Li Ding looked at the protective aura of the giant man, and couldn't help but think of the time when the sect competed in the past.

Which one made him lose miserably.

Li Ding once again waved with his arms to block the giant man's giant stick, and the whole figure was smashed out again!

Li Ding gasped!

Without the protection of the black armor, Li Ding had already felt the displacement of the five internal organs in his body and split apart.

Even if he escapes, it is estimated that he will not live for a few days.

"Drink, I lost miserably last time, and I can't lose this time!"

Li Ding stood up with all his strength and said to the giant man in front of him: "Compared to the golden light spell of the stinky Taoist, you are still too far behind!" "

The giant man frowned, looked at Li Ding, although he didn't know what Li Ding said, but it was not a good thing to think about, and he read aloud with cherry blossom Chinese in his mouth: "Go and die!" "

After saying that, the giant man brandished the giant stick and prepared to give Li Ding the final blow.

While the giant man was wielding the giant stick, Li Ding used all his body to control the black armor scattered around!

Under Li Ding's control, the black armor condensed into a handful of spikes suspended in the back of the giant man's head.

The giant man sensed that something was wrong in the rear, but he believed very much that his protective shield could not be broken by the man in front of him.

All the giant men still waved the huge stick in their hands and smashed it towards Li Ding.

At the moment when the giant man smashed the giant stick, the giant thorn suspended behind him also stabbed fiercely towards the giant man's neck.


With a loud bang, the ground under Li Ding's feet was smashed into pieces, and Li Ding was also smashed into the ground.

But the last blow after Li Ding's death also broke through the defense of the giant man and touched the neck of the giant man.

With Li Ding's death, the giant thorn turned into a black armor dissipated in the wind, and at this moment, a small circular wound was left on the neck of the giant man.

"That's it?"

The giant man said with disdain, but the next moment he felt that his five internal organs were burning, and poisonous spots began to appear throughout his body!


The giant man spurted out a mouthful of blood, "How is it possible, how can I die here?" "

"I still have a lot of things to do!"

In the unwillingness of the giant man, he fell on the side of Li Ding's body.

According to the situation on the spot, Liu Fan told Du Fosong about the analysis.

"Earned, Li Ding is not a loss!" Dufosong said after listening to it.

After speaking, he did not forget to mention the corpse of Tang Tongbi behind him.

"What about the others?" Dufosong continued to ask.

"Tang Mingyi is dead, Wang Li is alive, and he should have arrived at the side of the suspension bridge and waited for us to take it!"

Liu Fan sighed, it was really too open the battlefield, and the other party counterattacked too quickly.

There is simply no time to save everyone, sometimes just a minute late and people are gone.

And this is the home of the opponent.

Miscellaneous little soldiers, countless kills can not be killed, even killing pigs will kill people tired.


Wang Li looked at the ninjas who surrounded him in all directions, and asked with a smile: "Mad woman, born in the family of the Tang Gate, do you feel depressed and depressed?" "

From the moment he was born in the Tang Gate, his whole life was like being planned.

Train, kill, keep training, kill.

Wang Li asked Tang Mingyi in front of him curiously.

Tang Mingyi's eyes were glowing red, and the clothes on his body were also soaked with blood and turned dark red.

Tang Mingyi gently waved the knife in his hand, threw the blood of the knife body to the ground, and looked at the ninjas who came up around excitedly and said: "I don't know, but not today!" "

After Tang Mingyi, who had already killed the red eye, finished answering, he jumped down from the tree excitedly, and the long knife in his hand slashed at a ninja like an arc.

At the moment when Tang Mingyi slashed a ninja, the enemy from behind Tang Mingyi struck.

However, in the next second, he was cut in half by Tang Mingyi's backhand.

The rest of the ninjas saw it, stood in the distance and quickly shot at Tang Mingyi with a dark weapon.

Looking at the dark weapon that flew in, Tang Mingyi lifted the poison barrier and casually grabbed a ninja on the side.

In an instant, the ninja's face was filled with purple poison spots, and he looked at Tang Mingyi incredulously.

Tang Mingyi directly blocked the ninja in front of him, and the dense dark weapon shot at the ninja, blooming with various blood flowers.

Just when Tang Mingyi used the ninja to block the dark weapon, a long knife appeared behind Tang Mingyi out of thin air.

The moment the long knife appeared, it quickly stabbed towards Tang Mingyi like thunder.

Seeing that he was about to be stabbed, Wang Li came behind Tang Mingyi and blocked the long knife that stabbed Tang Mingyi.

The long knife was blocked by Wang Li, and the huge force made him retreat one after another, and it turned out to be a female ninja wearing a cloak.

Seeing that she was exposed to the air, the female ninja instantly moved backwards, waved the cloak in her hand, and disappeared into the night again.

Tang Mingyi and Wang Li glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of strangeness, not to mention that they had never seen this method, they had not even heard of it.

Just when the two shocked the female ninja's means, several balls had already rolled down at the feet of the two.

It exploded in an instant, spewing out countless smoke.

Tang Mingyi and Wang Li quickly covered their mouths and noses, and their figures exploded backwards and retreated.

As soon as the two retreated, countless dark weapons and bitterness fell on the place where the two had just stood.

After the smoke cleared, the ninjas looked at the dense stuffing of various dark weapons on the ground, but they were empty, and they instantly became vigilant and began to look around, always paying attention to the wind and grass around them.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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