Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1253: See flowers in the mist

"Husband! Kiss me, I miss you so much ..."

Ma Nan stomped and hugged Xia Buer, but Xia Buer had only a small white face in his eyes, and the sloppy Hu Zha was even more handsome than him. He almost spit on Manan's face, violently. Pushing him away and cursing: "Ma Siyu, you deliberately disgusted me, right? Believe me or not I vomit to you?"

"Hahaha ..."

Chu Qin covered her mouth and laughed forward and back, the smell of the little woman immediately appeared, but she still raised her buttocks and sat on the washbasin, lit a cigarette and teased Xia Fuji's thigh with her toes, grinning: "You said If you love me no matter what people become, you don't like me if you become a man, scumbag! "

"Get off! Who the **** is Beard, isn't it Angie ..."

Xia Fuji seized the cigarette in his hand and habitually shoved it into his mouth. He immediately took it off and spit several spits, and stuffed it into her mouth with a disgusting face. He clicked again in depression. root.

"Are you stupid? Is An Qi so arrogant, that's Primary Four, Qiu Primary Four ..."

Chu Qin gently exhaled at him and said, "At present I am only in contact with Xiao Si. I do n’t know where An Qi and Chuan Chuan are, but it looks like you made such a big one in Shiniu County. In the battle, Dahua should be with you, isn't he the guy named Zheng Kun? "

Xia Buer asked very unpleasantly, "How did you recognize me? My current person is a big flower. Even big flower feels like me, and people who are not very close can't tell. I don't think there are any flaws! "

"Fart! Look at Huang Li's eyes are shining, not because she looks like Li Xuezhu ..."

Chu Qin said: "I'm the wife your Ming media is marrying. Even if you turn gray, I can recognize you. Even the fourth child can see that you are posing as a big flower, but this is what our own talents can recognize. Outsiders really can't think of it. You are Xia Fuer! "

"Who is Mimi outside? I almost treated her as you ..."

Xia Buer pushed the toilet door slightly open a slit, and he was relieved to see women singing and drinking on the sofa, but Mimi swept away her thoughts before, as if Chu Qin came, she was completely relieved , Clicked the song is singing more than anyone else.

"Ha ha ~ Of course my little lover, she loves me ..."

Chu Qin shook his legs proudly and laughed, "I can be a man this time in my life. Wouldn't I be sorry if I didn't find a few more girls. I and the fourth child were going to sleep all over here, It's a team that earns us money. I really like being a man. It's just too tiring. It won't work three times a night! "

"You're here really ..."

Xia Fuer stared at her with a dumbfounded expression, and Chu Qin smirked again: "We don't lack any spare parts on our bodies. Why can't we come true? Also, I and the fourth child are here to watch the scene. Yes, there are many people who send money to us even if they are not sloppy! "

Xia Fujiji waved his hand: "Don't talk about these messy things. We don't have much time. Why didn't you and Xiaosi come to me and work with Daxian Temple. Is Xiaosi carrying a goddam tonight?"

"Yes! Jiang Yanzi's daughter, we have been following her for a long time ..."

Chu Qinyu wiped out his cigarette **** and said, "Huang Daxian is a very evil thing. For a long time, only Daxian Temple can control it, but suddenly there is a Jiang Xunzi who can also control Huang Daxian, so just grab this person. After some interrogation, Huang Daxian's secret will be cleared by us! "

Xia Buer asked in a low voice: "Are you suspecting that Daxian Temple has something to do with the black corpse?"

"Of course! Such a wicked thing is a perfect match for it ..."

Chu Qin nodded: "We have been searching in Hongjiashan for a long time, and we have no clue. We can only target on the most mysterious Daxian Temple, but they are heavily guarded and outsiders cannot mix in at all, so I am embarrassed with Xiaosi When I see you, I want to catch Jiang Xunzi first. Anyway, I have an account! "

"Nothing happened in the fourth grade ..."

Xia Buer looked at her with a gaze, who knew Chu Qin but sighed: "Hey ~ don't mention it! The little goddess is actually a dumb man with a very bad temper. When the fourth child hits and scolds her, she refuses to write. Let it go to trial, right! How many of you have you found? "

Xia Fuji smiled: "Chuanchuan and Dahua are with me, but you just guessed wrong. Dahua is now a very beautiful little girl, a long-legged girl who entered the city with me and stayed in Shiniu County. Zheng Kun, he is also your husband! "

"Ah? Middle-aged version of you, how could you two be together ..."

Chu Qin looked at him with surprise and joy, and Xia Buer shrugged and said, "The two of us ran into each other as soon as we came in. Otherwise, how dare I leave Shiniu County under his management, but we do n’t want to fight now, we just want Commander Fang and Ouyang Bai pressured them to help me find the black corpse! "

"I don't think it's that simple. When I first saw Ouyang Bai, I wasn't scared to death. It was your grandfather and many of your old opponents in Jiuyang City ..."

Chu Qin jumped out of the sink and said, "When I found the two sisters Huang Bailing, I made sure that everyone came at you. The Zhu Helei you are looking for is probably not a black corpse. The Sacrifice Tower will never make us much different! "

"If Zhu Helei is the boss behind Daxian Temple, do you still think he is weak ..."

Xia Buer stared at him and said, "Hong Jiashan was almost turned upside down, and even Zhu Helei didn't find a hair, but he certainly won't be too far away from us. At present, only Daxian Temple has not been searched. Zhu Helei is very May be hiding inside! "

"Can't say, Dadong should have arrived. He will probably send someone to eavesdrop ..."

Chu Qin suddenly looked up at his watch and said, "Someone has notified Dadong as soon as you arrive. They all feel that you are not at ease here, so Dadong rushed here to sit in town, but I already thought about it for you. For reasons, Jiang Xunzi has a gimmick as a waiter here, called Zhao Jiawen, most people don't know! "

"What are you going to do, will you come back to Shiniu County with me ..."

Xia Buer reached out and held the doorknob, but Chu Qin shook his head and said, "I and Xiaosi are still safe now. Even if Daxian Temple finds Xiaosi on the head, they will think that we are Ouyang Bai's person. Qi and Xiaohua haven't found it yet, we stay here and continue to be your eyeliner! "


Xia Buer looked at him very hesitantly, but Chu Qin said, "There is nothing to worry about. We are here to die. Don't forget, we only have one person to go back alive. I hope that person can be you. Then our sacrifice will not be wasted! "

"Hey ~ okay!"

Xia Fuer took off his jacket with a sigh and sighed, and opened the door and went out. Several girls immediately tangled up and drank with him. Huang Lily drank too, and sang the love song of Mimi loudly.

Chu Qin suddenly pulled Mimi and laughed, "Master Mr.! Mimi is the treasure of the town shop. Want to see her not only has to make an appointment but also has to pay a lot of money, that is, you are here and she is willing to come over. What are you doing tonight? Have a chance to be lucky? "

"Nang! What are you talking about? There is Miss Huang at Zhang Chu. How can you think of me as a vulgar fan ..."

Mimi flew him some coquettishly, but apparently didn't want to accompany Xia Fuer, but Chu Qin pushed her to Xia Fuer and said, "Zhang Chu! You are absolutely sure you believe me, Mi If Mi is dissatisfied, you cut my head off and kicked it! "

Xia Buer looked at him with a playful intent and asked, "What's wrong? Listening to what your kid meant, was he trying to make me redeem you?"

"Don't tell you! Mimi is the cash cow here, and our boss will not let anyone spend any more money ..."

Chu Qin squatted and said, "But as long as you say a word, our boss will definitely give you someone, of course! Whether you want to decide it entirely is up to you. I'm just talking about my birthday wish. I can't tell you well. Just when I fart! "

"South Brother ~"

Mimi's eyes turned red at once, and the two little girls also looked at Chu Qin with affection. In their eyes, Chu Qin is a true man with affection and righteousness. Unlike some scum men who put their pants on, they don't recognize it. Even Xia Buer felt that his wife-in-law was more attentive than him.

"It's almost time to drink. Let's go home and sleep together ..."

Xia Fuji got up and patted Mimi's back, Mimi stood up in surprise and joy, holding Xia Fuji and wishing to kiss Chu Qin at the same time, as long as she could walk with Xia Fuji, she would You can get out of here completely and never have to sell your youth again.

Chu Qin said angrily: "You have a little eyesight to see if you are good, and you still do n’t serve your mother-in-law. In the future, you will be a housewife, and you must always put yourself in the right position, otherwise people will be able to kick Kick you out! "

"Ah! Sorry madam, please ..."

Mimi hurriedly helped Huang Li, Huang Li naturally did not eat the vinegar of a woman in her dust, followed her generously and went out. Xia Fuji also took the opportunity to support the other two girls and grabbed Chu Qin stayed in the private room.

"What the **** are you doing? Do you watch me personally ..."

Xia Buer looked at her unwillingly, but Chu Qin sneered and said, "When the old lady is away, you are going to have a good day. You will not be allowed to drink the old lady's foot wash. You do n’t even know your last name. Whose name is I, anyway, I don't like Xiao Xiao, especially her face! "

"I knew you were careful, and deliberately stuffed a lady disgusting me ..."

Xia Fuji gave a sloppy grunt, but Chu Qin said, "Well, you are a lady, do n’t you think you can get it by giving money? There are only a handful of men who have touched her. Of course, I also count one. You are an aging mother. Cousin, I have nothing to say? "

"Get out of here! Sooner or later I will be disgusted by you ..."

Xia Buer rolled out and walked out, but when he came to the lobby, he saw Dadong. Dadongpi smiled and said, "Zhang! You don't say hello in advance if you come here to play. The sensible boy snubbed you, I can't afford it! "

"I'm not waiting for you ..."

Xia Buer pointed to a waitress not far away and said, "The Daxian Temple has made people a blood sieve. Now the only person who knows Huang Zhezi's secret is this little sister. You send more people to **** She walks with me lest she be stunned on the road! "

Dadong looked back at him in surprise, and frowned, "Zhang Chu! Daxian Temple made the city disturbed by dogs and dogs. We also have the right to know. I will leave the people here for trial. Call here, everyone can cooperate with openness! "

"Dadong! You are good, very good ..."

Xia Fuji patted his shoulders hardly ~ ~ Mimi next to him said: "I will not stay up with you all night, I will send someone to be a representative later, and notify me when the results come That's it, right! I took this chick away, don't you think? "

Dadong finally laughed: "It's our pleasure to see her. I will send someone to give you her contract right away, and she will be yours in the future, so I will call you a curse!"

"Dadong! I give you a piece of advice ..."

Xia Fuji whispered in the past and said, "It's just the beginning of the last days. Don't worry about making decisions in the mist. Some seemingly easy-to-get babies actually grow on the **** of the tiger. You need to have a long-term vision. Live longer! "

"Thank you! I was taught ..."

Dadong bowed respectfully and watched Xia Fuji leave with the two girls. He suddenly frowned and said to himself: "It's really like seeing flowers in the mist, I really can't see it through, but if life is not lost, Then, everyone is the boss! Hey ~ "

(It was because my father had just been discharged from the hemiplegia, and he was immediately transferred to a rehabilitation center for treatment. I looked for relationships and found a bed. I was too busy to sleep even when I was busy. The only child was really powerless!) @B

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