Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter fracture

"My sister is just having fun, she wants to open a house, so she doesn't want to bring Yangyang with her..."

The dining table was quiet except for Li Mu's coughing. Gradually, Li Mu's coughing stopped, and the whole atmosphere became even more strange. My aunt and uncle looked at each other with complicated expressions, and they both forgot to pick up the vegetables. My cousin, who was preparing for the college entrance examination, helped her glasses frame, and there was a rare hint of slyness in her lifeless eyes. Get in.

"Xiaomu, are you going on a date with your boyfriend tomorrow?" My sister-in-law spoke first, this everyone's hearts, the default is to open a room, okay! "Why didn't you tell my aunt when I made a boyfriend, this child... I'm still thinking about introducing someone to you."

When Li Mu came here to live here temporarily for the reason of changing the house, my aunt still didn't know her specific situation, "No... No, aunt, Yangyang, he heard it wrong, I meant to see the house tomorrow! Yes, see the house! I'm not looking for a new house, just in time for the weekend..."

"Then don't be in a hurry when it comes to finding a house. We are all a family, so you should just be at home and do whatever you want... Is it because my aunt's house is not used to living or the food is not to my taste?"

"No, no, little aunt is the best to me~"

Li Mu pinched a cold sweat, secretly praised his wit, and finally diverted the topic away. I didn't expect that little devil to be so persistent! I just want to emphasize: "Mom, my elder sister is lying, and the teacher said that lying is not a good child... My elder sister just wanted to open a room, and said that children can't play, so she didn't bring Yangyang...Yangyang heard right..." The little guy said and felt aggrieved.

If I slammed it, Li Mu almost spat out two taels of blood, and the blood stained the dining table! She really wanted to pick up the chicken legs on the table and block the bear child's legs, and after talking to him so much, she only remembered the word "opening a room". After growing up, it will be amazing.

Then, the atmosphere returned to the beginning, even more bizarre than at the beginning, Li Mu could only pretend to be crazy and say stupidly: "Naughty...that, aunt, I will take Yangyang out to play tomorrow morning, and I will look for the house in the afternoon. , haha... the soup was delicious tonight..."

After he finished speaking, Li Mu was ready to serve soup, only to find out that there is no soup tonight. . .

At the dinner table, except for the culprit, the little brat, the other three had expressions of "I know" on their faces. . .

Li Mu was afraid that the little aunt would add fuel to Li's mother again, so he gritted his teeth and emphasized again, "Li Mu, don't get me wrong, I really don't have a boyfriend. I'm going to see the room tomorrow." Li Mu speaks Mandarin. The pronunciation standard emphasizes the word "seeing the house".

Don't explain it, they say "I understand", explain it, just want to hide it. Li Mu said that he was powerless and that he was really not good at lying.

Then, there is only "room inspection" in the afternoon.

Although it is the end of September, the temperature has not completely dropped, and the sun is shining. Li Mu took the bear child and ran to Plaza One, which was the closest to his home, for a stroll. One big and one small all wore sunglasses. It was quite windy to walk outside, but Li Mu didn’t want to move after a few steps. He was alone in the shade of a tree. He rested with Erlang's legs crossed under the bench below, Yangyang stood by and watched a few trendy men playing fancy skateboards, his eyes straightened.

Li Mu sent a text message to Ai Xi:

- I'm at Plaza One, are you coming? Let's eat barbecue together at noon~

-Wait for me, I'll come over now.

—wife~~~ kiss one~~~ [kiss]

"Sister, I also want to play—" Yangyang pointed at the skateboarders and pulled Li Mu's sleeve.

"Go there and play on the slide, darling~"

"I'm going to play that! Don't let me play... I'll follow you to play open room in the afternoon..."

Sister, you really gave birth to a child prodigy. . .

"Yangyang is not cute at all. If you say 'opening a room', my sister will not play with you!" Opening a room will become the dark history of Li Mu's life, no doubt.

"Beauty, are you skateboarding?"

Li Mu was sitting there, and someone had already approached him.

"I want to play, I want to play!" Then Yangyang followed the strange man away.

Li Mu shouted "little ancestor" in his heart, but he had no choice but to follow behind.

Yangyang was having a lot of fun pushing a skateboard to the side, just in time, he also saved Li Mu some trouble, lest this little devil would come to him from time to time to talk about "opening a room".

"Beauty, don't you want to play?"

"No-playing-" Li Mu raised his head and rolled his eyes at the man he approached, but he couldn't see it with his sunglasses anyway.

"I'll teach you~"

Li Mu took off his sunglasses smartly, and then said disdainfully, "I can play."

Li Mu stepped on the skateboard with her right foot first, and then stepped on the skateboard with her left foot. Steady, but Li Mu could barely slip around.

"Sister, it's great!"

It is easy to get carried away when one is proud. Li Mu was like a child, but now he is addicted to sliding. Looking at the **** of about fifteen degrees in front of him, he feels that his level should be able to control...

Li Mu stepped on the skateboard and slid down, just in time to see Ai Xi coming, light-colored skinny jeans and a solid-color casual shirt. Although she only wore flat white sneakers today, she still looked tall and tall, with the same height ratio, as if she was walking. Coat hanger. As soon as he saw Ai Xi, Li Mu's attention was completely focused on her. After a while, he noticed that the speed of the skateboard under his feet was getting faster and faster, a piece of peel was stuck on the wheel, and the center of gravity was unstable, and the whole person fell forward. .

At this time, the most taboo is to use the elbow to support the ground, but the first reaction of many people will be like this, and Li Mu is no exception, screaming, "Ah..."

Li Mu fell to the ground, his first reaction was: What a shame! Second reaction: my arm hurts...

Ai Xi was frightened by Li Mu's sudden fall. She trotted over. At this time, there were several people around Li Mu. Ai Xi squeezed over and squatted down: "Xiaomu, where did you fall?! Does it hurt? …”

Of course it hurts to fall, but Li Mu didn't care too much at first, and said with a smile, "It's alright, it'll be fine in a while."

When Ai Xi helped her up, Li Mu felt something was wrong, his forearm seemed to be…

" seems to be broken..."

"Go to the hospital now!" Fortunately, the car was parked not far away.

"Yangyang, follow..." Although Li Mu was in severe pain, his little ancestor still couldn't forget it.

Registration, filming, arm fracture, cast.

Looking at his almost useless right arm, Li Mu withdrew from the hotel he booked online last night with tears in his eyes. The scent of roses was also replaced by the smell of disinfectant, and Li Mu felt more than a little lost.

"Does it still hurt? Someone so big is so careless..." When Li Mu said his arm was broken, Ai Xi's heart skipped a beat.

"What should I do?" Li Mu pointed at his "bold version" of his right arm with his left finger. It took 100 days for his muscles and bones to break. The doctor said that it would take a month to remove the plaster.

"What do you mean?"

The right arm was injured again. Now it is inconvenient to do anything, not to mention going to work. "It will not heal in a while, so I can't go to work."

"Then don't go to work." Ai Xi leaned over and scratched Li Mu's nose with her index finger, a gesture of doting, "I'll keep you."

In an instant, the sense of happiness was overwhelming, Li Mu wanted to hug her, but there was a "discarded hand" on his chest, which really got in the way!

Ai Xi could see through her thoughts, but she still didn't dare to hug her. Her arms had just been bandaged, so she didn't dare to move, "You stop worrying, you're hungry, I'll go buy you something to eat."

He hadn't eaten since entering the hospital, and Li Mu felt that his chest was stuck on his back after being reminded. My sister-in-law came once in the middle of the journey. Seeing her situation, she immediately reported the situation to Li Ma. Li Ma, who was so anxious to travel abroad, had to rush back to City A without stopping.

In the restaurant downstairs, Ai Xi simply packed two boxes of lunches. The hospital's condition is only a matter of time.

"Ai Xi... is it really you?"

"Mr. Fang..." Ai Xi turned around and saw Fang Xihan was also carrying two lunch boxes.

"Why are you here?" Fang Xihan was still a little surprised to meet Ai Xi here. She looked like she was taking care of the patient. "Who's in the hospital?"

"Li Mu's arm is broken and he is hospitalized here."

"It's such a coincidence... Mo Ran broke his leg and was hospitalized here."

Fang Xihan's tone was as if he was saying, so coincidentally my family also eats potatoes and beef for lunch, Ai Xi didn't know how to answer.

The author has something to say: Mo Fang is online again~~

The arm is folded, you can enjoy the care of the director, such as feeding a small meal, taking a small bath, etc. [doge face]

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