Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter Heart Disorder

It was a peaceful night, Ai Xi woke up earlier than Li Mu, and her posture did not change last night, which shows how well the two slept, but Li Mu's hand moved from Ai Xi's waist to her cheek. Her forehead rested on Ai Xi's shoulder, and she was still asleep. She slept no earlier than Ai Xi last night.

Li Mu's body was curled up, which was actually a sign of insecurity. The scars on her face were still so conspicuous, reminding Ai Xi all the time how desperate Li Mu was for her that night, she involuntarily moved her hand to block it. The hair on Li Mu's face revealed half a small and pale profile, and his fingertips lightly brushed the scar...

"What if I can't get married?"

"...If you can't get married, then marry me!"

Her face was crisp and itchy. Li Mu was awakened by Ai Xi. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Ai Xi retracted her hand in a panic, and turned her face to the other side.

Li Mu: "Morning."

Ai Xi's face still turned to the side, and she said softly, "Morning."

The sea breeze in the early morning is very gentle, and a touch of gentle caresses not only slows the footsteps of pedestrians, but also time. Time begins to flow slowly. Looking up at the sky, there is a vast expanse of whiteness and no blueness can be seen.

Cloudy, no sunrise.

It's no wonder that people complain about the unreliable weather forecast, saying that the sky is clear for thousands of miles, but after one night, it is cloudy.

When it was dawn, Mo Ran and Fang Xihan had just finished their tossing, and even if it was sunny today, they would only be able to watch the sunset when they woke up.

"What a pity..." Li Mu pursed his lips and smiled, "There is no sunrise."

"Li Mu, I want to go back first."

"What's the matter, not with Mo Ran and the others?" Halfway through breakfast, Li Mu didn't expect that Ai Xi would suddenly ask to leave.

"Eat a little more and you'll be hungry."

"I'm with you, let's go back together."

"Li Mu, don't be like this..." Ai Xi felt that she might need to be alone. Now all of Li Mu's concerns have changed for her. When Li Mu kissed her cheek and said goodnight last night, it was already gone. changed. "You stay, remember to tell Mr. Fang Moran, I have left beforehand."

The breakfast on her plate didn't move at all, did she do something wrong? Otherwise, why did Ai Xi's attitude suddenly change 180 degrees, because last night... Did she notice it?

Li Mu sat alone on the beach for a long time, building the castle with sand, then pushing it down, building it again, pushing it again...

"You're the only one?" Mo Ran looked around and wondered if Li Mu was playing with the sand alone in such a good time, "Where's Ai Xi?"

Li Muhun pushed down the "castle" reluctantly, stood up and patted his skirt, "She's gone."

"Didn't you catch it?" Fang Xihan folded his arms and seemed to be speaking sarcastically, "Also... Ai Xi is not easy to catch up."

Mo Ran suddenly got to the key point: "Fang Xihan, have you chased her?!"

"Comrade Xiaomo, guess what?"

Returning to City A in the afternoon, the room was empty and Ai Xi was not at home.

"How is it? Did you make any substantial progress last night? Report to my sister." Hu Xiaowan received a call from Mo Ran saying she was going to meet. The friendly match is high, not to mention that it is also related to Li Mu's "life-long event".

Moran's house always prepared snacks, and Li Mu destroyed more than half of it as soon as he went. In addition, Li Mu's appetite was even bigger today. Li Mu just "reported" to Mo Ran, and now he has to repeat it again. Dry mouth, drank several cans of beer.

"Wait... You said that Ai Xi was not surprised when she saw Mo Ran and Mr. Fang kissing?" Hu Xiaowan captured this sentence with too much information. ? "My mother, Xiao Mo, when did you go with Mr. Fang?!"

Her brain hurts, Hu Xiaowan feels her brain hurts, but neither of the two people in front of her can make her worry, "Mo Ran, you don't even let married women go now?"

"Hu Xiaowan, what are you talking about!" Mo Ran called Banxian's name with her surname, indicating that she was angry, and Hu Xiaowan's words touched her bottom line.

Hu Banxian's temper also exploded. Among the three, Li Mu was a "good girl", "What did you say I did? Fang Xihan has a fiancé, don't you know?!"

Mo Ran smashed the half can of beer left in his hand directly on the wall, making a harsh noise, Li Mu was still thinking, and then was startled by the sudden movement, "Mo Ran..."

a mess.

Life is like this, you can have many listeners, but you still have to rely on yourself to solve your own affairs, and you have to face your own problems in the end.

It was breakfast for two as usual. Ai Xi seemed to get up later than usual. Li Mu made breakfast and waited at the table for a long time, but she didn't come out.

Li Mu knocked on the door, but no one answered, "Axi, are you inside?"

A minute later, Li Mu pushed open the door and went in. Her sheets were as neat as if no one had lived there before. There is a feeling called loneliness, which is probably the case, Li Mu bowed his head and smiled bitterly.

All day, Li Mu had not seen Ai Xi, which made her wonder if Ai Xi was deliberately alienating her? When she got off work, Li Mu waited for half an hour at a familiar intersection. The white car that should have appeared on time disappeared... As usual, she went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for dinner, but today she was alone.

One meat, one vegetable, one soup, two bowls of rice, Li Mu sat blankly at the dining table, the chair opposite was empty.

When I got home at ten o'clock, the room was still brightly lit. Ai Xi saw Li Mu who was sleeping on the dining table, the untouched dinner, "Li Mu..."

"You're back..." Li Mu straightened up, only to find that his arms were numb, and he hadn't seen him for a day, but Li Mu felt that it had been a long time, "So busy... Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate out...are you waiting until now? Why didn't you call me?"

"What about you... Why didn't you call me?" Li Mu felt that Ai Xi was avoiding her. Since she was avoiding her, wouldn't it be harassment to call again? She could only wait stupidly for Ai Xi's call. She was really stupid. If Ai Xi avoided her, it would be even more impossible for Ai Xi to contact her.

"I've been a little busy at work recently. You don't have to wait for me to eat together at night, and breakfast is also..." Busy work can numb yourself for a while, but it's only short-lived, "I'll go and warm up the dishes, you can eat some."

"No, I'm not hungry."

Ai Xi had already entered the kitchen, she admitted that she was hiding from Li Mu for some reason because of her work, because she didn't know how to deal with Li Mu, did she reject Li Mu like Fang Xihan? She is very good at rejecting people. Her two-year relationship with Gao Wei has not been ended by her words, but why is she tangled now and confused... Ai Xi was even frightened by her own thoughts: she really wanted to reject Li Mu ?

The food is already hot.

"Have an early rest after eating."

"Ai should rest early too."

Ai Xi didn't lie. AG was really busy during this time. The company took on new projects. Li Mu also worked overtime for several days. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were done outside.

In this way, Li Mu felt a little better. What if Ai Xi was really busy? Not deliberately avoiding myself.

It wasn't until that day that Li Mu heard... that he had always been paralyzing himself.

On weekends, it's hard to wait for a day off.

"...One room and one living room is fine. You don't need too much space for one person. It's closer to xx. It's better to be quiet..."

Li Mu just came out of the bathroom. She didn't eavesdrop on purpose, she subconsciously paid special attention to Ai Xi's affairs.

"Are you... looking for a house?" Li Mu asked when Ai Xi hung up the phone.

"Yeah." Ai Xi nodded, nodding Li Mu completely misunderstood.

"You're moving out... Ai Xi, you know, right? You all know... don't you?! You hide from me because you hate me... I, I understand, you can rest assured that I will move out..."

Li Mu said, tears welling up in his eyes and falling straight down, his voice trembling and choking, and he forced a smile: "You don't have to go... I'll move out, and it won't bother you in the future..."

"I'd better go now... This way, you don't have to go out early and come back late every day... Ai Xi, am I an eyesore... But I can't help it..."

What if you can't help it? Whoever in this world stipulates that you must like you if you like others, Li Mu wiped a tear with the back of her hand, didn't she just want a result, and now that the result is here, she has to bear it no matter what.

"Li Mu!" Ai Xi stood up and held Li Mu who was leaving, "What are you talking about?"

Li Mu looked at Ai Xi tearfully. She had never thought of such a scene. Forgive her for not being as strong against attacks as she thought, "You hate me now, don't you? As long as you say a word... I'll leave right away. …”

"Why should I hate you?" Ai Xi can't stand Li Mu crying and laughing like this, pretending to be strong is the most distressing thing, at least Li Mu like this will make her feel sad, "Don't cry. "

Emotions are somewhat out of control.

"Ai Xi, you know what I'm thinking... You know all about it, right?" Li Mu turned around and held Ai Xi's wrist with red eyes, almost pressing her, "You know me... do you hate me?"

Li Mu's words have been clearly stated. This question is more like yesorno's answer. If you want to reject her, you can answer one of them, but if you choose not to hate her, it means... this is giving Li Mu a chance.

Ai Xi looked into her eyes and thought a lot. The more she thought, the more she didn't know how to answer. In another way, she simply asked herself: Are you really willing to let Li Mu go?

It's like now that she clearly knows Li Mu's feelings for herself, she is hesitating and wandering, instead of blurting out: Li Mu, it's impossible for us, you give up. . .

What is the opposite of not wanting to say no?

Ai Xi: "I don't hate..."

This answer is not for Li Mu, but for himself.

"I don't hate it..." Li Mu thought that Ai Xi would decline in a different way, but she unexpectedly gave a definitive answer, as if seeing the light of hope in the despair, "Ai Xi, then... do you like me?"

In addition to hating, is there only love left?

"Li Mu, don't need to move out..."

It's already been said, and he doesn't care how many more times to ask, Li Mu stomped his feet, "You answer me, I don't have to move out means... you can accept me... right?"

Just when Ai Xi didn't know how to answer, someone knocked on the door, "I'll open the door..."

As long as Ai Xi doesn't resist, there is still a chance. Li Mu is glad that he has entered a dead end.

"Why are you here?!" As soon as Ai Xi opened the door, she didn't recognize it at first glance, "Why is your hair dyed like this..."

"Sister, I can't live in my dormitory, a bunch of idiots, you can find me a house, I can't stay there for a day!"

A girl pushed a box and entered the room. She was about the same height as Ai Xi, with short gray hair from her grandmother and red lips that were striking.

She called Ai Xi "sister", which must be Ai Xi's sister, Li Mu raised his hand and waved his paw, "hi—"

The author has something to say: sister debut, lovely catalyst.

I originally planned to post it at night, but I couldn't help but throw it out when I got it right—

This time, it was really a serious injury to the vitality. The first time the main cp didn't get out of bed... The popularity has dropped so much π_π I don't know if there is any room for recovery.

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