Dear Commander-in-Chief

Scene 1148: Mr. Ye is here

Qianqian Novel Network

What the hell?

Are they collectively ghosted?

"Poppy, hurry up, help me find a knife... scissors... cut it off..." Shen Ping begged for help vaguely.

Bai Poppy trembled, and boldly took a closer look.

It was only then that she discovered that Shen Ping, who was closest to her, was not possessed by a ghost at all, but was entangled by a thin vine.

His hands and feet were tied tightly and he couldn't move, even his mouth was invaded by vines...

Bai Poppy was so frightened that he took two steps back and almost bumped into the hooligan behind him. When he turned around, he found that the hooligan couldn't move. It was the same reason!

Those green vines are like living creatures, they grow up and become longer in an instant, entangled them and can't continue to torture Yang Xiaolan!

Damn, is that person coming?

I was terrified, the next second.

"White Poppy, Shen Ping, it turned out that you did a good deed!"

The handsome and ruthless young man kicked open the door of the private house!

The cold voice pierced the eardrums of everyone present.

Yang Xiaolan, who wanted to die, trembled all over when she heard this voice, and murmured: "Young master Ye...Young master Ye!"

Two lines of tears poured out along with blood.

She would rather he not come!

"Master Ye, I'm not, we are actually here to save Xiaolan..." Bai Poppy tried to defend.

It's a pity that Gu Qiqi is not as easy to fool as a three-year-old child, and his IQ is not in arrears.

She sneered: "You, a toad, want to bully our white swan, Xiaolan, and you deserve it too? Do you understand if you don't belong to the right family?"

Bai Poppy's face froze, damn it, Mr. Ye actually heard it!

The explanation is also unclear.

She stared blankly at the man in front of her—a metallic space silver jacket, black leather pants and leather boots, hair covering her eyes, and a tie wrapped directly around her wrist, as if she was about to bind and slap him at any time.

At this moment, the elegant Mr. Ye actually showed a bit of unruly evil spirit!

She wriggled her lower lip and racked her brains to come up with another reason: "Young Master Ye, we can't help ourselves. In fact, someone found us and asked us to kidnap Xiaolan and force her to tell you your whereabouts..."

As she spoke, she burst into tears, pretending to be pitiful.

Unfortunately, Gu Qiqi didn't even take a look at her performance.

She asked Gong Jue to check the surveillance, and followed Xiaolan's breath all the way, racing against time on the way, not daring to waste any time.

However, it seems to be too late...

She strode up to Xiaolan, seeing the bloody and fuzzy pieces of meat, it broke her heart.

Taking a deep breath, he untied Xiaolan from the sling, hugged her into his arms, and comforted him softly: "Xiaolan, I will definitely cure you, and you will definitely return to normal. Don't be afraid..."

Xiaolan didn't dare to look at her, trembling in her arms, she buried her head and couldn't finish her words: "Ye...Ye Gongzi...they are...bad...have careful..."

Gu Qiqi closed her eyes.

The scene of Xiaolan hanging upside down from the ceiling made her almost see herself who died tragically in her previous life.

Even the scene of Xiaolan slamming into the window glass to beg for death is so similar to the scene in her previous life when she slammed into the blackboard and was poked into the main artery by a steel wire.

Why does all this look like Gu Xuexue's arrangement?

Unexpectedly, it was White Poppy who was clamoring in the room.

And Shen Ping!

Gu Qiqi's eyes were a little colder, no matter who it was, if she stepped here today, she was going to kill her!

Tighten your hand suddenly!

Shen Ping let out a dry roar from his throat, and within a few seconds, he was entangled in vines and deprived of oxygen, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground.

Those hooligans persisted a little longer than Shen Ping, but they all screamed in pain.

At the moment when she was about to die, Gu Qiqi suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and said coldly, "Do you want to live?"

Hooligans: "Think about it!"

Gu Qiqi ordered coldly: "Do everything you did to Yang Xiaolan just now, and give Bai Poppy a complete set, and I will consider keeping you alive."

Hooligans: "Okay, okay!"

White Poppy: "No! Don't!"

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