Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1180: Don’t mess with the royal family

Qianqian Novel Network

When Gu Qiqi found Chu Junmo, she felt very guilty.

This man has helped her so many times, but she always seems to cause him trouble.

But now that the prince is not around, she can't think of a second person who has the power and power in the entire empire to get a passport within a day.

Contrary to her guilt, Chu Junmo gave orders very happily without saying a word.

Less than a stick of incense time.

Complete procedures, formal and regular passports, and even entry visas for country h, were all handled for her.

Holding the red-brown passport book, Gu Qiqi was filled with emotion.

"Brother Chu, thank you! To tell you the truth, my pure purpose is to find medicine for my younger brother Xiaobei. I know that your heart has always been bad, and you were shot again a while ago. If it goes well this time, I will There is hope to participate in a higher-level pharmacist conference and find medicines that ordinary people in the world cannot see. I promise here that once I have this opportunity, I will not only find medicines for Xiaobei, but also for you!"

She always felt that she owed too much to Chu Junmo, and there was nothing she could repay.

This trip from the Great Pharmacist Guild is a good opportunity to repay him.

If both Chu Junmo and Xiaobei's illness can be cured, everyone will be happy.


Hearing Gu Qiqi's solemn promise.

The expression on Chu Junmo's face was not only not joyful, but a little heavier.

His injuries hadn't healed yet, and he half-lyed on a carved elderwood couch, with a golden silk flowing cloud bat quilt embroidered with coiled dragon patterns in Shu embroidery covering his heart.

Wen Yan propped his arms and sat up slightly: "Qiqi, I don't want you to work hard to find medicine for me."

Why does she always want to repay him?

What are you doing with him so clearly?

God knows, he wished she owed as much as possible.

In this way, there is a bond between them that will never be cleared.

Gu Qiqi shook her head: "It's not hard! Brother Chu, if I can go to Country H this time and find something important, it won't be hard for me to go to the Pharmacist Conference, it's very easy!"

She comforts him.

Chu Junmo is such a sharp veteran, how could he be fooled by just a few words?

His tone was low: "Qiqi, can you wait for two more days until the stitches are removed from my wound, and then go with you?"

Gu Qiqi shook her head violently: "No need! Just take something, why is it so troublesome!"

Cough cough cough, it's better not to let the pure big brother Chu know that she is going to "steal" things.

Chu Junmo closed his eyes, he only hated that his recovery was too slow and he couldn't travel with Gu Qiqi.

Fortunately, the law and order in Country H is good, so there is no need to worry too much about Gu Qiqi's safety.

"Qiqi, country h is different from our empire. It is a system of succession to the throne. As long as you are not close to the palace in country h, you are very safe."

"Fortunately, the people of Country H are very warm and friendly. Imperial Chinese is also very popular there, so communication is not a problem. Our Chu family also has a pharmacy there. If you encounter any difficulties, you can directly report my name for help."

"But you must remember that the palace is heavily guarded and very dignified. There are many experts in the palace. Don't offend the royal family."

"The laws of Country H are strict, disrespect to the royal family will be beheaded!!!"

Chu Junmo was like a brother and a father, teaching him earnestly, for fear that Gu Qiqi would encounter trouble when going abroad for the first time.

Gu Qiqi only nodded in agreement.


It seemed that she was going to disappoint Chu Junmo.

Because she is going to the palace on this trip!

Only in the imperial palace can there be green clams!

After Gu Qiqi said goodbye.

Chu Junmo couldn't help recalling every second and every sentence of the conversation with Gu Qiqi just now.

It seems that such an aftertaste is also a great happiness.

It softened his usually calm face and cold facial lines, adding a little smile.


A few minutes later.

His smile suddenly froze!

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