Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1110 Amazing magic!

Qianqian Novel Network

Not to mention Xiaotuanzi, a foreign child, even Suzanne, who was born in country m, probably only knows one or two of these fonts!

And Xiaotuanzi's font is smooth and natural, it's not the kind of temporary imitation font at all, it looks like it's natural, and it looks good when you write casually.

That's great.

It's amazing that a foreign child can study the fonts of country m so proficiently!

Professor Brown was surprised, and Suzanne also burst out in surprise: "This is... the thousand-year-old amber stone?"

Xiaotuanzi handed her a necklace. The pendant on it was like a cat's eye, glowing brown-gold, and had a faint natural amber fragrance.

Gu Qiqi smiled and nodded: "Well, Miss Suzanne seems to know jade very well."

Girls, those who love beauty, have some understanding of common precious jade.

The reason why Susanna sighed was because of the fineness of this amber, it was very expensive at first glance. She never expected that the meeting gift from Gu Qiqi and Xiaotuanzi was so valuable.

Professor Brown rubbed his hands a little embarrassed: "Doctor Gu, your gifts are so expensive, and my meal is so simple, I really blush, I don't know what to do..."

Gu Qiqi slightly curled her lips, and smiled: "No, your soup is seahorse soup, and there are rare North American prickly oysters in the staple food, and whale agar in the dessert...these are all rare ingredients."

Professor Brown's face changed slightly.

But seeing that Gu Qiqi was just talking and didn't do anything else, she felt relieved and suggested: "Oh, I almost forgot, I agreed to let Xiaotuanzi visit my collection room. Come here , you can’t let Xiaotuanzi return empty-handed. How about it, Tuanzi, Grandpa and Aunt Suzanne will also give you two gifts, you can choose whatever you want!”

Xiaotuanzi tilted his head: "That depends on whether I really like your gift."

Professor Brown laughed loudly: "Of course! It is definitely... a gift that cannot be seen outside."

Xiaotuanzi nodded happily: "Okay. Where is your collection room?"

Professor Brown smiled.


"Wow!" The maid immediately pulled back the heavy purple curtain from the restaurant window.

The cold moonlight outside poured in instantly.

Outside the window was a dry twig of sycamore wood, and a black crow was parked on it, staring coldly into the restaurant.

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows: "The collection room is outside?"

Professor Brown smiled mysteriously: "No, it's here. Just take a step forward."

Go forward?

Gu Qiqi looked at the large transparent floor-to-ceiling windows in front of her, and the black crow outside the window.

Go ahead and hit the glass!

However, in the next second, a strong force struck directly behind Gu Qiqi and Xiaotuanzi.

Both of them couldn't help but fell forward!

It's like being enchanted!



Behind the bushes more than ten meters away from the villa, the soldier in charge of monitoring heard the voice of Gu Qiqi saying goodbye to Professor Brown, loosened his shoulders, and moved his fingers: "Brothers, prepare to retreat, Miss Qiqi is coming out It's..."

However, just after finishing speaking, they heard Professor Brown invite them to visit the collection room, and the soldier gestured to his companions again: "Wait a minute, they still want to visit a collection room... Huh? We came to explore the way last night, why? Have you ever seen a collection room here?... Oh, foreigners may call it differently from us, maybe it refers to a library, a study room or something?" Looking for the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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