Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1121 Let you also taste the taste of being a corpse

Qianqian Novel Network

But before Kumbu got up.

It was as if his whole body was being firmly held down by countless invisible hands, and then, violently and forcefully, he beat his whole body! tearing!

Just like when he used to make every baby mummy, the epidermis had to be loosened and torn, and then the skin and flesh were separated. After that, preservatives were injected between the flesh and skin, and then dried at high temperature...

Now, everything he suffered was exactly the same!

This time Kumbu really started to get scared.

"Gu Qiqi, you stinky girl, what kind of spell did you cast on me! Or what kind of Gu insect?! You are a sorcerer! You have violated the professional ethics of a doctor! You will be punished!"

He spoke indiscriminately.

When he was really facing life-threatening, there was no momentum to speak of, it was just talking nonsense.

Gu Qiqi sneered: "Really? Then what you are suffering now is the retribution you deserve for violating the professional ethics of a doctor! You have mutilated so many sick children, turned them into mummies, and asked them opinion? Are they willing?"

"It's miserable enough that children suffer from illnesses and diseases while they're alive, but after they die, they will be made into specimens for you to enjoy... If it's you, would you like it?"

Gu Qiqi said with a sharp tone: "As far as I know, some of the babies in your house didn't die of illness at all. They were beaten to death by you, right?"

"In order to collect your so-called perfect specimens, you selected living babies. They still had hope of being cured, but you killed them yourself under the guise of curing diseases!"

"Their parents are still kept in the dark. They don't even know that their child has become a mummy. Do you know the pain of losing a child? Even a defective child is the heart and soul of the parents, do you understand?"

Gu Qiqi's questioning voice made Kunbu choke!

After a long while, he raised his head with difficulty, prostrated on the ground, trembling, did not reflect on his crimes at all, but asked in horror: " did you know? How do you know that my specimen is made from Made by living babies..."

Gu Qiqi's eyes were cold: "They told me."

"You...! Don't play tricks!" Kunbu's thin body couldn't help but tremble.

"No need to pretend, aren't they lying on your body right now? To be honest, you are so dirty, if they didn't want you to taste what they have been through, they would not even want to touch a finger of you!" Gu Qiqi said lightly.

Such a calm and breezy sentence made Kunbu's whole body tremble, as if he had lost his bones, and fell limp to the ground.

What does Gu Qiqi mean?

She meant that the strength that had been blocking him and holding him down was the... souls of those stuffed babies?


Even though Kumbu is a supernatural being, he has never seen a living ghost.

At this moment, I don't know if it's because of Gu Qiqi's harsh accusation, or because he already has ghosts in his heart.

The originally invisible power in the air gradually began to reveal its shape.

The two big heads with the two-headed baby corpse were slamming at him angrily!

Hairy baby with hairy arms, beating him hard!

There is also a baby with harelips, blood and tears on his face, biting his lip and pulling his tongue...

Kumbu closed his eyes in a state of collapse, his soul flew out of his wits!

These are the babies he killed, yes! ! !

Are they trying to make him like them now?



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