Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1225: Seems to be an old friend

"Hmm ..."

A large billboard was pinned in the middle of the intercity highway, and a large arrow was painted with bright red paint.

Below it is also full of temptations-five kilometers east, survivor town, warm bath water, fragrant sour soup dumplings, life-saving antibiotics, all are waiting for you for free, come on! Dear compatriots, the survivor town is your home!

"How long does the director's head grow, I am almost moved ..."

The two security guards nodded with admiration, but looking at the sun that was about to go down, the two hurriedly climbed into the pickup truck and drove back. The driver turned on the radio and said, "I don't know if the radio is ready. I heard that Tian Tian will sing live tonight! "

"Zi ~"

The radio suddenly made a noise, followed by a sweet voice saying, "Dear listeners friends, good afternoon, here is the Survivor Town Radio Station. We welcome compatriots from all walks of life to join our family ..."

"Haha ~ It's really sweet, I still heard the voice of an acquaintance on the radio for the first time ..."

The two big men are all overjoyed with laughter. The radio is still very high in this era, and it is very serious. When you hear the radio, you will associate it with the official. Basically, no one will doubt the news broadcast on the radio, let alone think about women. The anchor is still a dusty woman.

Xia Fuer has six years of eschatological experience. Various people and strange things have made him an eschatologist. This is an advantage that others ca n’t catch up with. If the black corpse can only follow with his brain, If he fights, he is confident that he can give it alive.

"Some are full, let's have a good chat ..."

Xia Fuer was sitting in the reception room with a big cigar. Two guards with guns stood behind him. The little aunt was feeding him fruit. The cheap daughter-in-law fanned him while Zheng Beili was wearing black-framed glasses. , Holding a notebook to pose a posture of a female secretary.

"I'm full! Thank you Director Zhang ..."

The eight gunmen were sitting opposite each other sincerely and horribly, and had been bluffed by Xia Fuer's leader. This year, the director was still very valuable, not to mention the big chief with real power in his hand, and the night ghost was scared away by him. Some of them have seen it with their own eyes.

"I'm very bold, no matter who comes, everyone is a guest ..."

Xia Fuer lazily smoked, "So I don't want you to lie to me and chill my heart. You said that someone had accidentally found the camp, but how do you explain it, you deliberately avoided Diaolong's The team, did we take a big circle to avoid us? "


The gunmen rubbed their hands and looked at each other in embarrassment, but Xia Buer smiled again and said, "Don't be nervous! I didn't blame you, you just acted on your orders, and things are already clear. You are in Diaolong's team. Eyeliner gave you the news overnight, am I right? "

"Zhang! Let's be honest with you ..."

A dark man looked up and said, "We are all the bottom-level big soldiers. We have no right to know what the eyeliner is. We were called before dawn. The captain said that he would go back to the battlefield and get a few tanks. Then we Started stupidly! "

"Haha ~"

Xia Buer laughed and said, "Your boss is not daring, but you dare to cut off the commander's ambiguity. This is clearly a rebellion. After Diao Long comes over tomorrow, I am afraid you will be shot!"

"Zhang Chu! Don't give us to him ..."

Heihan hurriedly said, "You haven't been to Hongjiashan. I don't understand. In fact, our boss's strength is not much worse than that of ours. Our two rivalries are not two or three times back. He doesn't dare to treat our boss as long as you Let us go back, our boss will surely thank you! "

Xia Buer asked deliberately, "Is that right? But Diao Long told me that Hongjiashan is the world of their commander, and the rest of the gangsters have no climate. When they are free, they will pack your boss. Is he bragging? "

"He's bragging, otherwise how dare we grab their stuff ..."

A group of guys all nodded in a hurry, and Heihan said: "The only hospital in Hongjiashan, the largest farm and the largest restaurant are all our boss Ouyang Bai. We just do n’t have many bad breeders, but we There are also tanks and artillery, it really fought at most five or five! "

‘Ouyang Bai ...’

Xia Buer murmured secretly, always feeling that it was a fake name, so he also said: "Commander Fang will not sit and watch you grow, and other small gangs are also fanning the flames. I see your battle will sooner or later. Or our little place is peaceful! "

The black man asked cautiously: "Zhang, I heard that you want to join Fang Bad Seed, is there such a thing?"

Xia Fuer said with blank eyes: "Are you stupid when I am? Once I join, I have to fight, and I have to die. If my people lose so much, what should I do if the old man unloads and kills the donkey? Is it not good?"

"It is best not to join, we can work together ..."

Heihan said happily: "Our boss likes making friends the most. As long as you support each other, the old side dare not force you to join them. At that time we can not only watch and help each other, but also do business together, and mutually beneficial business! "

"Yo ~ you can't see it, you're a smart guy ..."

Xia Fuer smiled and threw him a big cigar and said, "While it's not dark, you quickly go back and give a message to the boss of Ouyang. As long as he wants to make friends and do business, I will be his strongest. Great partner! "

"Thank you! Thank you Zhang, we must bring the words to ..."

A group of gunmen stood up in surprise, bowing their heads and bowing, but Xia Fujie waved again: "Bei Li! Let people return their weapons, and pick some local specialties to bring them, not let them go back empty-handed. , In the future, if they want to exchange materials, they will give them a 30% discount! "

"Come with me ..."

Zheng Beili got up and took the gunmen out. They walked directly to the door of the factory building and opened the door. The gunners were stunned immediately. The huge factory building was actually full of various supplies. Guns and ammunition were piled up on the shelves. Too many can't count.

"My mother! You have so many things ..."

The gunmen went inside in surprise, they thought that there were only more than a hundred people here, and no matter how many supplies were scared, no one knew they were shocked when they opened the door.

"How dare you hire people to work if you don't have many things. You can stay if you want. We are short of people ..."

Zheng Beili stopped generously in front of the shelf and patted the carton. "Our director has always been generous. You can take these two cases of imported medicine back and use them. They can effectively fight the plague and dysentery. Now there are dead bodies everywhere. Once a plague occurs , These medicines are worth more than gold! "

"Thank you! But what are you doing with so many candies ..."

Heihan turned his head in wonder, and there were at least hundreds of boxes of fruit candy not far away.

"A sugar hits the battlefield, don't you even know that? Hypoglycemia is dead ..."

Zheng Beili, who is now learning and selling, said with high spirits, "Our water purifier will be ready in a few days, and any polluted water can be filtered. At that time, you want to buy our 30% discount and give away free computer equipment! "

"Electricity ... computer? Do you still use computers ..."

A bunch of mud-legged people are in awe of esteem. Computers are alien technology in this era. Many people haven't even seen them before, and anyway, computers feel pretty good.

"Of course I will ..."

Zheng Beili opened the laptop on the desk and pressed it a few times before turning on the power. Thinking back to Xia Fuji, "This is the 'Tuoxi Ba' laptop imported from the United States, with the latest version of the mosquito ... Mosquito dies 95, our water purifier is designed with its cad software! "

A bunch of mud legs have been completely circled. Although Zheng Beili herself is confused, it does not prevent her from fooling around with these country gangsters. They seem to be omnipotent and invincible. Only a group of like-minded brothers can capture the world.

"Miss Zheng! We are gone, thank you for your gift ..."

The gunmen bowed Zheng Beili respectfully and went outside holding the big and small boxes. They also praised sincerely: "This Miss Zheng is really amazing. She knows everything. It must be a high-ranking student who has been drinking foreign ink. No wonder he can make Zhang Private ... what is private? "

"Stupid! Personal assistant and hr, hr is a human resources consultant, haha ​​~ I will also be foreign ..."

A group of gunmen climbed into the car cheerfully, Zheng Beili exhaled a long time, and her head was full of cold sweats, but Xia Fuji suddenly came over and laughed: "Don't you regret that you didn't study hard that year, and you didn't have any anger. what?"

"Why are you so powerful ..."

Zheng Beili said with a small mouth and depressed: "The more I learn from you, the more I feel that the gap with you is so big, I ca n’t understand a lot of things, I can only rote memorize it and digest it slowly, I ’m really afraid of me I can never leave the teacher! "

"It depends on your own good fortune. No one can help you ..."

Xia Fuji touched her head and went into the cafeteria. Who knew that it was just after dinner for a while, and suddenly someone came in and shouted excitedly: "Director! A survivor came to us and said it was along Billboards came all the way, dozens came! "

"Go! Look out ..."

Xia Buer went out in a spirited manner, and everyone followed the excitement together. When they went out, they saw a large group of men and women standing at the door, all of them with thin yellow muscles and ragged clothes. Dare to come in.

"Come here! Everyone comes in, don't say anything, let's eat first ..."

Xia Fuji waved his hands quite generously, and the survivors finally showed surprise, but Zheng Beili hurried up and shouted: "Don't be in a hurry, the food is full. You should go in with me to wash your hands and face, and change your clothes. Just put the bag on the table! "

"Good! She's starting to look a little ..."

Zheng Kun came over and smiled a little ~ ~ Zheng Beili. This is to strip them out, and then check their clothes and baggage again to prevent the spy of Hongjiashan from mixing in.

"Hey! I said, don't you change things ..."

suddenly! An armed car suddenly stopped at the door, and a brave man stood straight across the window. Xia Fuji went to the door and laughed: "Of course, as long as your stuff is good enough, we even give you the tank. Where did you come from? "

"Hongjiashan Huangji Pawnshop, we have heard your broadcast, you really will find a way ..."

The brave man opened the door and walked down, beckoning directly to the rear, and a few pickup trucks drove up the road immediately. After stopping, a lot of people came down, apparently just to get supplies back from the outside. .

"What do you have, do you have penicillin ..."

A dazzling girl in red jumped out of the car. Xia Fuji just nodded and talked, but turned around and suddenly felt dumbfounded, even exclaimed with Zheng Kun at the same time: "Li Xuezhu !!!" @B

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