Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: Defection


In the early morning after the rain, there was still a hint of coolness, and the air in the mountains was fresh and intoxicating. Xia Fuji came out of the office building with a big shirt and stood on the second floor overlooking the compound courtyard of the entire medicinal plant. And the sisters of the Jiang family were still asleep in the room behind them.

"really not bad……"

Xia Buer lay on the guardrail with a smile. Although the office building has only three simple floors, it is enough for them to live in more than 150 people. Besides the factory building, there are cafeterias and laboratories on both sides. The living facilities are almost suitable. It's complete, and they don't worry about drinking water by the reservoir.

Chinese people in this era are notoriously hardworking. Women got up early in the morning to harvest crops. There are not only crops planted by villagers around the medicinal plant, but many Chinese medicinal materials are also edible. .

The men were naturally not idle, and barbed wire was erected on the courtyard overnight. The front and rear doors and the surrounding walls were continuously strengthened. Even the four courtyard corners were built with simple lookouts. The guards who sent out the guards were meticulous. With his eyes fixed, he tried not to let go of any wind.

"What a wonderful time ..."

Xia Fuji lighted a cigarette comfortably, the women pushed a cart of ingredients into the cafeteria, and the clothes from the village were neatly stacked on the table, plus the smoke from the stove, almost Everyone has a happy smile on their faces, and they are so much easier to satisfy than later generations.

"Everyone is very excited, saying that you are the reincarnation of Erlangshen, who came to save us ..."

Zheng Beili came over wearing a dress, combing her long hair, and laughing, "There is no threat of night ghosts, and there are so many good fields around. Everyone said that instead of going to Hongjiashan to see people's faces, it would be better to stay here for self-sufficiency Self-sufficient! "

"That's not far from death ..."

Xia Buer turned to look at the inexplicable Zheng Beili and said, "It has been more than two months since the end of the last century, and it has not yet reached the point of being lawless, but there will be a lot of native emperors in one year. Things will come endlessly, and sooner or later it will be our turn! "


Zheng Beili opened her mouth and was speechless. Xia Buer leaned on the railing and said, "Every dynasty is established with a **** storm. There is no mercy to speak in the troubled times. Do n’t think about your own well and have absolute strength. In order to be the person who has the rules, or the butcher knife will come to you sooner or later! "

"Why do you understand so much, and it all makes sense ..."

Zheng Beili looked at him in adoration and confusion, and Xia Buer suddenly leaned in her ear and said, "I am indeed the reincarnation of Erlangshen, but I came here for you. Would you like to see God ’s golden hoop? You can make your belly bigger with a single stick! "

"Rogue! How can Erlang Shen have a gold hoop? When I'm stupid ..."

Zheng Beili shook his shoulders strangely, and the charming eyes almost dripped water, but turned his head but his face changed slightly, and immediately lay on the railing to continue combing his hair, but Xia Fuer looked back and turned out to be her boyfriend Zhao Zhanpeng. Came upstairs.

"Well? Didn't you both sleep together last night?

Xia Buer stepped back halfway and asked knowingly. Zhao Zhanpeng rubbed his hands with embarrassment and said, "Ye brother! Bei Liqi, I didn't call her with me yesterday, but I can swear to the sky, before Liu asked me to go with him I came out to find her, but I didn't find it! "

"Don't say any more ..."

Zheng Beili stared angrily at him and said, "Black-faced steel told me in person, you just glanced at the door, and ran with them without seeing me, and it turns out that you are not just a conscience White-eyed wolf, still a blind-headed idiot! "

"I know I'm wrong, and I'm not here to quibble ..."

Zhao Zhanpeng lowered his head and said, "Little brother Yu! I want you to give me a chance to prove that I am not a greedy person who is afraid of death. When the old Liu goes to Hongjiashan, I am willing to go with them. If the old Liu dare Take refuge in Zhu Helei, and I will kill him in one shot! "

"I think you want to rely on Zhu Helei ..."

Zheng Beili glared at him relentlessly, but Xia Fuji waved and laughed, "Zhan Peng! I believe you are an upright person, you can go with Lao Liu, but you have to tell me the truth," Blue and White Porcelain "Who taught you to sing that song, which is definitely not your original?"

"Uh ~"

Zhao Zhanpeng glanced at Zheng Beili with a guilty face, and said, "Zhu Helei taught me to sing. At the beginning, I was not good with Bei Li. Zhu Helei heard that she liked the antique songs, so he gave this song he created. Give it to me, please let me please Pele, Pele loves it! "

"Asshole !!!"

Zheng Beili slaps him on the face, scared Zhao Zhanpeng runs with her face spreading her legs, and ran to the entrance of the stairs without shouting, "Yu Brother! I'll go down to find Liu, I will not let you down!" After that, I ran away!

"Stop it for me ..."

Zheng Beili smashed the comb out of anger, cursing, "This **** actually lied to me even this kind of thing. I was so stupid as to feel ashamed of him. I am really a complete fool. Being with him is to make dogs. Sleep! "

"This is a real villain, not smart but despicable ..."

Xia Fuji shook his head and said, "In fact, Old Liu also wanted to take refuge in Hongjiashan. He could go to cooperate with Old Liu, but he didn't see the intention of Old Liu. When the old Liu was completely transformed, you just watch it. He is very He'll kill himself soon! "

Zheng Beili was surprised. "Why do you still want to let the tiger return to the mountains? They will definitely turn to Zhu Helei. If they join Zhu Helei to pour dirty water on us, we will be in trouble!"

"People who want to see something like dirty water, would like to believe it ..."

Xia Fuji smiled and said, "If the people in Hongjiashan are safe and secure, they will not even talk about breaking the sky, but if they already have the idea of ​​being the emperor of the soil, they will use the excuse to clear up the bandits and send troops to occupy us here. Grab people, grab food, grab sites! "

Zheng Beili asked in confusion, "I understand that you want them to test Hongjiashan, but what should Hongjiashan really do if it comes over, and here we managed to beat it down, it's a pity to give it away for nothing!" "


Xia Buer slightly hooked his fingers, Zheng Beili's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she looked at the Jiang family sisters in the room with a guilty conscience, followed by holding one of his hands, and embarrassed him beside him. You teach me, I really don't understand! "

Xia Buer said in her ears, "Teach you how, but I have to charge tuition. In the future, I will set one question and do not set two questions, but you must remember that this is only a market transaction, there is no emotional component, you get my Experience, I enjoy your body! "

"Do you have to be so disgusting, what do you think of me ..."

Zheng Beili stood up and was angry and annoyed. Who knew that Xia Buer turned around and walked into the corridor, and said without looking back, "I'm teaching you how to live, otherwise in the hands of other men, you have the opportunity to make a deal. None, be realistic! "

"Yo ~ I'm very fond of others. Are you too deep into the drama or can't help yourself ..."

A teasing voice suddenly came up from the floor. Xia Buer turned around and walked to the third floor to see. A mature woman was sitting on the staircase and smoking, and her unrestrained sitting posture made all the long skirts gone. It was his heart Xia Wangchuan .

Xia Fuji said angrily, "I said what kind of virtue you have, I didn't know I thought you were an old sister-in-law!"

"Old man is old man, it's not my body anyway ..."

Xia Wangchuan blew his breath lightly, got up and lay in his ears, and said, "Old Liu Tieding is going to take refuge in Hongjiashan. Several of his henchmen almost rushed to fight with him last night. What on earth do you plan on, wouldn't you want to train here and fight against Hong Jiashan? "

"These white chickens can't be trained in two or three months, including myself ..."

Xia Buer leaned on the wall and shook his head, "You don't care so much, the more you do, the easier it will be to expose, rest assured to be your good woman, oh no! Little widow is right, your cheap husband died last night Come on, why don't you cry? "

"How can I cry for such a happy thing, but I still blew a few throats ..."

Xia Wangchuan frowned and said, "Old Xia! Zheng Kun talked to me for a while last night, it felt really strange, I thought he would be very excited to see me, I'm still struggling to kiss him. , As a result, I was like a stranger to him, and talked about some previous things and ended, embarrassing to die! "

"He hasn't seen you for twelve years. You're still covering someone else's skin. How can you make him excited ..."

Xia Fuer roughly said Zheng Kun's mentality. Xia Wangchuan understood what was going on. He sighed and went upstairs silently. Xia Fuer turned and walked downstairs, and went straight to the cafeteria. in.

"Brother Yu (Director) ..."

A greeting kept ringing, everyone saw him respectfully, especially the guards who participated in the battle last night, jumped up to salute him, and couldn't even eat breakfast.

"Everyone just sit there, just give me a bowl of egg fried rice ..."

Xia Buer sat at the table with a smile, and the women quickly brought a rich breakfast.

But soon Mr. Liu came in with a few people and said with a cold face, "Director Zhang! You give me a comment. Zhao Zhanpeng had to go to Hongjiashan with me, and he said he would look at me with a gun. I Isn't it trustworthy? "

Xia Fuji straightened up and laughed, "If there is nothing terrible in your heart, Zhan Peng will give you a testimony, but you seem to have too many people. It's enough to touch two or three of these things!"

"No! I'm in charge of negotiating with Xiao Huang, and the rest are guards ..."

Mr. Liu waved his hands in a hurry ~ ~ his cousin Xiao Fat was naturally among them, and there were two stronger defense team members, which made Xia Fujie somewhat surprised, pointing to the black-faced steel. "Why didn't Black go with you?"

Heiliangang walked to his side and despised, "Lao Tzu wouldn't go. In case they forced me to be a traitor, I couldn't wash it when I jumped into the Yellow River. Anyway, this time I'm completely cleansed, as long as you brother Yu Willing to reward me with a bite to eat, I will be your **** in the future! "

"Okay! Sit down and have breakfast together ..."

Xia Fuer smiled and patted his arm, and the black-faced steeler immediately sat down in amazement. The factory manager Liu and others looked at each other in shock, but Xia Buer said, "What are you waiting for, are you waiting for it? Time to go! "

"Okay! Let's go now ..."

The factory manager Liu and others went out in a sincere and horrified way. When he was out of the cafeteria, Xiao Fatty whispered and asked, "Brother! It's not right, he promised too easy, no doubt at all, let us hurry up the road, this The words are too obscure! "

The director Liu hurriedly reprimanded, "Do n’t **** crap, we will be free when we get in the car. When the sky is high, the sea will let the birds fly, and we won't be affected by him anymore!" @B

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