Dear Commander-in-Chief

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters, the man's face changes really fast

Qianqian Novel Network


These two words really hit me!

Everything was exactly as Gu Qiqi promised.

As long as she categorically divorces, the scumbag man will chase after her and kneel to propose remarriage within three days.

However, Jiang Rouwan suddenly found that she couldn't be happy.

Just three days ago, she was still looking forward to her husband's reunion and reunion with her.

However, now that her husband is kneeling at his feet, confessing his mistakes with snot and tears, and begging her for forgiveness, she unexpectedly finds that her heart won't beat for him at all, and she doesn't have any emotion or expectation at all!

It turned out that the long-awaited return of the prodigal son, repentance and reunion has really come, and it's nothing more than that.

Jiang Rouwan said calmly: "Why, did you recognize the true face of the bitch so quickly?"

She was asking casually, but unexpectedly, it aroused Qiu's father's grief and indignation. With a wail, he hugged her calf and began to cry:

"Wife, you don't know how cheap that bitch is! My company lost an investment and was asked to pay the payment in advance by the manufacturer's debt collection. The funds were already in the account. But that bitch found out that the company was in deficit by helping me with the finances, so he became malicious and swept away all the movable cash on the account. I could have survived the difficulties with a turnaround. I can't save it all at once, and no company is willing to accept my order! For three days, the company's shares plummeted like evaporating, and it has reached the limit. My net worth of tens of millions is now worthless Wife! Woohoo, it's all because of that bitch!"

Jiang Rouwan said calmly: "So, now you are short of people and money, so you came back to look for me?"

Qiu Lu's father didn't realize it for a while, and nodded sharply: "Yes, I am short of money and money. That bitch ran away with millions of dollars, and there was no sign of him. If the company has no funds to save it, it will go bankrupt immediately. The liquidation process will be completely ruined... But as long as someone can give the company a loan of 20 million yuan, I guarantee that the company will come back to life immediately! Wan'er, I heard that the Presidential Palace has issued a new real estate policy these days. The value of several houses has increased by five times, as long as two or three houses are sold, 20 million can be obtained at your fingertips!..."

Of course, in fact, those suites now belong to Jiang Rouwan after the divorce, not to "our family".

Whether it can be sold, of course, Jiang Rouwan has the final say!

At this point, Qiu Lu's father realized that he was agitated and exposed his purpose too quickly, so he stopped immediately.

Instead, he continued to play the bitterness card: "Wan'er, you can't bear to see the company we two have worked so hard to go bankrupt like this? You don't want to see my face, but also think about Qiu Yan, he Where is the material to be a doctor? Isn't he going to inherit our company in the future? We have to leave him a legacy!"


Jiang Rouwan smiled bitterly, really not knowing how to answer him.

Thinking back to the time when this man got divorced and didn't give her a penny of the shares, why didn't he say that this was the company the two had worked so hard for?

At the beginning, this man disliked himself for being fat and his son for being stupid, and he wanted to have a better son with Xiaosan. Why didn't he say that the company would be inherited by his son in the future?

The man's face really changed faster than the sky. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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