Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Suddenly high profile


"Oh call me"

With the old diesel generator running, cheers rang through the entire inpatient building, but only the restaurant in the ward was lit, and the doors and windows were closed, but several ceiling fans were working hard. There are window-type air conditioners that Xia Fuji has not seen.

The afterglow of the setting sun was still splashing on the ground. At this time, it was relatively safe. After the big hand of the factory manager Liu ordered a meal, the cooks were immediately busy, and the rest sat down at the table. , All facing the small podium.


Xia Fuer took a moment to react before he came. I am afraid that there is a leader to speak. People in this era are more disciplined than them, but he ignored this and took his own cheap aunt and walked straight into the corner. sit down.

"Brother-in-law cannot eat, Director Liu is about to speak."

Jiang Siwen pulled Xia Fuer very timidly. Xia Fuer had already pulled out two bottles of canned fruit, and the director Liu wiped a bright back and walked to the podium with a tea cup. His secretary Immediately shouted "I asked the factory director Liu to speak for us, everyone applauded"

"We will all starve to death after he finishes speaking, no matter how he eats"

Xia Buer opened the can and shoved the spoon directly to Jiang Siwen, but Jiang Siwen's eyes straightened. Xia Buer even took out a bunch of tin cans. There are Jianlibao and the scarce supplies of beer.

"Chef Huang can help me cook two bowls of noodles"

Xia Fuer tore open the cardboard box and took out a few bags of Sanxian Yimen. The chef who just finished using the toilet hurried over and said anxiously, "Extra, no, Ziyu, you can't squander collective property like this, Captain Zhao will Bother you

"Find me and not you, rest assured to do it"

Xia Fuer directly stuffed him with two packs of Chinese cigarettes. Chef Huang looked left and right like a thief and quickly shoved into his arms and ran away with instant noodles. Xia Buer opened several tin cans and laughed. What are you afraid of eating what your brother-in-law got, we didn't steal it. "

"Brother-in-law, you are great"

Jiang Siwen's excited little face flushed, and she was already softened by hungry hands and feet. As soon as the can was opened, she immediately gorged, and the director Liu was just like Xia Fuji's guess. He said a lot of nonsense, and did not talk for a long time On the topic, it is estimated that he will only be able to talk about half when the food is out of the pot.

That being said, it might not be a black corpse

Xia Fujiji thought that the cigarette was thoughtful, and the black corpse would not be able to do this again. It is not a person who has been a leader for many years, and ca n’t say so much nonsense with his brains. So are the people on their side. Similarly, Xia Wangchuan yawned while sitting in a crowd.

"smell good"

Suddenly, many people swallowed their saliva, and when they looked back, they saw that Xia Buer was raving about instant noodles with his little aunt, and a large bowl of beef and ham were piled up. The children's eyes were straight. I cried immediately to eat.

"Who's making you eat?"

Black-faced steel suddenly slaps the table in anger, and immediately walks over with several defense team members, pointing at Xia Fuer and yelling, "The things you get back belong to the collective, there is no leadership assignment, this behavior of you Is the misappropriation of collective property "

"I really don't understand the rules"

The director Liu was also leaning on the chair with a look of anger, Jiang Siwen was in a hurry to drop the chopsticks, and her sister was anxious.

Busy ran over to pull her up and whispered, "Why are you so ignorant, how can you eat something collectively, come with me"

Xia Fuji held Jiang Siwen's hand sharply, and pulled her to her side and said, "What scares my little baby, and co-wrote what I get back with my life, can't I eat it?"

"Food enters this door and belongs to the collective, and must be distributed according to work."

Heilang Gang stared at him with rudeness, and the hungry people followed the indignation, while Secretary Qian came over and laughed, "Thank you, thank you for your collective effort, but we cannot engage in individual heroism, with rewards and punishments. Disciplined "

"If you do n’t have rewards, just talk so much nonsense."

Xia Buer suddenly got up and interrupted him, pointing at Zheng Kun and others, saying, "We are dead. Six talents made this food and came back. If they were evenly distributed with everyone, who would still go out and die in the future, our requirements are not Tall, collectively half of things, half of us personally, it's that simple "

Black-faced steel pointed at him and cursed, "How old are you bunny, you say half is half, even if you have a reward, you have to listen to us, we can only eat if you eat, or get out of me Don't stay here "

"How old are you, the defense team doesn't even have a staffing, you are so good."

Xia Fuji yanked open his shirt, and everyone immediately took a breath. No wonder he was bulging in his waist. It turned out that there were two wooden handle grenades hanging on one side, and two **** stars were inserted behind his waist. All of a sudden it shocked everyone present.

"Where did you get the weapon?"

Blackface Steel's face changed several times in an instant, and Secretary Qian hurriedly took a few steps back and hid directly in the crowd.

Who knew that Xia Fuer pulled a small punch from his bag and pulled the gun bolt and shouted, "You control where Lao Tzu gets it. If you are not convinced, we will make a comparison. The defense team failed "

Xia Fuer said and pulled out the pistol in his waist again, and threw it to Zheng Kun, who was not far away. Zheng Kun walked to him without a word, and the remaining four cannon fodder hurried over, angrily "Black-faced steel guys, you guys are fighting against men. Good days are over."

"Don't be impatient, listen to me"

The director Liu suddenly walked over and said sadly, "Comrades now need us to unite as one and work hard to resist the enemy. Do not engage in internal struggles, otherwise everything will be lost. Xiao Zhao, they are wrong. Place, but in extraordinary times can only use extraordinary means "

"Director Liu, you are too indulgent."

Xia Fuji immediately said, "They use your trust to plagiarize the collective property in the warehouse, and also to break the shoes with the widows, and the discipline makes them messy. If they don't give us a statement today, we will give them A saying "

"What happened?"

The factory director Liu stared at Blackface Steel with anger, his acting skills were bursting at this moment, and Blackface Steel couldn't speak with open mouth, how could he be so arrogant without the secret support of Factory Director Liu.

Some people in the crowd shouted, "We are all starving. Only the daughter-in-law of black-faced steel is fat. The hiccups are all oily. You can no longer keep them in the warehouse."

"Removed from their duties"

Everyone waved their arms high, suppressing the anger in their hearts

Yu broke out, and the factory director Liu angrily reprimanded "Give me his gun and punish him for three days without food. The captain's position was replaced by Xiao Gao, whoever dared to embezzle collective property, I killed him"


The survivors all cheered with excitement, and some people were chanting Long Live Liu Factory, but Xia Fuji secretly disdain. Factory Manager Liu just changed his left hand to his right hand. Xiao Gao was still his person. The punishment is also painless and itchy, so I can happily eat supper in the room.

"Ziyu you are good"

Mr. Liu patted Xia Fuji's shoulder and laughed, "Dare you tell the truth, dare to show up for everyone, and help me get rid of the maggots that harm the collective. Now I will reward you on behalf of the organization. The food you get back this time belongs to you. , And in the future, according to your suggestions, anyone can get half of what they get back "

"Thank you for taking the lead."

Xia Fuyi respectfully saluted, and the director Liu clapped his hands again and said, "Which little money, while the sky is not dark, organize lesbians to perform a literary performance, take good care of the heroes, don't let them cold Heart "

Secretary Qian immediately arranged the way, and the big girl and the daughter-in-law also volunteered to sign up, but Xia Wangchuan secretly winked at Xia Fuer, and went out to the toilet in a low-key way. Xia Fuer smoked. After half a cigarette, he quietly followed.

"This way"

Xia Wangchuan stood and beckoned in the guard's room, Xia Fuji ran in immediately and closed the door, but Xia Wangchuan hurriedly said, "What are you doing like this so suddenly? I'm afraid the black corpse doesn't know it is you, you It ’s impossible to be superfluous. ”

"I just want it to find me"

Xia Buer sneered, "Rather than letting it hide in the dark, we might as well lead the snake out of the hole. It doesn't know how many people we have come to. We want to wipe us out. The best way is to stare at me and observe all the contacts with me. People, but it's bound to show up after a long stare "

"But what does it do to assassinate you, you are our backbone?"

Xia Wangchuan looked at him anxiously, but Xia Fuji said, "How does it know who I am? Before I can confirm my identity, he will not dare to rush, otherwise it will be easy for us to follow the lead, and I am from now on. It ’s a big flower in the beginning, and you have to call me Flower Brother in private. "

Xia Wangchuan was surprised and said, "You will not find Brother Hua ~~ ~ Where is he?"

"I did find the big flower, but he is not here, staying alone in a safe place"

Xia Buer whispered, "You can't hide anything in your heart, don't ask the rest, just treat me as a big flower, so the black corpse will not dare to attack me, and I plan to disguise Zheng Kun. Become me, he has a certain ability to help us lead out the black corpse "

"I understand, but this way, we both have to be exposed."

Xia Wangchuan nodded apprehensively, but Xia Fuji smiled indifferently. "As long as we can kill the black corpse, we will be worth it even if it is a group, and it must have an advantage over us. Without this method, we can only Passive beating "

"Is Ziyu in there?"

Suddenly someone came quickly outside the door, listening to the voice was actually Zheng Beili's insidious thing, Xia Buer hurriedly whispered to Xia Wangchuan, "You go to bed and hide, I lead her away and you come out again, this girl is very sinister Don't let her find out that we are in a private meeting. "

Deadly Poison @B

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