Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 468: Hu Xiao Long Yin (Part 1)

"Hello ~"

A large tsunami-like sound wave swept directly, like a strong storm blowing in the woods. Not only did the blowing sand and rocks, the tree shake leaves, and even a large amount of bark was peeled alive, almost half of the time The trees have been cut into bald trees, which are cleaner than when winter comes.

"Don't press on my face, I rely! You stepped on my hand again ..."

Master Chen Guang and his two students crowded into the same big tree, and twisted into a bunch of cannabis flowers. Both masters and apprentices were filled with indescribable anger. One of them was a rising star. It is a savior who has been fighting for hundreds of years. As a result, he is blocked in the woods by the King of Screams and cannot move like a tortoise.

"Master! This is not the way to go. Sooner or later we must be killed by it ..."

Xia Buer squatted up with breath holding his corpse spear, his left arm was bloodied by sonic injuries, Chen Guangda squatted and grinned, rubbing his sore right leg and saying, "Old way! Go out as a bait I sneak attack, as long as I can lay it down, there must be a solution! "

"Okay! You're waiting near here, I ..."

When Xia Fu didn't say a word, he suddenly got stuck, Chen Guangda stood up with shocked face, the violent King of Screams didn't move, and the murky woods were awkward and quiet. This abnormal phenomenon immediately led the teacher When the two were close to the enemy, Chen Guangda immediately lowered his voice and said, "Back to back, pay attention to the tree!"

"On my head !!!"

Xia Buer suddenly yelled and rushed down the mountain. Chen Guangda also jumped out without raising his head. A sound wave struck the place where the two had just hidden, and waited for the master and apprentice to rise up and look at each other. The one-armed Screaming King was squatting on a tree pole and glaring at them, but he was not in a hurry to kill them.

"Damn! This guy's IQ is not low, he has calmed down ..."

After Chen Guangda slowly moved to a big tree, the corpse claw spear in his hand did not dare to relax for a moment, but when he turned his head again, he found that Xia Fuji had already crawled out, and was walking along the bushes to the howling one. The king's side, but the shrieking king stared at him fiercely, turning him into a bait.

"Fuck! This boy is pitted even by Master ..."

Chen Guangda hurriedly began to find a suitable shelter, but he was very satisfied with Xia Fuji's actions. Xia Fuji was definitely an activist who didn't like nonsense. He was more aggressive than he was when he was young, but he met the end of the year. It is already an old churros, and now Xia Fuer still needs a lot of experience.

"Come and bite me, spray ..."

Chen Guangda howled and rushed out immediately. Who knows that the Lord of Screams didn't launch his unique stunt this time, but shot straight at him from the tree, almost next to him in a blink of an eye, **** His right claw grabbed directly at his head, and his lightning speed didn't give him any chance to react at all.

"Beware !!!"

Xia Buer jumped up from a short distance in a hurry, and he did not expect that the Lord of Screams would suddenly choose melee, even if Chen Guangda avoided its deadly claw, if he gave him a closer sound wave, Chen Guangda must have no room to hide, but he soon knew what it was called **** or old spicy.

"Oh ~"

Chen Guangda suddenly jumped to the right side coldly, although he only jumped out two or three meters, but the King of Screams who had swept away disappeared alive, followed by a muffled sound of "Tong Tong", Xia Fuer this Only to see that it actually fell into a pothole, Chen Guangda just ran over and deliberately led it in.

"Come here ..."

Chen Guangda immediately turned back and squatted next to the pit. A horrible sound wave spewed out of the pit immediately, and sprayed into the sky together with the grass and soil. Xia Fuji rushed over and lay on the pit with Chen Guangda. Holding the numbness of his body tightly, he clenched the corpse claw spear, and when the sound wave disappeared, the two speared out immediately.

"Oh ~"

The King of Screams slammed out of the pit, and was punctured by both the master and apprentice, stabbed its back of the head and back, respectively, and caused it to fall on the ground. The master and apprentice immediately jumped up from the ground, jumped over the pothole and hung on its back.

"Oh ~"

The shrieking king issued an angry roar, which became a storm sound wave in the blink of an eye, which swept across all the flowers and trees in front, but the two corpse claw spears attacked at the same time again, and Xia Fuji tried his best to stay in his arms. Chen Guangda leaned towards the seam of his skull in the depression of his neck.

Both the master and the apprentice have an unparalleled degree of accuracy, and the area of ​​the sting is almost the same, but when the sting sound sounded, they both knew it, and the two weak points of the human body couldn't help it. Xia Fuji lifted his hand and stabbed his tail vertebra, while Chen Guangda cut his scalp as quickly as he did surgery.

'Oops! ’

Xia Bu'er made a "squeak" in his heart. The two had no success this time, but two consecutive attacks were already their limit. A huge force suddenly came from their feet, and they were too late to jump away. The King of Screams leaped from the ground and overturned the two of them.

"Oh ~"

Xia Buer fell down on the ground with his head up and rolled into the pothole uncontrollably. If he fell into it, he would be completely finished. The Lord of Screams would definitely come in and tear him to pieces. A spear came out, nailed to a small tree with a thick bowl, and half of it was hung on the edge of the pothole.

"Hurry away ..."

Chen Guangda suddenly rushed up from below. Xia Buer hurriedly looked up. The King of Shrieks even opened his mouth wide to release sound waves to him. He would pour his heart into the cave when he swung his heart. Who knows Chen Guangda At this time, the volley jumped up and knocked the Lord of Screams to the ground suddenly, and a sound wave condensed into a column hit a large tree instantly.

"Hurry up ..."

Suddenly, Chen Guangda rushed to the Lord of Screaming, and suddenly the corpse inserted the claw spear into its broken arm. This spear was deeply inserted into the body of the Lord of Screaming, almost piercing it. However, this time deeply angered the King of Screams, and even flicked Chen Guangda.

"Master !!!!"

Xia Buer jumped up in a jerky face, Chen Guangda fell into the bush like a shot put, and he didn't even scream, but fainted, but the King of Screams also jumped up at this moment. He could only kick the ground hard and plunged down the mountain like a diving man.

"Hello ~"

The shrieking king uttered a terrifying roar, and the unprecedented terrible sound wave instantly swept half of the mountain. Xia Buer rushed to Chen Guangda's side. Who knew that Chen Guangda dragged him over, fiercely. After hiding behind the big tree, he didn't dare to move. Xia Fuji quickly asked, "Master! Are you all right?"

"It's okay! That's excitement ..."

After Chen Guangda wiped the blood on his face, he even pulled out the corpse claw dagger with high fighting spirit. This look Xia Fuji had never seen before, it was like smelling a **** shark, only then did he understand His master has been eager to fight, and he is simply not willing to be dull.

"Be sure to seize the opportunity, we can scrap it this time ..."

Chen Guangda poked out his head slightly and looked up the mountain. The corpse claw spear was still inserted into the shoulder of the Lord of Screams. Only the two long palms were exposed outside. Xia Fuji also understood what he meant, although they could not put The King of Screams died in one hit, but it could destroy its spine and nerves, and paralyze it directly.

"Oh ~"

Suddenly the king of shouts rushed down with his teeth, Xia Fuji rushed out to attract its firepower, Chen Guangda quickly bypassed the tree, and when the king of shouts rushed past the tree, he immediately launched from the rear After the raid, he swooped directly on the back of the shrieking king.

"Bang ~"

suddenly! Corpse claw spear slammed out of the Lord of Screams, nailed into the tree pole like a large sharp arrow, and then immediately turned around and drew a claw towards Chen Guangda, the horrified teacher Only then did the two understand that this guy actually understood their thoughts and actually snared them in turn.

"Oh ~"

Chen Guangda was flung out with a claw, and hit a big tree severely. Before he landed, he spit out a lot of blood. His combat suit on his chest had been torn, and a large piece of shattered was revealed. At first glance, this black scale is the scale armor of the Zombie King. If it were not for the protection of the Zombie King armor, this claw would have killed him.

"Oh ~"

Xia Buer immediately rushed to the past with a muffled sound. The best protection method was direct attack. His spear went straight to the broken arm of the Lord of Screams and was confident to turn it into a vegetative spot on the spot, but he did not kill him. Thinking of it, the King of Screams not only expected that he would rush over, but also spit out old blood in the broken arm.

"Slap ~"

The corpse blood that came from the shot was right in his face, and not only Xia Buerji was thrown upside down, the black corpse blood also drank him all over his face, his eyes were instantly dark, and he immediately relied on instinct He rolled hard down the mountain, and when he heard the sound, he knew that he had avoided the life-threatening blow, but he slammed into the tree before he rolled far.


Chen Guang shouted loudly from the top. After Xia Fuji instinctively wiped his eyes, he hurriedly rolled to the right. Who knew that the King of Screams kicked his back like a ball? He kicked him and flew out, hitting a tree and spitting blood like his master.

"Bai Mufeng! Come to me ..."

Chen Guangda desperately roars to stimulate the King of Screams ~ ~ But this guy ignores Chen Guangda at all, and suddenly raises his broken arm to Xia Fuer's head, apparently he wants to try The taste of his brain, Xia Buer could only watch the sharp claws stick in towards him, without any help.

"Oh ~"

suddenly! The King of Screams is like being fixed, and his sharp claws are set in front of Xia Fuji's eyes. He stares at his eyes and doesn't move. Soon there will be a steady stream of blood from it. The mouth leaked, and then "Kong Tong" knelt down in front of Xia Fuer, and a black blood burst out on the back of his head.

"Yin Yin ..."

Xia Fuer sat up in surprise and joy, and the jet of black blood turned out to be a stingy figure. Not only was the bee waist and hips a big long leg, he was almost familiar with this figure, and Feng Jiayin was also slow. Slowly there was a real look behind the King of Screams, and he looked at him softly with **** fingers.

(I did n’t take a rest yesterday, I ’ll post it next night, forgive me!)

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