Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: Last 1 level


"Crying, maybe we'll reunite with them later"

Xia Fuji pulled the two sisters of Angela together. The sisters had already cried and became tears. The teenagers who set off with them now have only two sisters. Even Xia Fuji's fireworks team has already More than half of the deaths, even after the blows did not let them collapse, were very strong.

Da Hua looked at Wang Wan's body slowly disappearing into his eyes. He sighed helplessly, "What a test is this"

"Let's go and see together"

After Xia Buer gave the sisters a hug and helped them wipe away the tears, they turned and walked to the top of the high tower. The glass bricks appeared at his feet, but the harassment screen did not appear again. It seemed Knowing that his faith cannot be shaken.

When he reached the edge of the top of the tower, he found that the large gourd on the top was more than three meters high, and Jin Chanchan looked like it was made of pure gold, but there were no entrances, no doors and windows, or even a little gap on the gourd. Why? It doesn't look like he can get in.

"What's the matter?"

Dahua and others all followed, Xia Buer frowned and looked around slowly, and slowly raised his foot to the tile roof. The firm tile roof did not have the slightest looseness, and he went straight down the **** to the highest point. Waist crawled, and soon came to the golden calabash.

"Be careful not to reach out and touch"

Chu Qin and others hurried over, Xia Fuji tapped the golden gourd gently with a fish king gun. Who knew that the sound was quite thick, sounded like a solid iron block, he had to raise his hand , Carefully touched it.


There was a sudden ripple on the gourd, and the golden gourd turned directly from metal to liquid, but Xia Fuji just came back and felt a strong suction, dragging him towards the gourd, the whole person Just sucked in.

"Husband class owner"

Everyone was screaming and rushed over. Who knew that the golden gourd was like a big vacuum cleaner? They were sucked in as soon as they approached. Even the last rhubarb that fell was no exception. Six people and one dog rushed into the golden gourd. within.


Several people exclaimed and rolled up, but when they looked up in shock, Xia Fuer was standing steadily, and the gourd was not only solid, but the light was sufficient, but the space here was large. Beyond their imagination.

"What is this place?"

Several people stumbled up from the ground. The huge dome space is tens of thousands of square meters. The shape of the narrow top and the wide bottom is obviously a big gourd. The grand monkey coming in.

But there is nothing in the huge space. There is only a large high platform in the center. The green platform is made of jade. The height of more than ten meters makes it difficult to see the things above, but a white light slowly Suspended on it, the soft and warm light makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"It was you guys here"

Xia Buer suddenly showed a weird smirk, and walked over in a hurry and said, "Are we interrupting your reorganization? In fact, you can drive us away, there is no need to make so many levels to stop us."

"Master, who are you talking to?"

Dahua and others all looked at each other. They widened their eyes and could not see anyone on the platform, but a few of them didn't know. Xia Bu'er had seen the light before the cracks in the abyss and had a good conversation with each other for a while. This group of lights is also the fairy in people's mouth.

"Yes you did interfere with us"

A loud voice suddenly sounded on the platform, and it really sounded like Xia Fuji's previous conversation. The other party said in a very neutral voice, "But we can't destroy you for no reason, because you were us, so you can only do it yourself. Choice, life or death is between your thoughts "

Xia Fu'er hesitated for a moment, wondering, "What did we mean by you, you? We are the descendants of your reproduction."

"Not reproduction, but transformation"

The light group said very peacefully, "We came here in a crisis, and some of them were forced into the earth. In your words, in order to adapt to the new environment, you continue to evolve and combine with the creatures on the earth. Eventually Became a unique living being. "

Xia Fuer opened his mouth and dumbfounded, and asked for a long time, "Are we all alien creatures, aren't they species on earth?"

"In a way, it can be said that if there is no us, there will be no human beings on the earth."

Guangtuan said frankly, "Human beings are the hegemons on the planet, just because you have mastered technology, but you think back, is n’t the time when the technology broke out is very short, hundreds of years can make you fly around, but the previous few What did you do for thousands of years, why did n’t you make a cannon? ”


Xia Fuer opened his mouth and was speechless, but the other side said, "The real source of science and technology is here. Our technology was left on the earth hundreds of years ago, and was received by you in a way of transmission, so that you A qualitative change in life "

Xia Buer shook his head and said, "Whether you say it is true or not, I don't care about the origin of human beings. I just want to destroy the culprit of human slaughter. We kill the black corpse and we will leave immediately and will never bother you again. Not to tell outsiders what's going on here "

"I repeat what I said just now, your arrival will slow down the speed of our reorganization, but we can't destroy you for no reason, we can only make you self-determination by human means."

The light group said, "We have set life or death in countless choices. If you choose the right one, you can move on. If you choose the wrong one, you will be part of us again. You will soon face the final test. It will erase your memory and satisfy one of your wishes "

Xia Fuer hurried forward and asked, "Are any wishes okay, I want to revive all my friends and relatives?"

The light group replied very simply, "As long as it is the wish on earth, even if you want to rule the world, this is the reward of the winner. Come to the stage if you want to be tested."

"Let's go up"

Xia Fuji looked back at everyone excitedly, everyone was excited, but Dahua hurriedly asked, "Can I ask a question, since you are alien creatures, why do you take a pagoda, Did you create this thing? "

"No we just want to give you a reason

Solution form "

The light group replied, "When the first human found us, he built a pagoda for us to worship and worship us, but you ca n’t understand our true form, so we chose this form to exist. This will make communication easier. "

Dahua asked again, "If we all pass, can each one make a wish?"

"As long as your wishes do not conflict"

The light group did not hesitate to agree, Xi Dahua almost jumped in place, but Chu Qin said, "Don't be happy so early, here is more dangerous than insidious, and the black corpse is also here, if so If it ’s easy to clear, it ’s already a world overlord. ”

"Go up and take a look"

Xia Fuji immediately went up the steps, and everyone hurried to follow him. Seven people and one dog picked up the stairs all the way, and soon came to the top of the jade high platform. But when they saw the situation above, they were stunned. Already.

"Husband you"

Chu Qin exclaimed subconsciously, only looking at a pair of wooden men and women standing under the light group. One of the men in the old-fashioned green military uniform was a middle-aged version of Xia Fuer, and the woman was dressed like him. It was Zhou Jingxiu, the wife of his geological team.

"Look at her belly, she's pregnant"

Xia Wangchuan hurried to Zhou Jingxiu's side. Zhou Jingxiu's belly was already high, and even her coat was stretched, but Xia Fu'er frowned. Developed in her belly "

Chu Qin said in surprise, "My husband's black queen wants to develop and can only be parasitic in the belly of a pregnant woman. I am afraid that Zhou Jingxiu was pregnant before coming here, then this child must be yours."

"Dog Mongrel"

Xia Fuxi walked in a hurry, who knew that he had just reached out to grab Zhou Jingxiu's shoulder, and his hand passed through Zhou Jingxiu's body. He hurriedly tried the middle-aged version of himself again, and the result was just a ghost. There has never been a slight change in human expression.

"Husband, you are crying"

Chu Qin was surprised to point to the middle-aged version of Xia Buer. Xia Buer himself hurriedly turned around to look at the other one. His eyes were wet and red, and his tears were still hanging on his face. ~ ~ but his right hand But holding the fish king gun tightly, the expression was obviously very tangled.

Angela frowned. "No wonder Zhou Jingxiu can come here all the way. I don't see the role of the black corpse alone. I'm afraid Lao Xia can't bear to fight her. After all, she is the mother of her child, and they both live together. For many years "

Xia Fuer said coldly, "He can't let me go. Let me do it. I have no feelings for her. I wonder if they are still in the process of clearance."

Guangtuan replied, "No, they have just arrived and are waiting for your arrival. Are you ready to start together?"

Xia Fuer hurriedly asked, "What are the rules of clearance and how can they be considered a victory?"

"No rules, the last person alive is the winner"

The light group suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and everyone blocked their eyes with their hands subconsciously, but they were shocked physically and mentally. The last one who was alive was the winner. Does n’t it mean that they even killed the black corpse? Do you have to kill yourself to win?

Deadly Poison @B

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