Dear Commander-in-Chief

Scene 1144: Severe beating without speaking for so long

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiaolan looked at her kidnapper in disbelief.

It turned out to be...

Dean of the School of Clinical Medicine, Imperial Medical University: Shen Ping!

The head of the hospital who has always been dignified and aloof!

How could she collude with these vulgar and ruthless hooligans to kidnap her, a freshman?

"You... Dean Shen..." Xiao Lan was so shocked that her throat was a little hoarse.

Shen Ping squinted his eyes, the female student unexpectedly recognized him, it seemed that he couldn't stay.

When the forced confession comes out later, she will be killed to avoid future troubles.

But it's good to recognize him, maybe he can trick this simple female student into finding out the whereabouts of Mr. Ye.

He changed his face: "Yang Xiaolan, right? I heard that your grades in the school of pharmacy were not very good. I can make the decision and transfer you to the school of clinical medicine. How about arranging the best job for you after you graduate?" ? Selling jade at the counter, how low is that? No matter how much money you make, it’s still a business. In the future, if you become a doctor in a big hospital, that’s the real way out. It will make your father look good and get married easily!”

Xiaolan sneered: "Hehe..."

Her face was bloodstained from the beating, and even when she was smiling, her expression was still stiff.

Shen Ping didn't take it seriously, and continued to lobby: "Seeing that you are a student, I won't torture you. You should explain the whereabouts of the surname Ye carefully, and the benefits will be indispensable to you!"

Xiaolan stared at Shen Ping, she couldn't figure out why Dean Shen wanted to find Mr. Ye.

But she clearly knew that Dean Shen had no good intentions!

If it was a frank purpose, why not use normal means to find someone, but kidnap her and humiliate her like this?

Xiao Lan licked her dry lips, and squeezed out a few words between her teeth: "I don't know...!"

Shen Ping took a deep breath, his face twitched slightly, this girl student who didn't know how to understand, just didn't know a word after asking.

What kind of Gu did the person surnamed Ye give her?

snort! No matter what kind of voodoo he has played, he will pry this female student's mouth open today!

Shen could hardly hold on anymore. Ever since the last World Medical Competition, she spent a lot of money to get the admission qualification, and paid a lot of money to hire a ghost doctor to be the chief surgeon, but in the end she was defeated by Ye Gongzi. slumped.

Some businesses that were originally negotiated also withdrew their capital one after another, and switched to Ye Gongzi or Gu Qiqi's team.

If the Shen family collapsed, all of Shen Ping's wealth would be ruined, and he would owe a debt that he would never pay off in his lifetime. His salary as the dean was not enough to fill his teeth!

How could he tolerate his complete defeat for so many years?

Therefore, this time, he was going all out and taking risks. He must find out that mysterious Mr. Ye and talk about cooperation.

If Mr. Ye is acquainted, it would be easy to cooperate with him.

If it doesn't work... Hehe, he doesn't mind killing people and taking all of Mr. Ye's prescriptions for himself.

But the problem now is that he doesn't even know where Young Master Ye is!

The only ones who knew of the connection with Mr. Ye were Bailang and Yang Xiaolan.

Of course he didn't dare to touch the people of the Bai family, so he had to touch Yang Xiaolan.

How could she know that Yang Xiaolan was so ignorant and her mouth was so hard that she refused to speak after being beaten for so long.

Shen Ping was a little annoyed!

Behind him, a woman in a white coat and a hat spoke sharply, her tone was a bit arrogant, with a bit of a spoiled princess accent—the online service of real young lady, help you find books to chat with you, please WeChat/letter/ Search/search popular web articles or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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