Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter Tanabata

"Ai Xi, I like you..."

Between the silences, the room was so quiet that only the ticking of the clock hand remained. Li Mu didn't know if the decibel of his voice was enough for Ai Xi to hear clearly, but it was indeed a little small.

Sometimes, someone can care, and can be cared for, just as happy.

Ai Xi's mouth became bigger when she was eating. A steamed dumpling filled her mouth and her cheeks bulged. It was the first time she saw her eating so deliciously. I was so fascinated that I wanted to reach out and touch her slightly bulging cheeks. Her beautiful lips were also glossy because of the food, which was more attractive than any lip gloss.

I really doubt whether people's ears can selectively receive. They are often very sensitive to words such as "like" and "love". Ai Xi's chewing speed is getting slower and slower. After eating the last bite, she licked her lips and stared. He stayed on the food that had been destroyed by half on the table, but his mind remained on the half-sentence that Li Mu had not finished speaking...

"What did you say?"

Ai Xi didn't mean to want Li Mu to repeat it, but she didn't know how to answer for a while, so she said something irrelevant as a buffer... But after thinking about it carefully, Ai Xi really wanted Li Mu to repeat it again, wanting to see her face it. With a reddish face, say "I like you" again.

"I said..." Li Mu straightened up and summoned all his courage to say only one sentence, "You must have heard it! Don't play stupid!"


Li Mu's ability to change the subject is as strong as ever, "The porridge is cold... I'll go and warm it up."

"Xiaomu, I'm full."

Li Mu turned into the kitchen with the porridge. She only heard "Xiaomu" and the director's slightly coquettish tone, which was like an illusion. Li Mu's blood boiled for a moment, and he didn't know how to close his mouth. Forcibly biting her lower lip, she retracted her eight teeth.

Since the beginning of August, Li Mu's heart has been restless. Paying wages is one aspect, but her eyes are obviously looking at a longer-term perspective. Three days later, it will be the traditional Chinese festival - Qixi Festival.

Before it was put on hold, Li Mu didn't even know when the Qixi Festival was. To be precise, it was not that he didn't know, but that he didn't want to know. She often dragged Hu Xiaowan with resentment, "Valentine's Day, White People's Day, Black People's Day, and traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, Banxian, why do you think lovers like festivals so much?!"

When Hu Xiaowan answered her with a smile, in fact, the 14th of every month was Valentine's Day, Li Mu felt that only one sentence "Haha" could express the surging rush of thousands of grass and mud horses in his heart.

Only now did Li Mu understand how sour his sentence "What's better than Valentine's Day" back then.

However, this year is different. Li Mu circled the day of Qixi Festival on the electronic calendar. He almost stared out a hole in the screen of his mobile phone. He seemed to be planning something in his small eyes. Yes, this day is more than any traditional festival. Important, even if there is no holiday!

On Valentine's Day, a festival that is enough to make the hotel towers sway, how many people are off the single day, how many people change from girls to women on this day.

In fact, Li Mu didn't ask for anything else. For the first time in 25 years, on Valentine's Day, she just wanted to find a chance to give Ai Xi her first kiss. Seriously, the kind that can confirm the relationship. Although Li Mu also feels that his thoughts are naive, aren't all women in love fools? She is barely in love, which should be understandable, not to mention that this is the first time in her life.

The days passed quickly and slowly, anyway, Li Mu didn't know how to describe it. The day before the Qixi Festival, the company's compatriots focused on this festival that some people were happy and some were worried about, but only Ai Xi, and Like a wooden man.

When he came home from get off work in the evening, Li Mu finally couldn't help but slap him, "Axi, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"


What a succinct answer, Li Mu is not discouraged, "I will invite you to dinner tomorrow night!"


"The salary is paid, I will reward you, and pick me up to and from get off work every day~~~"

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, I want to have a candlelight dinner with you, but Li Mu can't say anything like this, how pretentious it is to say it.

"Okay, I have no problem."

The roses on Valentine's Day are so vulgar, but Li Mu went to the flower shop to make a reservation a few days earlier, and the address was written by the company.

Although it is vulgar, no matter when, this thorny rose is the capital of showing off, Li Mu thought, what will Ai Xi's expression look like when she receives the flower?

"Hey hey~~~"

"Ouch, hello" made the whole planning department lose the mind to work, and a female colleague of gossip began to "perform" in a eloquent manner, "The rose that Director Ai received, tsk, it's so simple, I'm so envious..."

Then led to a large exclamation:

"It's all women, the difference is too big..."

"Last year, my husband even gave broccoli, but this year, there is not even a leaf!"


Li Mu thought, the bouquet I picked by myself is not good enough. Listening to the female compatriots envy Ai Xi, isn't she just praising herself in disguise? She secretly sent Ai Xi a text message, just three words: Do you like it?

Then waited an hour with no reply.

The head of the department ran over and said that today is a special day. Those who have a target can leave work an hour earlier. Everyone exploded the pot at once, and everyone who didn't have a target took out their makeup bags and started to touch up their makeup, making it as if they had an appointment soon. If there is no object, you have to stay and work, how hard it is.

Li Mu also started to pack his things, looked at the text message, Ai Xi hadn't replied yet, and the people in the office were completely empty.

Walking out the door, not only the planning department, but also the entire company was left with very few people. The company's single rate dropped from 50% to zero. Li Mu walked to Ai Xi's office with his hands behind his back. , knocked on the door, and went in without waiting for her answer.

After entering Ai Xi's office, Li Mu realized why the former gossip female colleague acted so exaggeratedly. A corner... was full of roses, all of which were the same as the ones he bought. Li Mu felt that he had to go to the flower shop owner. In theory, where is this rose unique? It's all ruined.

Li Muchu stayed where he was, silently counting the number of bouquets of roses in his heart... Eleven, twelve, thirteen, a whole thirteen bouquets, and he didn't know which corner he gave them.

"How did you come?"

Li Mu continued to observe the roses. The entire planning department's female colleagues had never received so many roses. How capable is Ai Xi, in other words, how many people want to chase Ai Xi?

"...This, I haven't had time to deal with it yet." Ai Xi noticed where Li Mu's eyes stopped, the pile of roses was indeed a little embarrassing, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"I... just..." Is it necessary to ask her if she likes it? It is estimated that Ai Xi didn't care about these flowers at all. It was the first time to send flowers to the person she liked, so... Li Mu was somewhat disappointed, but she still smiled: "Company benefits, those who have a target can leave work first."

People who have a partner can leave work first. Li Mu definitely did not mean to insinuate in this sentence, but Ai Xi realized a layer of innuendo, which was a bit subtle, Ai Xi just nodded slightly and smiled, "Really? The benefits are good.”

"So you also get off work early." Li Mu took away the documents in her hand.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Ai Xi grabbed it back, lowered her head and said, "Wait for me a while longer."

Some people's minds are very easy to figure out, such as Li Mu, who suddenly wanted to eat Western food on a whim. Ai Xi leaned on her. Although she didn't say anything, she understood in her heart. On Qixi Festival, Ai Xi didn't have too many good memories. It's funny to say that she and her first love broke up on this day. Later, she and Gao Wei met. Although he was good at surprises and romances, he was just like that. , I didn't feel it, but it was a little annoying, so that Ai Xi felt that Valentine's Day was more like a superfluous, because on this day, she was more disturbed than usual.

The traffic jams, the traffic jams continue, and the betting is worse than usual today.

"I told you to get off work early, how can I finish my get off work..." Li Mu whispered, feeling hungry, suddenly remembered that he seemed to have put a box of biscuits in the car a few days ago, so he looked around, just about to reach out and pull it Ai Xi suddenly stopped her in the storage compartment.

"What are you looking for!"

Li Mu didn't know what happened, so he replied weakly, "I'm looking for something to eat."

Ai Xi stared at Li Mu's hand, she was about to open the glove box in the next second. "There's nothing to eat in the car."

It is not clear whether Li Mu has eaten or not. "Yes, I put a box of biscuits last time and haven't eaten them yet."

"I ate... supper right away, don't eat it."

"You still eat biscuits... Hey, isn't this still there~" Li Mu opened it directly. In fact, the first time he saw the biscuits was not a gift box, but the packaging was exquisite and beautiful. Li Mu paused, She took out the box of biscuits and opened them to eat them. She sighed in her heart. It was a Valentine's Day gift, and she also fell behind others.

Seeing Li Mu's reaction, Ai Xi didn't pay attention to the gift box at all. She was completely overthinking it. Also, given Li Mu's character, her first reaction was probably to focus on food. When I went shopping with Li Mu last time, Li Mu pointed to a bracelet in the counter and said that he liked it. Later, Ai Xi passed by the store and bought the bracelet... I just thought that Li Mu should be very happy.

The dinner was as Li Mu wished, and it was settled in a western restaurant. A large poster of the easy-to-pull stand was eye-catching, and couples could enjoy a 50% discount for kissing. Li Mu and Ai Xi looked at each other, and there was an unnatural look on their faces. The look, come on, just paid, not less than 50% off. . .

Tonight, it is estimated that the single Wang has consciously stayed at home, so no matter where he goes, it is a special event for couples, not to mention the movie theater, no matter what the movie is, it is full.

Finally, I found a bad movie with a bad reputation. There are just two of them, and they are one after the other. Li Mu thought about what he had done. Heaven only treated her like this. Next time, it must be half a movie earlier. Just book movie tickets every month.

"Don't you want to watch a movie? Let's watch this one..."

Li Mu's depression was too obvious, and he smiled wryly, "Then look at this..."

Ai Xi is in the back seat of Li Mu, there are couples on the left and right, chatting and laughing, and even more annoying is the pair in the front, just after the beginning of the film, they kissed for five minutes, Li Muguang looked over their heads .

Watching a movie without the purpose of watching a movie is a hooligan!

The bad movie is really bad, I just watched it for less than half an hour, Li Mu yawned all day long, and when she got back, she had to go to the next gun version. Check it out before going to bed, the hypnotic effect is absolutely amazing.

Li Mu was sleepy for another half an hour, and there was still half an hour left in the film, and Ai Xi also found it very boring. Seeing that Li Mu in the front seat was dozing off, his head slipped down the chair and onto a man's shoulder. The man was busy Flirting with his girlfriend, he pushed Li Mu away unceremoniously, Li Mu woke up for a while, and the sleepy worm climbed up again.

It turned out to be a pig, and he could fall asleep in the cinema. Li Mu said that his neck was uncomfortable when he slept on the sofa. Ai Xi was worried that it would be bad for her spine, so she reached out and patted Li Mu on the shoulder to wake her up, "Let's go back. "

The movie theater was noisy, Li Mu didn't know what she was talking about, but when she saw that she got up, she immediately picked up her bag and followed Ai Xi out.

Li Mu: "Why didn't you look at it?"

"What do you think? You're all asleep."

Li Mu yawned again, "Well, it's worse than the legend."

"The text you sent me this afternoon..." When I was just watching a movie, I was really bored, and Ai Xi discovered that there was an unread text message at 3:00 in the afternoon, with only three words: Do you like it?

"What's the meaning?"

"What text message?" Li Mu took out his mobile phone and looked at it, only to think of sending roses. "No... nothing."

"Did you give me something?" This is easy to infer, and there is an object hidden behind the like.

When Ai Xi asked this, Li Mu felt a little aggrieved, but he admitted awkwardly: "...I sent you flowers."

flower? No wonder Li Mu kept staring at the bunch of roses when he entered her office. Li Mu is not good at hiding his emotions. If he knew a little about her, he could see the thought on her face. Ai Xi thought Li Mu was jealous. , so everything depends on her at night.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I want to give you a surprise..." The more Li Mu said, the less confident he was. How could roses be a surprise to Ai Xi?

"Where?" Li Mu saw that she was driving in the wrong direction.

AG is not far from here. When Li Mu saw the familiar building, he knew Ai Xi's destination. She parked the car in the temporary parking space and hurriedly got out of the car, "Wait for me here. ."

Li Mu followed, "What's the matter, I'm with you."

When I returned to the office, it was already clean, not even the scent of roses. Ai Xi told Auntie Cleaning to get rid of the flowers, "I'm sorry, Xiaomu... I didn't know you sent flowers... "

Did she drive back to the company just to find flowers? Hearing her call "Xiaomu" again, all Li Mu's grievances dissipated, and he even began to be moved. Ai Xi's back in a hurry just now made Li Mu feel that this woman cared about him very much.

The author has something to say: it's already at this point when the update is made, and I've really worked hard to catch up with them, but...

So sleepy, good night.

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