn't expect... Li Mu would actually say "I like her" seriously. words.

Hu Xiaowan was forced to lower her tone: "Xiaomu, are you really in love with Ai Xi?! But she has a boyfriend..."

Li Mu hates people talking about Ai Xi's boyfriend the most. Ai Xi just broke up, and this incident was her weakness, and it made her feel bad for a while, "She has already broken up, so don't talk about her ex-boyfriend again. thing!"

It's over, this time I must have really liked it. Hu Xiaowan saw Li Mu's genuinely idiotic expression, and she was about to become a "wife-protecting madman" before they were together.

In this regard, Mo Ran can understand Li Mu better, and she tends to care more than Hu Xiaowan's curiosity, "Xiaomu, when did it start, are you sure you like it?"

When did it start? Li Mu wasn't sure either, as if he was arguing and quarreling, he had a crush on him. Ai Xi, who was originally incompatible, suddenly became pleasing to the eye. It was a pleasure to get off work with her, a pleasure to eat together, and a pleasure to get off work with her. The bickering is very happy, and it has evolved into... I feel so happy to see her.

"I don't know... But after I kissed her that night... Mo Ran, I must have fallen in love with her, what should I do?" Li Mu shyly and uneasy said a sentence that was completely inconsistent with his style: "I I want to chase her..."

Hu Xiaowan was about to spray the coffee at 360 degrees with a shower. She heard it right, Li Mu just said that he wanted to take the initiative to chase Ai Xi.

"I want to chase her..." For so many years, Li Mu has always held a wait-and-see attitude. He has never taken the initiative to fight for a relationship. But this time, Li Mu didn't want to miss out again because of her cowardice. Maybe she could be happy if she was brave... After all, when she was in contact with Ai Xi, she always felt that she was so close to happiness.

Li Mu truthfully explained the situation of himself and Ai Xi, and it is better for two people to make suggestions than to fight alone.

Hu Xiaowan synthesized all aspects of the two people's conditions, and quickly generated an evaluation report on the success rate of Li Mu's pursuit of Ai Xi. She found that Li Mu and Ai Xi were in extraordinary harmony. If they could be together, it would be typical Everyone gets what they need, so it's no wonder that when Hu Xiaowan was selling the house, she could easily match the two to live together! !

Li Mu has thought about it. She is beautiful, generous, intellectual and mature. It can be said that Ai Xi is completely her ideal type, from appearance to temperament. If they live together for a long time, she will have a good impression on Ai Xi and be attracted to her. became a matter of course.

"...Then I can chase her?"

Hu Xiaowan shook her head and patted Li Mu's head, "At best, this just shows that you are very suitable to be Ai Xi's nanny, and you are still far from catching up. Do you have the confidence to rely on your own charm to bend her?"

When Hu Xiaowan accepted the fact that both Li Mu and Moran liked women, it took a long time, so she once thought it was a difficult thing for straight women to accept.

Relying on his own charm to bend Ai Xi, Li Mu felt that it was a fantasy, he didn't want anything, would he be infatuated? But there must be many more people who are infatuated with Ai Xi. How can she let Ai Xi choose herself? This time, Li Mu was frightened by Hu Xiaowan, her courage was a little bit, she finally mustered up a little bit, and she was scared to the point of disappearing.

"Since she can bless those two shows that she doesn't dislike Les..." Mo Ran woke up the dreamer, she had seen a lot of straight daughters, and Ai Xi had not reached the point of defying the sky.

Having said that, Li Mu could hear that Ai Xi's blessing was just a polite reply. If such a thing really happened to him, it should be another situation, right?

"Xiaomu, if you like it, go after it! Sister, I will support you. I don't care if she is straight or curved. Isn't it that love does not distinguish between genders... If you go on like this, everyone will be suffocated." Hu Xiaowan couldn't stand it anymore. Li Mu was "depressed and melancholy" at this time, but this time, Li Muzhen was hooked away by Ai Xi's soul.

Li Mu smiled bitterly and said it lightly, but he can chase, how should he chase?

Hu Xiaowan was very "loyal" enough to end the meeting as quickly as possible, and then went back to their respective houses, saying that she wanted to give Li Mu enough time to hook up with Ai Xi. Li Mu was at a loss for words. When they said that, she didn't know how to face Ai Xi, communicate and contact, and she could no longer be as pure as before.

Ai Xi also noticed that when she was eating, she always seemed to have her eyes fixed on her. Whenever she raised her head, Li Mu hurriedly lowered her head, and her actions were too condescending. After returning from the scenic spot, Li Mu felt a little different to Ai Xi, but Ai Xi couldn't tell what the difference was. It seemed that after returning from the distraction, Li Mu had something on her mind.

Li Muhun ate the rice in the bowl one by one, biting his chopsticks in his mouth, and couldn't help but glance at Ai Xi more. When Ai Xi raised his head, he didn't have time to dodge, and his eyes met.

"What, there's something on my face?"

"" Li Mu bowed his head and clawed rice with a guilty conscience, forgetting to eat the vegetables.

Ai Xi put a piece of spareribs in her bowl, "Don't you like meat? Eat more."

Li Mu's face turned a little red for a moment, biting that piece of spareribs, the aftertaste was endless. She felt like she was going crazy, no, she was already crazy. As long as Ai Xi's actions were a little intimate, she couldn't help blushing and heartbeat. Some very normal daily actions could also make her imagine.

Lying on the bed, Li Mu covered his face with the photo of Ai Xi on the cable car... What should I do, if she continued to think like this, she would be insane.

The author has something to say: It's so short that I can't bear to look directly at it. Everyone has to get used to it. After the coriander work is settled, I will slowly make up for it.

It's still a transition, my article is slow and clear, is everyone less enthusiastic QAQ

Personally, I still like the feeling of simmering slowly... Although it is cool to race, but only when the love is strong can I feel it, so the main cp will continue to heat slowly until it is a matter of course~~~

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