Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Dead or Alive

"Don't be impulsive. Have something to say. Violence cannot solve the problem ..."

A policewoman shouted anxiously with a loudspeaker. She was surrounded by layers of police cars and police cars with a large number of live ammunition. The target was a gangster standing in a bank, not only tied to a bundle of explosives, There were also a dozen trembling hostages squatting around.

"Xian Kuihua! Come out to me. If you don't give me an account today, I will give you an account ..."

The gray-haired gangster came to the glass door, and through the gaping hysterical roar, the sniper immediately said in the headset: "Report! The bank glass is too thick to kill the target. We need to find a way to lead him out, and we will fire. ! "

"Chen Dong! I brought the person you want. Don't hurt the innocent people ..."

Dahua suddenly walked in from outside the encirclement, holding a young man with a nasty face and a swollen face with a gun, and his combat suit had become a police uniform, and it was completely different from his usual appearance. At this time, his whole body was full of justice Natural aura.

A white shirt rushed out and stopped him and shouted, "Xiaoxiang! You don't want to make a fool, but you are a policeman, you cannot use lynching without trial, let alone he is ..."

"What is he? Is Zhang Gongzi ..."

Dahua shoved open the white shirt, and directly held Zhang Gongzi's back with a gun, hating: "He doesn't check you as a traitor, but now I find out that you are still sheltered, and there are a dozen ordinary people inside. Isn't it comparable to him Zhang Gongzi, do they deserve to die? "

The white shirt patted his legs and hurriedly said, "Check! No one says no, the gun must have been shot, but you can't kill him without conviction. How can you explain this to the ordinary people?"

"Aren't you afraid you might lose your black hat? I'll take care of it without you having to cook ..."

Dahua picked up Zhang Gong fiercely and went straight to the bank. The white shirt hurriedly waved someone to stop him, but the police officers turned their heads as if they didn't hear it. Zhang Gongzi spit.

"Chen Dong! I said so, and let me take the hostages ..."

Dahua stopped at the side of the road and turned Zhang Gongzi to the ground, stepping directly on his back, and Chen Dong in the bank burst into tears and said in tears, "To the police officer! You are a good policeman, I I really don't want to embarrass you, as long as you let him in, I will let everyone else go! "

Zhang Gongzi immediately called in horror: "No! If I don't go in, he will kill me. You are a policeman, you can't kill people, save ..."

"Bang ~"

Dahua kicked him in the face and blew Zhang Gongzi's mouth full of blood. He lay on the ground and never dared to speak again, but Dahua said, "Chen Dong! You put the hostages out, and I took him personally. If you go in, you will get revenge on yourself! "

"Get out!"

Chen Dong suddenly pulled the glass door open. A dozen hostages hurriedly rushed out. Who knew that Chen Dong grabbed a middle-aged woman and hid directly behind the glass door, the woman exclaimed subconsciously. "Xiaohua! Don't come in, don't come in!"


Dahua's tears flowed out immediately. He knew that this was the fourth test of the Sacrifice Soul Tower, but he didn't expect to return to his most painful past. When he saw his mother who pulled himself alone, he almost The whole body was shaking.

Chen Dong shouted: "To the police officer! I don't believe you, but your officer is too young, but as long as you push forward the surname Zhang, I immediately release your mother without hurting her. I'll make you a cow and a horse for my next life! "

"Chen Dong! You are the revenge of grace ..."

Dahua stared at each other with his teeth gritted. He just came to this step in order to help the other party's case, and his previous choice was no compromise. In the end, he watched his mother be killed. This was the deepest pain in his heart. .

"Xiaohua! You are the police, don't care about your mother, do what you should do ..."

Dahua's mother also shed tears, but her eyes were very firm, except that Chen Dong had already raised the detonator, and the countdown to the wickedness had begun. Dahua was about to bite her teeth, and would she repeat the same mistakes? It was entirely in his thoughts.


"Chen Anqi! Did you forget me ..."

A brown-haired foreign girl stood on the edge of the rooftop and looked at Angela in despair. Angela knelt on the ground already in tears and cried, "You don't do stupid things, I love you , I really love you! "

"No! You only love yourself, you never consider how I feel ..."

The girl shook her head in desperation, and suddenly opened her arms and fell backwards. Angela slammed and rushed directly to the past. She grabbed the girl's arm at the critical moment, but she fell on the edge and her hand was dangerous. Another danger was to grab a cable.


The girl raised her head in shock, Angela was hanging outside the building half of her body, only supported by an old TV cable, but the cable sheath was overwhelmed and even nailed The line cards on the wall began to tilt, and they were about to break.

"Let ’s go! Don't lie to me anymore, you don't love me at all ..."

The girl looked at Angela with tears in her face, and Angela was about to hold on, but she knew that as long as she let go, the cable could bear the weight of her alone. Just as she had climbed back alone, she saw The girl fell into a meatloaf, leaving a **** scar on her mind.


"Oh ~ puppy! We met again, the host really misses you so much ..."

In the dim basement, a skinny old man walked slowly, and Xia Wangchuan, who was chained by a dog ring, was shaking tremblingly. This was a kind of fear from the soul. She couldn't control the slip and sat down beside the wall, crying Begged: "Please let me go, I don't want to be a dog!"

"Slap ~"

A leather whip drew on her, and the painful Xia Wangchuan screamed and screamed. The dog slaves around shouted in horror, and the old man provoked Xia Wangchuan's chin with a cane, smirking. "The owner doesn't like the dog saying no, get up on your knees and call the owner twice!"

"Woo ~"

Xia Wangchuan raised his head, looking at the old man with a wicked face, and the fierce Sinan behind him. Xia Wangchuan seemed to have forgotten that this was the fourth stage, and his whole body shook even more than sieve bran. .


"Hmm ~ I've lost more misfortunes, and you're old ..."

Chu Qin raised her head in disdain. She was now in a dim cave, and a lava crack was standing in front of her. Numerous men and women with red stripes were desperately climbing up, and they looked as if they wanted to choose someone. While biting, but these people were killed by her.

"You bitch, you must die ..."

A group of men and women roaring out of the cracks roared, but an old woman covered with blood said in a yelling voice: "Ma Siyu! Do you remember my old lady, my family of seventeen died in your hands, don't you think you followed the summer king. Can be washed white, your dog can't change the shit, you will always be that venomous bitch! "

Chu Qin said in a cold voice: "I, Ma Siyu, never thought of washing white, and never thought of saving the world. My belief is very simple. I will help him do whatever my man wants, and I live only for him. I have no regrets after hell! "

"Okay! Since you have no regrets, go to **** with us ..."

The old man suddenly gave a smirk, and there was a loud noise behind Chu Qin, and a large opening cracked in the good ground. The red magma continued to swell upward, and even the flames burst out, and the crack was still moving quickly. With Chu Qin extension.

"You old man, what do you want to do ..."

Chu Qin gave way a few times in a panic. Who knew that the crack suddenly formed a large circle and trapped her directly in the center? Not to mention, the crack in the rear was also getting larger and larger, and there were still many dead ghosts in the magma. Floatingly, her screams hurt her eardrums.

The old man immediately stepped forward and said, "Ma Siyu! If you want to go out and meet your husband alive, you will kneel down and beg us for forgiveness. We can help you build a personal bridge to pass, otherwise you will accompany us to die here and let us pay for our debts ! "


Chu Qin bit her teeth angrily and eagerly. She knew that this was not a joke with her. She would surely die here according to the original trajectory. She could only anxiously whisper to herself: "My husband! What should I do? What makes you not forget your original intention ... "


"Don't try to stop me from going out today. I will kill anyone who dares to block the road ..."

Dasha raised his short spear without hesitation, and rushed directly to a group of defenseless people. At the same time, Kuangli roared in another place: "I'm here to save the world, you fools, let me go, otherwise I'll kill you all! "

"Zhuang Yinuo! You **** who murdered your husband, I slaughtered you ..."

"Sister Five! Don't go there, I'm a little four ..."

"Wangwang ..."

Almost everyone encountered a life and death crisis, and a difficult situation that made them difficult to choose. At this time, Xia Fuji was still holding a fish king gun and standing proudly among the dead ghosts of Wudang. With a bright exit, he murmured, "You all have to remember, don't forget your original intention!"

"It's a good idea ..."

A man stepped forward and said violently: "What you call" do not forget the original heart ~ ~ "is to use the flesh and blood of innocent people to pave your Kangzhuang Avenue. Should we be weak, should we die? You have no right to decide our life and death Kill us if you want to go out! "

"No! This is not my choice, it is you ..."

Xia Fuji shook his head gently and said, "You can say I am hypocritical and I can say I am selfish, but there is absolutely no trace of my faith in saving the world, and your loved ones and friends may be alive. If you want to see them die, , You are here to stop me! "

"Dangdang ~"

Xia Fuer suddenly dropped the fish king gun, turned a blind eye to the overwhelming poisonous gas, and sat cross-legged on the ground, saying, "I'm not here for myself. If you insist on consuming me, I can only obey the majority, anyway. I have done my best, and it is up to you to decide whether the world will be destroyed! "


For a while! Everyone looked at each other, and no one thought that Xia Fuji kicked the problem back to them. @B

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