Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 391: 1 cent hard to die hero

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There is only one regular hospital in the huge Jiuyang City. It is said that there is no registration fee for seeing a doctor, but even a cotton swab will count the patient's money, and ordinary people don't look down on the disease until the end of the day. This cost is even more so today. To a terrible degree, it is not best to have a wealth of money and not even enter the hospital door.

When Xia Fuer hurried to the hospital, it was already more than ten o'clock in the middle of the night, but the hospital hall was actually filled with patients who were lingering and asthmatic. These were patients who looked down on the disease and expected the hospital to show mercy, but their hospital did not. The method, the current medicines are all exchanged for human life. The medicine is as valuable as the human life is expensive.

"My brother! Here ..."

A few factory girls ran out of the corridor of the emergency room, followed by a few girls with heavy makeup, who knew that Xie Milan actually came, and immediately saw his head dropped, Xia Fuji quickly asked: "What about Sisi, who was she injured by?"

"Sisi was injured by the guest, the dead pervert who had called her last night ..."

A factory girl exclaimed angrily: "That guy released Sisi's pigeon last night, and tonight called her out again, but it happened that Sisi didn't go long. We just paid the inspection fee. Get it all together, Sisi is doing the examination, and the doctor said the situation is very serious! "

"Have you called the police? Did you catch that guy ..."

Xia Buer glanced at several nightclub girls, one of them immediately angered: "It's useless to catch it, that guy is bankrupt. He lied to me and Sisi in the past to play for nothing, because we are old customers and we don't think too much. As a result, he suddenly went mad against Sisi. Fortunately, I didn't catch him because he was running fast, and Sisi was stunned on the spot! "

"Deserve it! You want to earn this kind of sinful money, and see if you dare next time ..."

Xia Buer glared at them in anger, and the nightclub girl dared not speak, but Xia Fuer took out her cell phone and said, "Xiao Ting! Hurry and take me to pay the money, you two Starting tomorrow, take turns to take leave to take care of everything, I will double the deducted salary! "

Xiaoting hurriedly said, "We don't need to give us money, we all have leave to rest, but the hospital said that we must pay at least 20,000 before the operation. Are you ... enough money for you?"

"Relax! Absolutely enough ..."

Xia Fuer nodded without hesitation, all the girls were all excited, but thanked Milan and looked at him with surprise, but a nurse suddenly came out and said, "You are the family of Sisi, The patient's spleen rupture requires immediate surgery, but the operation cost is very expensive, you must prepare at least 80,000! "

"What? So much money ..."

A few girls were astonished to be poured into cold water, and all of them were horrified with their mouths open, including Xia Buer, who were stunned, but he quickly said, "Nurse! We only brought 30,000 yuan, Can you start the operation first, we'll go back and find someone to get the money right away! "

"No! The hospital is now dead, and the pharmacy will not issue medicines if the fees are not paid, and we cannot perform surgery without medicines ..."

The nurse loved to help spread her hands. I'm afraid she has seen more of this situation, but Xia Buer only has more than 30,000 pieces in her pocket, thanks to Chu Qin's sale of his things, and even if he sold his brothers' money It's not enough to bring them back, not to mention they need to eat and live.

"I can get 36,000 here, how much can you get ..."

Xia Fuer hurriedly looked at a few nightclub girls. He knew that the three factory girls were all clanging poorly, but when several nightclub girls mentioned money, they were indifferent like passers-by. After a few perfunctory words, they turned away and got angry. Several of the factory girls chased in the back and yelled loudly, but they all left the rickshaw as quickly as they did not hear.

"Oh ~"

Xia Fuji shook his head helplessly. At present, the only way to save You Sisi is to find Long Qiu to borrow money. From the perspective of Long Qiu's importance to him, it is estimated that borrowing millions will not be a problem, but When he was about to call Long Qiu, Xie Milan suddenly said, "I'll pay the rest!"

"Sister Milan! Do you have so much money ..."

The three factory girls looked at her in astonishment, but Xia Fuji knew that she was a little rich woman, and hurriedly ran to the toll office together, and gave all her belongings to the hospital, and Xie Milan was very happy. After paying the money, the three factory girls rushed into the rescue room with the payment slip.

"I don't see it, you're kind of conscience ..."

Xia Buer walked to the side and looked at her up and down, Xie Milano flung her long hair, leaned against the wall and said lightly, "My relationship with Sisi is not very good. I just want to prove me by action. Innocence, I am not a accomplice of those scammers. Although I am not rich, I am not short of money! "

"But one thing you have to admit, your eyes for men are so bad ..."

Xia Fuer leaned on her cigarette at two o'clock, but Xie Milano said calmly: "I and Wang Long are not male or female friends, or he is still in my inspection period. I only ate with him twice. It's just dinner. He boasted that I was his girlfriend, and I didn't say anything to make him embarrassed! "

"But haven't you almost deceived people into bare **** ..."

Xia Buer looked at her with a grimace, and the blue tendon in Xie Milan ’s forehead was clearly drummed, but she pretended to calmly said: "Wang Long is based on fraud. His family's business is really big, but I Today I know that he is a step-son. He was kicked out of the house after his mother died, so he came out to cheat! "

"Great! You are so talented, you can find all kinds of excuses when you are deceived ..."

Xia Fuji sneered sarcastically: "But if I hadn't revealed them today, you should have been lying on Wang Long's bed at this time, and his four feet turned into the sky by all kinds of postures. After that, you have to be obedient. Help others clean up, use your slimy mouth to kiss others and say thank you! "

"You nasty! Shameless ..."

Xie Milan ’s fake mask was “torn” by Xia Buer, as if the lady had ripped off her underwear by a hooligan. She finally could not bear the shouting and anger, and the people in the hospital looked at him in surprise. When she got her, she immediately made her blush flush.

"I'm indecent? If Wang Long wasn't a liar, you'd have to be **** by him sooner or later, I guess it's at most two or three days ..."

Xia Fuji deliberately made his words vulgar. Xie Milano, a self-proclaimed and highly educated female elite, could only deal with her in a hooligan way, and Xie Milano exclaimed: "I'm not as cheap as you think. I thank Milan for never selling his body for money, not to mention that money is not even fart in my eyes! "

Xie Milan suddenly said all in English, but Xia Buer also scorned in English: "In essence, you are no different from You Sisi, except that she is wholesale herself, and you want to pack it once and sell it. A better price, so don't make yourself so advanced, everyone is selling it! "

"You ... how can your English be so good ..."

Xie Milan suddenly looked at him in shock, but Xia Buer smiled: "Do you think that you are the only one who is excellent, I was also the city's top champion, and finally gave you a piece of advice, if you continue to pay this money, Sooner or later it's ugly! "

"Milan !!!"

suddenly! A handsome and young policeman came in, ran eagerly in front of Xie Milan, and said helplessly: "Milan! We have already interrogated the person who hurt your neighbor. The guy did not have money, and his wife ran with him. Then, when he got angry, he let out Yusi!

"Trouble you Wenlong ..."

Xie Milano nodded politely to the other side, and the other side smiled and looked at Xia Fuer. Xie Milano quickly introduced: "This is also our neighbor who lives in the summer, summer! This is the logistics department of the city bureau. Vice Minister Deng Wenlong, I often have work contacts with him, so I asked him to help me this time! "

"Hi Police Officer Deng! I won't bother you chatting, I'll go to the operating room ..."

Xia Fuji shook hands with the other and then left. Deng Wenlong must be Xie Milan ’s suitor again, but Xie Milan may be suspected of having a low official position. When Xia Fujie looked back, the little girls were actually " I am very stubborn ", not as enthusiastic as when treating the Prince in the morning.

"Sao Sao! Like your sister with low eyes ..."

Xia Buji shook his head in disdain and saw Xie Milano's self-confidence, and he thought of her sister Li Xuezhu, but his phone rang, and Du Fuer anxiously said, " Brother! It's a big problem, we just caught four people who dealt with corpses, two of them were police! "

"Did they confess who was the mastermind ..."

After Xia Bu'er hid behind the pillar, he instinctively looked at Deng Wenlong at the back, but Du Buer said eagerly: "No! We haven't had time to interrogate ~ ~ And we dare not use torture, Wan As long as they have big men behind them, we will be in trouble! "

"Fart big man! Which big man will kill someone for this money ..."

Xia Fuji snorted coldly and asked again, "Have they filmed their crimes, okay! After you back up the video, immediately call the city bureau on duty and ask them to send someone over to deal with the low-key issue. You must emphasize that you are maintaining the reputation of the police, but they must give us an account! "

"Okay! I see ..."

Du Buer simply agreed and hung up the phone. Xia Buer also had no choice. Once this matter spread, it would not be good for anyone, and the police would not be better off if the reputation of the police was destroyed. The smart words will definitely solve the case as soon as possible and give them an explanation silently.

"Well, what an eventful autumn ..."

Xia Fuji sighed helplessly. He just broke into the business within two days of entering the city. There was nothing serious about the official business, but he just wanted to go to the operating room to ask Yusi's situation, an unexpected Actually called him.

"Woo ~ Brother! Please help me, I'm Wang Jian ..."

Wang Jian shouted cryingly on the phone. Xia Fuji didn't expect that he was still alive, but another man said swiftly: "Just let me go if you want his life, and I will do your goods. I'll give it back to you. If you don't do it, you will wait to collect the corpse for Wang Jian and your woman! "

"My woman? Which woman am I ..."

Xia Fuji popped up with question marks in his head. Who knew that Wu Yongqing's voice came from the phone and eagerly asked him not to answer the party's conditions, but Xia Fuji was trying to find revenge with them, but he did not expect the other party to send it When he came to the door, he couldn't agree.

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