Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1150: Ruthless enough! Only 1 can live!

Qianqian Novel Network

Turning around coldly, Gu Qiqi said: "I can only let one of you get out alive. So, after cleaning her up, you can figure it out!"

The hooligans looked at each other.

Facing Gu Qiqi who slammed the door away, they panicked.

What does Mr. Ye mean?

What is "only one person can be released alive"?

Doesn't that mean that everyone else must die?

How can the living person escape...

The hooligans stopped what they were doing and instinctively wanted to rush out.

However, the next second.

As the iron gate was closed, the doors and windows were covered with terrifying vines in an instant, completely entangled the entire dilapidated house.

Before they got close, green vines stretched out suddenly, twisting like snakes in mid-air, as if silently saying: "Want to leave? Break your necks!"

They stopped in shock, and only then recalled Mr. Ye's weird skill——

Damn, big devil, this is simply a big devil!

They have no ability to resist at all, so they can only obey orders obediently!

Looking back, the hooligans' eyes were scarlet.

Only one can live, right?

Then you can survive by killing others!

In an instant, everyone started fighting together, there was a sound of fighting, and there was already a scuffle in the private house.

Everyone wants to kill others and be the last one alive.

What about the ending?

Of course, no one will survive...

Gu Qiqi left a word, and it was easy for the dog to bite the dog.

She walked quickly with Xiaolan in her arms, and soon came to the off-road vehicle parked on the main road.

She came out in a hurry, and didn't have time to go back to open Gongjue's No. 1.

I just "borrowed" an off-road vehicle casually on the side of the road.

Opening the back seat of the car, she gently laid down Xiaolan, who was covered in blood, and quickly took out herbs from the space, crushed them, and smeared them on several large wounds to stop the bleeding.

The appalling nails made her feel anxious when she saw them.

She picked up the fingernails that had been pulled out one by one from the ground and put them away. Now that they have finished cleaning, she is observing whether they can be directly covered and healed.

However, Bai Poppy's methods were too ruthless, and those hooligans' hands were different. Some of these fingernails were broken in half, and even if they were put back, they would still be broken.

It seems that we can only wait for it to heal slowly and find a way to grow new ones again.

Fortunately, after the little dirty turtle was upgraded to the green level, both the medicine stove's ability to refine medicine and her ability to find medicine have been greatly improved.

In a short while, she found the medicinal herbs she needed from the farmland and wilderness, and refined them in a medicine furnace to increase the medicinal properties by dozens of times.

Crush it and take the medicine juice for Xiaolan.

He took another bucket of mountain spring water to wipe off the blood on Xiaolan's body.

After working for a full hour, Xiaolan's delicate skin was finally able to see people.

The wounds on the face and hands need time to recover slowly, and Gu Qiqi has already wrapped them in white gauze and applied medicine for maintenance.

"Xiao Lan, don't worry, I'll get you ten boxes of the beauty mask I used in the World Medical Competition. You are so beautiful, I will never let you lose even a single bit!"

Xiaolan didn't dare to look up at him.

My heart beat like a drum.

The palms held by him trembled so much that they were about to go limp, and fine beads of sweat ooze from the palms.

He is safe and sound, so all the hardships she has suffered are worth it.

She didn't cry when she was tortured by the white poppy, but she really wanted to cry at this moment!

That is a kind of tears of wanting to vent grievances and attachment in front of a loved one!

Gu Qiqi was bewildered by Xiaolan's sudden burst of tears: "" Do you want to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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