Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1093 Gong Jue, will you cheat in the future?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi helped her forehead: "Auntie, I don't think you are ugly at all...! You are fat, a little fatter, but as long as you persist in removing edema and adjusting your spleen and stomach, you will see results within half a month! It is not difficult to lose weight, Persistence is the most important thing, as well as mentality!"

"Okay, Qiqi, I'll listen to you!" Qiu's mother nodded gratefully.

Gu Qiqi hung up the phone, and glanced at the man next to him who was reviewing the military report with mixed emotions.

What happened to Qiu Lu's family made her change her views on scumbags and mistresses once again.

It's so arrogant to be a scumbag and a mistress these days.

It's like bullying his original partner to death.

She couldn't help stretching out her plain hand, and caressing Gong Jue's jet-black, short and hard hair.

Gong Jue raised his eyes: "What are you doing?"

Gu Qiqi's big eyes flickered: "Gongjue, you will get married in the future, will you cheat?"

Gong Jue's eyes darkened: "People in our Gong family only marry one wife in a lifetime!"

Gu Qiqi curled her lips: "Qiu Lu's father was also a wife before the divorce, but it didn't prevent him from being outside with Xiao Sanlang!"

Gong Jue frowned: "Can that kind of scumbag be compared with Lao Tzu?"

As he said that, he suddenly put down the pen with his big hand, hugged Gu Qiqi's waist tightly, and leaned close to her ear: "Do you want me to promise that I will only fuck you as a woman in this life, huh?"

Gu Qiqi's face flushed red!

Why is such a serious question turned into a non-serious question when it comes to Gong Jue's mouth.

But thinking about it carefully, Gong Jue's words are not rough.

Actually... that's what she meant by asking.

Gong Jue smiled smugly: "Then I will tell you now——I have only done..."

Gu Qiqi struggled to escape: "If you don't listen, I won't listen..."

Gong Jue hooked his lips, and raised his voice: "I know that some shameless men, even if their wives are as beautiful as heaven, still smell delicious when they see shit that they haven't eaten outside, so they still want to pounce on it and lick it... But you Don't worry, I'm different from them, I just like to eat the one at home..."

Gu Qiqi pursed her mouth, angrily: "You, you, you mean that I am..."

Say she's the shit in the house?

In the next second, Gong Jue continued calmly: "I like to eat the big steaming steamed buns at home!"

As he said that, his eyes dug at Gu Qiqi's chest!

Gu Qiqi folded her arms around her chest: "...!"

She shouldn't have asked Gong Jue such a question.

Because, Gong Jue will definitely turn all questions into shameless answers in the end.

Although, this shameless answer, savoring it carefully, is quite sweet...


one day……

Two days have passed...

Soon it was the morning of the third day!

According to the instructions of taking care of Qiqi, Qiu's mother insisted on taking medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach, and insisted on exercising. She had to run in the gym every day and sweat profusely before going home to take a shower and rest.

The weight actually dropped three catties a day, three catties a day!

And she wasn't on a diet at all!

You know, losing 10 pounds in three days is a very significant effect. The 150-jin fat man and the 140-jin slightly fat man are people from two different worlds. Their clothes are one size smaller, and they are more energetic and walk like the wind.

However, there is no news about the scumbag yet.

But Qiu's mother suddenly had an idea... Even if her husband doesn't remarry her, she doesn't seem to care that much anymore.

Now she is looking forward to losing the weight of 110 pounds when she was young, and then go out to work beautifully!

This gave her more motivation than expecting to restore a broken marriage.

She even felt that Gu Qiqi's promise to let her remarry and let her get a complete family again was really just a kind comfort. In fact, it was to encourage her to lose weight and reshape herself... Miss Qiqi really put her heart into it She felt even more grateful for the good and the hard work.

Just when she had almost given up any hope of remarrying, she went out this morning.

I found a man kneeling at the door.

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