Liu Fan stopped Ma Xiaoling, who was about to break into the castle.

He pulled back to Ma Xiaoling and returned to the hotel.

After all, breaking into an ancient castle and visiting a visit are two different concepts.

Ma Xiaoling didn't know, but Liu Fan knew very well that the owner in the castle in front of him was no one else.

It was Qin Shi Huang who unified the world!


The peacock looked at the two who came back in front of him and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

It's as if the two of them are stars.

"Master, I don't know if the decree you gave me can be completed."

Will the bell in the castle really ring?

Liu Fan and Ma Xiaoling, after saying hello to each other, returned to the room separately.

As soon as he returned to the room, Tianyou couldn't wait to greet Liu Fan.

"Mr. Liu, I hope you can do me a favor."

Along the way, Tianyou didn't stop talking, and finally said his request when the two were alone.

"Well, you're talking about resurrection." , Liu Fan immediately guessed Tianyou's request.

"Yes, the desire for resurrection to suck blood is increasing, I hope Mr. Liu can help."

Tianyou recalled that night in Sakura Country.

The power and satisfaction brought by the first time sucking raw human blood were all suppressed under the man in front of him.

Liu Fan waved his hand: "Don't be so polite, just call me Liu Fan, I'll try it again after returning to China." "

"Okay, thanks!"

"Well, it's not too late, rest early!"



As soon as dawn broke, the four of them packed up and came to the castle and knocked on the gate.

From time to time, a man in a suit, glasses, black hair mixed with a few white silks appeared on the wall of the castle.

"Hello, we are travelers from Xia Country and want to visit your ancient castle."

Ma Xiaoling said below.

The man above the castle looked at the four calmly and said.

"Hello, I am the owner of this ancient castle."

"My name is Riley..."

"Welcome to my castle."

"Please come in..."

After the words....

The heavy gate, slowly open!

The moment the gate opened, a huge resentment came to the face.

Wang Zhenzhen and Gu Tianyou felt that they suddenly became gloomy.

However, Liu Fan and Ma Xiaoling could feel that there were many people who had died unjustly here.

Many, many ....

"Welcome, this town has not been visited by tourists for a long time."

"Four, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, you might as well eat together."

Riley invited the four like a gentleman.

"This, not very good." The kind-hearted Wang Zhenzhen said embarrassedly.

"You're welcome, the castle hasn't had a guest for a long time." Riley said politely.

After that, without waiting for everyone to refuse, he took the four people to the restaurant.

After a while, Riley led everyone to the table.

Along the way, the decoration and furniture in the castle all highlight the identity of the man in front of him.

At least be sure that the money is not bad!

However, Ma Xiaoling, who followed behind, became more and more strange.

It is clear that this ancient castle has such strong resentment, if people who live here permanently, they will definitely be eroded by resentment, not to mention direct death.

But it must be many diseases and disasters, but the Riley in front of him is gentle and elegant, and he looks like an aristocrat...

Just when Ma Xiaoling thought about it more.

"It's arrived!"

As Riley pushed open the door of the restaurant, all he saw was a table with prepared food.

As everyone sat down, Ma Xiaoling finally asked her question: "Mr. Riley, are you also from Xia Country?" "

Riley nodded, "Yes, but came to the Eagle Country very early. "

"Then Mr. Riley, do you believe in the ghost stories of Xia Guo?"

"Huh? Miss, please say anything. "

Ma Xiaoling looked around and said, "Mr. Riley, your castle seems to be a little unclean, if you are interested, you can hire me." "

After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she took out a business card from her bag and handed it to Riley.

Riley, who took the business card, saw Ma Xiaoling's name, and his eyes that had been calm and waveless made a wave.

Caught up in memories.

"Ma Xiaoling? What is the relationship between Ma Linger and you? "

Ma Xiaoling, who heard these words, instantly stood up and looked at the elegant man in front of him with a shocked expression.

Full of rhyme, I couldn't help but tremble.

"You? Who are you and how do you know our Ma family ancestors! "

Riley smiled calmly and did not answer Ma Xiaoling's question.

However, the next sentence made everyone except Liu Fan hang a storm in their hearts.

"Oh, it turned out to be after the deceased."

Suddenly, Ma Xiaoling seemed to have been drained of strength.

Holding an exorcism wand, he trembled at Riley in front of him.

At this time, Liu Fan slowly stood up and went to Ma Xiaoling's side. Gently pressed Ma Xiaoling's raised hand down.

Softly soothed: "It's okay, I'm here!" "

Liu Fan straightened his Daoist robe, unfolded his hands, and the two sleeves of his robe were like a big peng unfolding, making a hunting sound!

Fold your arms to your chest, and then bow deeply.

"Liu Fan, the forty-first generation descendant of the Mao family, meet Qin Shi Huang."

At this moment, the king is seeing the king!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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