Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1126 She makes men kneel down!

Qianqian Novel Network

That monitoring was not a real-time monitoring at all, but a tape played by the other party!

Because the capacity of the tape is limited, we will replay and repeat the conversation between Gu Qiqi and Professor Brown one by one.

However, the soldiers were all focused on discussing the fact that Gu Qiqi was too useless, and they hadn't carefully compared the content of the conversation before and after.

When they realized it now, they broke out in a cold sweat.

The monitor was hidden on Gu Qiqi's body.

If there is a problem with the monitoring at this moment, it means that Gu Qiqi is being controlled by someone!

And it took them so long to find out!

Was Miss Qiqi killed by bad guys? How should they explain to Sir Alex?

Finally, someone yelled, "When did the monitoring go wrong?"

"Okay... It seems that Miss Qiqi is going to the collection room with Professor Brown..."

"There must be a ghost in the collection room! There is no collection room on the map of the villa!"

"Stop discussing this, brothers, let's clear the villa! At least we can fish out Miss Qiqi's remains, even if the lord kills us, he will reward us with a whole body, right?"

Everyone trembled, and finally prepared to break in.


In the next second.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from the roof of the villa.


The entire roof was actually overturned!

Immediately, under the moonlight, a towering ancient tree with a height of more than ten feet rose from the ground.

Everyone thought they were dazzled.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, only to see an even more incredible scene.

Gu Qiqi and Xiao Tuanzi jumped down from the canopy of towering ancient trees lightly and gracefully, and landed firmly.

"Girl Qiqi!"

The soldiers didn't care about anything else, and quickly surrounded her.

They asked in a hurry: "Girl Qiqi, are you okay? Is there something wrong inside?"

"Miss Qiqi, why did you lose contact? We thought you had..."

"Miss Qiqi, is there something wrong with Professor Brown? Let's go in and arrest him!"


Gu Qiqi lifted her lips slightly, and replied lightly: "I've already dealt with it. Professor Brown was replaced by Kumbu, the killer of country S, and his daughter was replaced by the killer Susu. By the way, this is the recording of their crimes, and their confession Yes. It’s not against the law to kill such a spy, right?”

No one answered.

The scene was already full of shock and shock, nothing could be added!

Professor Brown and his daughter are the killers of country S?

No, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that girl Qiqi actually got their confession?

No no, that's not important either.

The most important thing is, Miss Qiqi has personally dealt with the spies? On someone else's territory? Before they went in to help, Miss Qiqi solved it by herself! ! !

No no no, that's not important either.

The most important thing is that Miss Qiqi solved the number one character on the killer list of country S!

At this moment, the way they looked at Gu Qiqi was full of admiration.

It's a fight with looking at the commander-in-chief Gongjue.

"Sister-in-law, you are so awesome! You are hiding too much!"

"Sister-in-law, take a rest, let's clean the battlefield!"

"Sister-in-law, killing spies is generally not illegal. To be on the safe side, let's deal with the murder scene for you, as long as you don't leave any traces..."


All of them were dog-legged, and they all immediately changed their mouths and called "sister-in-law".

And it is sincerely convinced, willingly!

Gu Qiqi pondered for a few seconds: "You don't need to be so troublesome, I can handle it myself."

Su hand lightly raised.

Another seed was thrown into the villa.

In the next second, the entire villa was burst by a purple spruce tree with a "boom!"! It has become a broken wall!

The soldiers were all dumbfounded.

Fuck, my sister-in-law has something even more awesome!

Fuck, I'm going to walk on my knees in front of my sister-in-law for the rest of my life.

Which tortoise grandson, bastard, actually misrepresented that his sister-in-law was a good-for-nothing little sheep?

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