Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter Marry Me

"I'm still in the mood to joke, it doesn't seem like it hurts enough."

Li Mu grinned, revealing her white teeth. This action must involve the facial muscles. It really hurts a bit. She acted coquettishly at Ai Xi: "It really hurts~~~"

"It hurts you to laugh!"

A person who seems to be quite well-behaved, why is he always so impulsive in doing things? Ai Xi didn't know that Li Mu was just impulsive because of her.

When she got home, Ai Xi brought the medicine kit. She didn't quite trust her skills. "You really don't want to go to the hospital?"

The blood had already stopped automatically, but it still looked a little terrifying. There was such a blood scar on the fair skin. swell.

"You shouldn't have stopped me, I should have called back." Li Mu looked in the mirror and saw the blood on his face. sentence.

"You also said, how can you be on the street..." He even called back. Last time, he fell over a strong man over his shoulder. Do you want to throw a woman this time? Ai Xi's reprimand was mixed with distress and emotion, "Don't be so impulsive next time."

"She was the one who scolded you first, I..."

"She scolded me... Then why are you so excited?"

She was already full of anger, but Ai Xi didn't say a word of comfort, and said this, Li Mu shouted: "I'm a bitch! She scolds you and I feel bad!"


Li Mu admitted that he was a cheapskate. As long as Ai Xi called her like this in a soft voice, everything would disappear.

"Don't do this in the future, don't you know it's very worrying?" Ai Xi opened the medicine box and learned the order in which Li Mu had treated her wound before. He took out a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and gently disinfected Li Mu's wound. Light is very light, for fear of hurting her, "Tell me if it hurts, I'll be gentle."

Listening to Ai Xi's words, Li Mu's heart is sweet, and she is willing to be hurt a little more with this treatment. Li Mu deliberately asked: "Who is worried?"

Ai Xi's movements stopped, and she continued to wipe her wounds, ignoring Li Mu.

"Who - worry - worry - ah?" Li Mu shook his head.

Ai Xi stretched out her hand to hold Li Mu's chin and brought it up in front of her, while the other hand continued to treat the wound seriously. This time Li Mu behaved, because Ai Xi acted like a hooligan and molested a good woman. Due to the difference in height between the two, Li Mu's eyes just fell on Ai Xi's tender lips, and he began to be distracted. There... She really wanted to One more kiss. . .

After wiping off the blood, the wound was not as serious as Ai Xi imagined. Although there was a scar about five centimeters in length, it was only a scratch on the surface of the skin.

Li Mu could feel her breath sweeping across his cheek. She was using her slender fingers to put powder on herself. As long as she leaned forward another ten centimeters, Li Mu was sure that her lips could kiss her beautiful chin. The contact is both enjoyment and suffering.

After the band-aid was put on her cheek, Li Mu's infatuation gradually faded away. She took the small mirror in a loss, but her heart was still immersed in the gentle village just now, "The sticker is not bad..."

But how do you see it, the left and right faces are a little asymmetrical, and the right side is obviously swollen a lot. Which woman doesn't care about her face? Although Li Mu usually likes to call herself a female man, isn't that popular now, she is a fresh beauty after all, what should I do if she is disfigured!

"What's wrong?"

"Axi..." Li Mu's face was facing Ai Xi, and he was definitely asking in a very serious tone: "Please help me to see if my face is not symmetrical... Just, just slap me on the left side of the face. , play symmetrical!"

"Pfft..." Ai Xi covered her mouth with the back of her hand and laughed, so much so that she hooked Li Mu's soul away again.

"Okay—" Ai Xi raised her hand and spread it out, "I'll make you symmetrical..."

Ai Xi's posture was very strong, but when she fell...the palm of her hand touched Li Mu's cheek, she did not slap down fiercely, but gently covered it. Li Mu's face was small, and it was really the size of a slap.

Even if it was an illusion, he felt so happy. Li Mu wanted to hold Ai Xi's hand and not let her take it back...

When the eyes met, there was an ambiguous factor floating in the air. Even Ai Xi felt that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong. The temperature of her palm was rising. To be precise, it was Li Mu's cheeks that were hot and her eyes. As if... as if craving something?

Ai Xi retracted her hand and ended this too ambiguous action, "I...I'll go get you a towel and put a cold compress on your face. Your face is swollen."

Li Mu stayed on the spot, her heart pounding, and her intuition told her that Ai Xi seemed to have noticed something... She is so smart, has she already noticed it? The more contact, the more Li Mu found himself unable to restrain the flow of emotion...

Gently pressing the swollen part of her face with a cold towel, when Ai Xi approached Li Mu again, she confirmed her suspicions. She found that...every time she came into close contact with Li Mu, Li Mu blushes, and Eyes dodged.

"If there are scars..." Li Mu asked half-jokingly. In fact, it was more like a test. The skin scratches would not leave scars at all. "If there are scars... What should I do if I can't get married?"

Ai Xi smiled and continued to apply cold compresses for her, without answering.

"I was injured because of you..." Li Mu was unwilling to forgive, so he could joke about this injury as an opportunity, "You have to be responsible..."

Ai Xi finally said, "How can I be responsible?"

"...If I can't get married, you can marry me!" Li Mu smiled "cheaply" as usual, "I eat and drink for nothing—"

Li Mu's "cheap smile disguise" successfully gave himself a sloppy look.

Ai Xi thought to herself that it was because she thought too much that Li Mu had the illusion that she was intentional about her. She was Li Mu, and they...but they were all women...

Ai Xi replied in the same relaxed tone: "If you leave scars, I will lose a lot... Well, you rest early, good night."

"Good night."

Li Mu's face was all over his head when he was lying on the bed after taking a bath. Li Mu's eyes lingered in his mind when he was taking medicine at night. Was it really just an illusion?

"She scolds you and I feel bad!"

When Li Mu wanted to forcefully say these words, Ai Xi didn't take it to heart, but now that she thinks back quietly, Li Mu... seems to be a bit serious.

Ai Xi turned off the light, thinking that she could fall asleep with her eyes closed, but her and Li Mu's moments began to rotate like a movie, and she recalled embracing Li Mu while riding the cable car, and her heartbeat became faster in vain...

Turning over, Ai Xi buried half of her face in the pillow and let out a sigh of relief. She must have been too tired recently.

Since the last time the two of them climbed the mountain to relax their minds, it has backfired. Their minds have become more or less heavy, especially Li Mu...

A few days later, Li Mu's face began to scab, and it was like a worm crawling on the porcelain-white skin. It was ugly and itchy, and she couldn't help touching it with her hands.

"Don't scratch it, if you scratch it, it will leave a scar." Every time she sees this scar, it reminds Ai Xi of Li Mu standing up for her. When Li Mu makes trouble without reason, he is very cute and silly.

"What are you nervous about, scars won't let you support me." Li Mu took a bite of the egg cake and poured a mouthful of warm soy milk.

"Li Mu, do you have something to tell me?" It's not that Ai Xi is sensitive, it's just that Li Mu's desire to speak is too obvious, and he is also suspected of acting stupid.

"Are you going to the beach on the weekend?" Li Mu said a little uneasy. Perhaps it was the first time that she invited such a purposeful invitation, which made her a little nervous. "Go on Saturday, come back on the weekend, you can watch the sunrise."

"Just the two of us?"

Li Mu hurriedly shook his head, pulling the person to be bold: "No no no, there are Xiaowan and Moran, let's play together... Are you going?"

"Well—" Ai Xi saw that Li Mu seemed to have something on his mind, "If you are in a bad mood, I can accompany you to relax."

"No... I'm not in a bad mood. I'll serve you some porridge." Li Mu got up and went to the kitchen, pursing his lips, not knowing how happy he was smiling.

The author has something to say: Sheng [tui] profit [dao] is just ahead?

The spring of wood is really coming (*ˉ︶ˉ*)

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