Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1136 I don't need this little money

Qianqian Novel Network

Jiang Rouwan made up her mind.

Gu Qiqi can be so generous, she will give as much as she says, why is she being stingy?

After all, Gu Qiqi's prescriptions are the core of the production line, without exclusive prescriptions, this business simply cannot continue.

Even if it is to give Gu Qiqi all the shares, it should be done.

Gu Qiqi declined with a smile: "Miss Jiang, you are too out of touch. Qiu Wu is my classmate, friend, and even called me Master, his family is my family, and I will help him protect it. Feel free to use the prescription, it’s free. Talking about money hurts feelings, and I don’t need such a small amount of money.”

Jiang Rouwan: "...!"

Shocked again by this nineteen year old girl.

How lucky is her son, Qiu Lu, to have such a domineering young girl as his friend? !

This little money? !

Small? !


It turned out that Gu Qiqi didn't even pay attention to the huge profit concessions that he had painstakingly made, the 70% shares that he gave to Gu Qiqi.

In Gu Qiqi's eyes, these 70% shares are no different from giving her free use.

Oh my god, this girl is not only having a big life pattern, but also has a mind like a god.

Jiang Rouwan couldn't help but recall that Qiu's father insisted on divorcing her in order to live together with Xiaosan, and in the divorce agreement, he was reluctant to give her even a tenth of the shares.

Compared with Gu Qiqi's generosity at the moment, Qiu Lu's father is simply the scum of scumbags!

Not even a nineteen-year-old girl's boldness can compare to her!

On the other end of the phone, Gu Qiqi heard that Jiang Rouwan hadn't spoken for a long time, she kept silent and didn't know what she was thinking, so she couldn't help comforting her: "Miss Jiang, my prescription is just a foundation, it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it. Just take it and use it. However, the follow-up production management and marketing are very complicated and meticulous work. Do you have ready-made manpower to use it? Are all the old employees in the factory there? Your husband can regain his strength and continue to help No?"

If it was so easy to produce a medicine, Gu Qiqi would have been able to start a factory by himself and make a fortune by selling medicine.

The prescription, she doesn't have it yet!

It's just that she knows best how much effort it takes to run a professional pharmaceutical factory, so she would rather choose a reliable pharmaceutical factory to cooperate with to produce the cosmetic medicine she showed at the World Medical Competition than start a factory by herself.

A factory is a responsibility.

Not a good boss!

However, Gu Qiqi's casual question of concern made the other end of the phone even more silent.

Jiang Rouwan paused for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Qiqi, I haven't remarried. I don't have a husband anymore either."

"Ah." Gu Qiqi exclaimed unexpectedly.

She was indeed surprised!

Back then Jiang Rouwan was so reluctant to part with Qiu's father, even though she knew that he had been taking care of her mistress all year round, she turned a blind eye and refused to divorce.

Later, they got divorced because Gu Qiqi promised her that the prodigal son of the scumbag would come back and find her to remarry.

It can be said that this divorce is just a stopgap measure.

It is commonly known as retreating to advance.

In fact, Qiu Lu's father did turn around.

The mistress took away all his property, and the pharmaceutical factory went bankrupt. If he didn't come back to his ex-wife and beg for mercy, there was only one way: jump off the building to pay off the debt!

In fact, men are not stupid, they are very shrewd and realistic.

How wonderful, rich and women sleep, not to remarry is a fool.

And what Jiang Rouwan prayed for was to let the man come back to her.

Before Gu Qiqi went to Professor Brown's house for a banquet, Jiang Rouwan told her clearly that she chose to remarry.

But in the blink of an eye, Jiang Rouwan actually changed her mind!

This is definitely a big change for a traditional woman.

Gu Qiqi could hardly believe that Jiang Rou's tact had become so thorough.

However, on the phone, Jiang Rouwan's voice was firm and confident: "Qiqi, you taught me - women live to be wonderful for themselves, not to make others perfect!" Looking for the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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