Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter agreement

"I want to throw up..."

"Don't, don't, hold on, I'll be there soon." As soon as he got to the 27th floor, Mo Ran walked towards 2708 with Li Mu in his arms, thinking that you must not vomit...

But how could Li Mu control the force majeure factor like vomiting? She had already resisted it very hard. Seeing that she was about to arrive at her destination, Mo Ran hurriedly knocked on the door, hoping to take Li Mu to the bathroom in time. .

After all, Ai Xi opened the door a few steps too late, and only opened a crack, only to see Li Mu vomit with a "wow"... This scene is not very beautiful.

Mo Ran had a big head, and he had known that he had taken a vomit bag from the car, "I'm sorry, sorry..."

Mo Ran apologized to Ai Xi on behalf of Li Mu. She really couldn't hold this little aunt by herself, so she asked Ai Xi as a last resort, "Can you help me?"

Ai Xi's face turned green. It would be nice if she didn't drive these two out now, and would you like to help? At most, she opened the door to let them out, and she was already showing mercy. She pointed, "The bathroom is there..."

Mo Ran had no choice but to carry Li Mu on his back. He didn't seem to have a lot of flesh on his back, but he was quite heavy on his back. He staggered to the bathroom.

Ai Xi slammed the door shut, not wanting to see the "victory results" left by someone, whoever made this mess should clean up.

This is still the first day. In the middle of the night, I was so drunk that I vomited all over the place. Ai Xi really couldn't feel good about Li Mu. What kind of quiet Wen Qing, a good baby who hasn't gone out yet? Ai Xi rarely takes anger on others, but this time there is really no room for negotiation, even if she regrets it, she cannot let Li Mu live here.

Li Mu continued to vomit in the bathroom, Mo Ran patted her on the back and sighed, "That's why I really love you..."

Ai Xi was in a very bad mood after such a commotion, she closed the door and went into the bedroom to lie down, and the two people outside the room were doing whatever they wanted.

Seeing that Li Mu had vomited enough, Mo Ran poured a glass of water and rinsed Li Mu's mouth, then carefully removed her makeup and wiped her face before helping her back to the bedroom.

"What are you doing..." Li Mu had already woken up quite a bit at this time, and when he saw Mo Ran's hand wandering around him, he grabbed it.

"Auntie, I'll change your pajamas~"

Ever since he knew that Mo Ran had a bad opinion about himself, Li Mu would have given her this chance, so he got up from the bed and pushed Mo Ran out, "Okay, I'm not dizzy, you go back to rest early... Another day. please eat..."

After taking a shower casually, Li Mu fell asleep on the bed.

That night, Li Mu slept soundly, while Ai Xi lost sleep.

At seven o'clock in the morning, even though Ai Xi didn't sleep well last night, she still woke up naturally, but she was dizzy and out of state.

Coats, T-shirts, underwear, panties... The bathroom was a mess. Ai Xi kicked all these clothes to the corner like a piece of trash, with disgust on her face. This is a little girl who loves cleanliness? No, Li Mu must leave today!

Li Mu was used to living alone. Besides, he was dizzy last night, so he was a little more casual when he took off his clothes.

dong dong dong!

After Ai Xi washed up, she just took out sliced ​​bread and milk from the refrigerator and was about to eat breakfast, when she heard a pounding outside the door, one word, trouble!

She opened the door impatiently, and there was a middle-aged woman standing outside the door, who should have returned from walking the dog.

"Young people need to have some quality. You see, your door is already like this. If you don't clean it up, you are a disgusting person in the morning!"

The aunt in charge of cleaning the corridor happened to be on leave today, so the evidence of Li Mu's good deeds last night has not been wiped out.

"It's not..." Ai Xi wanted to defend herself, but then she thought, "Okay, I'll deal with it now, sorry."

dong dong dong!

This time, it's Li Mu's bedroom door that is going to rot. She is dreaming of dating a beautiful girl, and her first kiss is about to be offered... "It's so noisy..."

Li Mu covered his head with a quilt, covered his ears, and immediately went into another dreamland.

"Li Mu, come out for me!"

Ai Xi intensified her knock on the door, her hands were all red, is the person inside deaf?

"Li Mu!"

Ai Xi twisted the doorknob and found that it was unlocked, and the door was knocked on as well. She pushed the door open and went in directly. Li Mu was sleeping soundly with the quilt rolled up on the bed, like a pig.

"Li Mu, get up!"

"It's so noisy..." Li Mu remembered that today was the weekend, so he dared to drink so much wine last night, turned over and continued to sleep sweetly.

"You wake me up..."

Li Mu automatically blocked her. She didn't get up and had a good temper. No matter how noisy you were, she could sleep soundly.

Unable to wake up at all, Ai Xi wanted to push her with her hands, but felt it was inappropriate, so she compromised and pulled the quilt...

Who knew this woman would actually sleep naked!

It may be that the quilt was suddenly pulled away, and the warm, naked skin was exposed to the cold air at once, and he was a little uncomfortable. Li Mu, who was lying on his side, subconsciously curled up, bent his knees, and put his hands on his chest.

Li Mu's overall impression is that he is very small, with small facial features and a body. This way, he feels more like a bird when he is curled up. His loose hair is draped over his shoulders, slightly curled, and his bare porcelain white skin seems to be transparent. light up...

Ai Xi's angle just saw Li Mu's red-naked back, but when he accidentally swept his eyes to the other party's slightly raised hips and groin, his face instantly became hot, and he "threw" the quilt back at Li Mu. .

Li Mu was woken up by being "smashed". She sat up with sleepy eyes wrapped in the quilt, rubbed her eyes, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Mo Ran once said that the cutest time for Li Mu was when she just woke up. No matter how she did it, she was soft and harmless to people and animals, which made people like it.

Looking at her current appearance, she really looks like a child. Even Ai Xi's anger has been extinguished a lot, but she just said coldly: "Get up and clean up."

Hu Xiaowan is not completely nonsense, she just performed a little artificial art processing based on reality. Li Mu is very hardworking and loves hygiene, which is true.

The move last night must have caused a lot of dust, and the drunkenness made a mess. Even if Ai Xi didn't say it, Li Mu himself was aware of it. She not only cleaned the corridor, but also wiped the entire room inside and out with disinfectant, working hard without complaining, without saying a word.

"Ah - I'm exhausted..." Li Mu took a shower and slumped on the sofa. He wailed, only to realize that it was noon, and he had been busy without breakfast, and now his stomach was screaming again and again...

Ai Xi originally planned to kick Li Mu out today, but since she performed well in the morning, she was not so resolute.

"You, come here."

"Me?" Li Muzheng was using his mobile phone to search for nearby food. Ai Xi sat like a goddess all morning, but now she took the initiative to talk to herself? "You call me..."

Nonsense, isn't there only two people in this room? !

Ai Xi calmed down, "Yes, it's you."

This way of communication is also drunk, and it really is a discordant aura, and it feels awkward no matter what.

"Ah? You're coming back before ten o'clock at night? You can't bring strangers in, so can your friends? Not even a small party... Even if you come in for a cup of tea? You can't even drop by!" Li Muzhen doubted that he was behind his ears. What a mess of rules.

Ai Xi took a sip of water, "Do you have a problem with understanding? This is not your personal space."

Emma, ​​this Ai Xi's social circle is probably smaller than her own? You can't even bring friends, and Li Mu is still thinking about asking Hu Xiaowan and Mo Ran to have a barbecue on the balcony in the summer!

"Okay... I'm responsible for the hygiene, don't you think it's too harsh for me?" This is a typical overlord clause!

"Xiao Wan said that you are uncomfortable if you don't work for a day. If you can't accept it, then move out. You know, you only pay one-third of the rent." This is purely Ai Xi's revenge for what happened last night. She wouldn't really let Li Mu take it down alone, that is to say, that's all.

"Okay..." Li Mu gritted his teeth.

Unexpectedly, Li Mu agreed, and Ai Xi didn't expect it. If you can squeeze it, you can squeeze it, "By the way, Xiaowan said you can still cook?"

Is she a vampire reincarnated, is she looking for a roommate or a babysitter? Li Mu has a good temper and is not bullied like this. She said to Ai Xi with a smile: "Well, she can cook, and her skills are not bad."

Before Ai Xi didn't speak, Li Mu shook his head and added a sentence in a more owed tone, "...But what does this have to do with you?"

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