Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1112 Doctor Gu, are you afraid?

Qianqian Novel Network

Two-headed corpse...

Such horrifying words and sentences, coming out of the mouth of a delicate little girl like Suzanne, have a particularly weird feeling.

I don't know why, maybe the light was shining from the top of the head, and it seemed that Susanna's face was very strange, as if there was a smear of oil, shining brightly at Gu Qiqi and Xiaotuanzi.

And the glass cover she was pointing at made people feel creepy - it was really a baby corpse specimen, not a joke!

It's just that it's not an ordinary baby, but a deformed baby with two heads.

The belly of the corpse was blown up high, the limbs were fixed on wooden boards, and the eye sockets were hollow, which made people shudder.

Gu Qiqi kept her composure, glanced at it hastily and then turned away, pulling Xiaotuanzi's hand to avoid shadowing him: "I didn't expect Professor Brown's favorite collection to be this kind of thing."

Susanna giggled: "Doctor Gu, you should not have the prejudice of those vulgar people outside. You are also a doctor, and you understand how precious these specimens are and how difficult it is to collect them."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

It is very precious, it is rare in the world.

But collecting such things is somewhat perverted, right?

Looking around, it turns out that the glass covers are all babies!

Dried stuffed baby! ! !

It's just that they are not normal babies, but babies with various defects like the two-headed corpse.

Some babies are intersex, with both boy and girl characteristics.

Some are big-headed babies, whose body length is less than half of the head.

Some are long-haired babies, covered with monkey-like thick miscellaneous hair...

All deformed.

"Doctor Gu, are you scared?" Suzanne suddenly approached Gu Qiqi, blowing on the back of her neck, and asked with a giggle.

Gu Qiqi said lightly: "There's nothing to be afraid of. Didn't you say that I'm also a doctor, I've taken anatomy classes countless times, and touched countless corpses with my hands, would I still be afraid to take a look at them? But, When I see these kids, I feel a little bit sad for them."

It's okay to be born unable to grow up like a normal baby.

Even after death, they will be collected as specimens.

There is no peace in death.

She felt sorry for them.

Xiaotuanzi followed Gu Qiqi and sighed: "Oh, they feel so lonely, the houses they live in are all gloomy and opaque."

At this moment, as Professor Brown led the way forward, Gu Qiqi and Xiaotuanzi discovered that this secret room was impervious to light, not even a window.

The front is dark and stretches forward, I don't know how far and how deep!

This secret room is completely absent on the map!

Gu Qiqi frowned.

Not only is it completely absent on the map, but according to common sense, the villa is not so big and long at all.

Even the basement cannot be dug so deep.

So... what the hell is this place?

Susanna was still tirelessly introducing the specimens. The further they went, the more bizarre the specimens became. Even, they were no longer baby corpses, but organs one by one, soaked in formalin solution.

Of course, it is also a deformed or disabled organ.

Gu Qiqi's palm, holding Xiaotuanzi's hand, became tighter and tighter.

On the contrary, Xiaotuanzi remained calm and did not show any signs of panic because of the terrifying things in front of him.

Gu Qiqi couldn't help but praise in her heart: As expected of the son of the palace, he has the aura of a commander! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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