Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter Kissing

Can't you just pull the clothes off? No wonder Ai Qing likes to stick to her. Ai Xi went to the water dispenser to pick up a glass of water. When she turned around, Li Mu had already taken out the thermometer...

Li Mu rested on the sofa with one hand, raised the thermometer with the other hand, raised his head and squinted to see the dial on it. On this side of the body, the shirt slipped down one of her arms again...

Seeing that, Ai Xi absently lowered her head to drink water.


"Eat first, and then take the medicine later." Ai Xi took the thermometer from Li Mu's hand, and gently pulled Li Mu's collar, tidying up her clothes for her, and then Li Mu lowered his head Slowly close the buttons one by one.

"It's actually this one..." Foodie Li Mu recognized it at a glance, this restaurant is well-known in City A, you have to wait for a table on weekdays, and there are often long queues at the delivery window, "Did you buy it on purpose? And medicine... Asi... Do you feel bad for me... The sun is so bright at noon, what if you get heatstroke?"

Li Mu is really a turtle hair, yes, it was specially bought for her, do you need to be so complacent? Ai Xi was impatient, "I... I was just passing by, do you want to eat or not..."

passing by? This is not a little bit of a road, Li Mu knows it in his heart, and he doesn't continue to break it. Ai Xi's face is really thin, what's the embarrassment of this, it's too late to be moved!

"...Is it alright to eat here?" Li Mu just wanted to open the lunch box, but his movements stopped again. Eating is strictly prohibited in the office area. Although this is a lounge, I wonder if Ai Xi would mind.

Ai Xi never eats in the company, even in the lounge, but now she won't go to the restaurant with Li Mu again. She asked Li Mu to come over because she wanted Li Mu to rest here for a while at noon.

"It's alright, let's eat."

Because of the cold and fever, Li Mu's appetite was much lighter than usual, but thinking that Ai Xi had lined up to buy it for him under the scorching sun, Li Mu ate it fragrantly, and finally ate more than Ai Xi.

"If you like it, eat more." Ai Xi picked out all the meat in her lunch box to Li Mu.

No matter how delicious it is, if you eat too much, you will get tired. Li Mu shook his head, "Don't give it to me, it's all fed to a pig."

Ai Xi still hadn't eaten much. Li Mu's lunch box was empty, but she still had more than half left. In line with the principle of diligence and thrift, Li Mu reminded: "You are wasting food..."

"The weather is hot and I have no appetite." Ai Xi said half-jokingly, "In order not to waste food, then you eat..."

Li Mu sat down next to Ai Xi, really picked up her lunch box, and picked up a piece of beef, but instead of eating it himself, he fed it to Ai Xi, "Eat more, you're eating too little."

"Just take a bite, open your mouth." Li Mu's raised arm was sore, "I'm sick, don't make me angry~~"

"It's just you." Ai Xi opened her lips and ate the piece of beef. Li Mu immediately put another small mouthful of rice into her mouth, and then Ai Xi refused to eat it no matter what.

"Don't lose weight..." Li Mu put down the tableware and chopsticks in his hand, and then said slowly, "I like it... I like something with a little meat."

"...that's none of my business."

Ai Xi, you are acting stupid, Li Mu feels that Ai Xi is pretending to ignore her disguised confession.

"It's none of your business... Then don't lose weight..." Li Mu saw a bit of sauce on the corner of her mouth, which was rubbed on it when she was just feeding her, "Here... don't move..."

While saying "don't move", Li Mu's body leaned towards Ai Xi, and Ai Xi's body froze at that moment, wondering what happened? Until Li Mu's fingers gently rubbed the corner of her mouth...

There was obviously a tissue on the coffee table, but Li Mu forgot everything as soon as he got close to her. He simply wiped the corner of her mouth with the pulp of his thumb. What was even more embarrassing was that Li Mu actually wiped the wipe in front of Ai Xi. The fingers that crossed her lips went into her mouth and sucked.

Li Mu's actions made both of them blushed. Ai Xi's breathing was a little short. She was so nervous when she spoke that her voice was a little hoarse, but for Li Mu, it was full of temptation, "Li're so disgusting..."

"Ai Xi..." Li Mu's waist was a little sore by keeping the same movement, but Li Mu didn't take this into consideration. She threw herself into looking at Ai Xi with all her heart, and the atmosphere... set off just right.

Li Mu especially likes to touch Ai Xi's lips, maybe because it has a special meaning for her, she continued to gently rub Ai Xi's lips with her fingertips, and then moved her head closer...

The closer it was, the faster his heart beat. Li Mu also seemed to feel the ups and downs of Ai Xi's chest. The tip of their noses had already been wiped, and the breath swept across the other's face, which was extremely ambiguous.

Li Mu pursed his lips and held Ai Xi's face with his hands. His eyes stayed on her red lips for a moment, and then he stared at her beautiful eyes again, like a reminder...

A little closer, when her lips were almost pressed together, Ai Xi closed her eyes.

His nose suddenly itch... Li Mu's head swerved, "...Ah..."

Ai Xi was pulled back to reality in a second. She is still in the office. Just now, Li Mu...

"Hurry up and take your medicine, and I'll pour you some water." Ai Xi's mood hasn't calmed down yet. If it wasn't for Li Mu's sneeze just now, what were they doing now? Kissing in the office... Ai Xi's face burns badly...

Staring at Ai Xi's back, Li Mu stretched out his palm to cover his eyes. This kind of thing always feels so shy and embarrassing... But Ai Xi closed her eyes just now. If it wasn't a **** sneeze, she would have kissed her. .

Li Mu covered his eyes and started to hold his head in his hands, annoyed that such an opportunity is so rare, and Ai Xi didn't refuse, why didn't he pursue the victory...

"Ah..." Li Mu took a tissue and blew his nose, suddenly remembering, will kissing at this time pass the cold to Ai Xi? Drinking the same glass of water is contagious, not to mention this close mouth-to-mouth contact.

mouth to mouth? Li Mu shyly lay down on the sofa, took a pillow, and buried his face in it. The scene just now was really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Li Mu took out his mobile phone, opened the browser, and typed in the search bar: How long before we can kiss?

She actually found a piece of the answer, and she is not alone in this problem!

"Two yellow pills and one white pill." Ai Xi handed the water to Li Mu.

Li Mu was nervous and hurriedly pressed the Home button to return, for fear of being seen by Ai Xi, but this action was intended to make a difference, and Ai Xi didn't say anything when she saw her gossiping, but explained: "You may be sleepy after taking the medicine. Just sleep here for a while, and I'll call you when I get to work."

After taking the medicine, Li Mu just remembered a question, can her relationship with Ai Xi be considered a relationship level? It seems that she has never made a serious confession from beginning to end, and Ai Xi has never admitted anything. . .

The last time I played a game and kissed her, it was just an accident. After all, Li Mu didn't really hold her hand, and she didn't even hold her hand. Isn't the kiss too fast?

So, when exactly can we kiss? ! !

The author has something to say: surprise(≧▽≦)/, I have updated this point again~ Guess if you can kiss it within 50 chapters?

Damn, I think this article is too white, wood, can you stop being so silly and sweet QAQ

It turned out that this article only planned to write 150,000 to 180,000, but I didn’t even kiss it seriously after writing about 50 chapters, which I didn’t expect. Therefore, women are really fickle animals _(:з "∠)_.

Today I suddenly want to talk, I feel that the author can write a thousand words if he has something to say. I am trying to restrain myself, good night.

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