Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1107 Let your guard down!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi was startled.

She knows very well that in this world, there is neither love nor hatred for no reason.

Professor Brown invited her to be a guest, and she believed that it was absolutely impossible to just invite her casually and just eat and drink.

He must have a purpose.

However, after wandering around for a long time, Professor Brown finally came to the main topic, but it was beyond her expectation: he actually wants to recruit apprentices?

This...was such a surprise.

Xiaotuanzi didn't feel anything about master and apprentice, so he didn't say anything, and ate in silence.

At this time, the soldiers who were waiting in the jungle a hundred meters outside Professor Brown's house, silently protecting Gu Qiqi and Xiao Tuanzi, finally relaxed their vigilance.

According to Gu Qiqi's instructions, they installed a miniature locator and a miniature monitor on Gu Qiqi.

Every sentence between Gu Qiqi and Professor Brown could be heard clearly in their ears.

Therefore, if there is any danger in Professor Brown's home, they can act in a second.

The heavy weapons in their hands were enough to pry open the strongest anti-theft door and rescue Gu Qiqi and Xiao Tuanzi.

In fact, they all felt that the chief executive was too nervous.

They came to check this villa in advance last night.

It's just an ordinary, rich and wealthy villa.

The inside is a common European style, there are no traps at all, and there are no guards and warriors. There are only a few weak maids, and a seventy-year-old doctor and his delicate little daughter.

It's really not enough to be a threat.

However, since Mrs. Chief was so nervous and attached great importance to Miss Qiqi, they didn't dare to be careless. They carefully escorted her along the way, and they didn't dare to miss a moment outside the villa, monitoring the movement inside the villa.

Just listen to them talking about irrelevant stuff the whole time.

Until the end, the seventy-year-old man finally revealed the real purpose of his trip, which was to invite Gu Qiqi to be his apprentice.

Hey, since the old man admires girl Qiqi so much, he is about to accept his apprentice, so there is still danger and threat.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Let your guard down!

Anyway, I was hungry, so I sent a soldier to monitor, and the others took turns eating compressed biscuits and going to the toilet.


Inside the villa.

After Professor Brown proposed to accept apprentices.

Before waiting for Gu Qiqi to answer.

Suzanne took the first step and looked at Gu Qiqi eagerly: "Doctor Gu, my father really rarely accepted apprentices in his life. If you ask a little bit, you will know that there are countless young doctors from all over the world who come here every year, wanting to worship him Teacher, but he rejected them all. The first is that they are not good at technology and have no talent, and the second is that they have bad character. But you saved me and won the first place in the competition. Your technology has impressed my father. My father really appreciates you! I really hope you can join my father's door and let me call you little senior sister!"

As Suzanne said, her eyes looked at Gu Qiqi's skin even hotter.

It really makes people feel that she has seen Gu Qiqi's veins, so eagerly.

Gu Qiqi pondered for a moment: "But, I already have a master, and the great pharmacist Feng Yang Chu is my master."

Professor Brown snorted coldly: "Feng Yangchu? Hehe, he was my defeat at the great pharmacist gathering! Do you know how he got the name Feng Yangchu?" Looking for the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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