Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1183 Chased and bitten by a dog

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi studied the map for a day in the hostel, and the outside of the hostel was bustling with people from all over the place, spontaneously preparing a program to celebrate the upcoming prince's wedding.

It wasn't until late at night that the crowd celebrating outside the palace gradually dispersed.

The moon is bright and the stars are rare.

Gu Qiqi's real body stayed in the hostel, and her avatar climbed up along an inconspicuous corner of Miyagi.

The guards guarding the city passed in front of her without being noticed.

Gu Qiqi couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips: "The effect of invisibility is good."

She lightly held the rope and swung down the city wall.

All is well.

According to the ancient map, there is a treasure house in the palace.

There are many organs inside.

She guessed that if there were green clams in the palace, it would undoubtedly be the most appropriate place in the Treasure Pavilion.


When she walks all the way to the location of the Treasure Pavilion...

But found that there is only a lush bamboo forest.

The stars move, the world changes.

Today's imperial palace is very different from the Miyagi on the ancient map.

It caused her to spend half a day studying mechanism techniques in vain, but unfortunately there is no use for her.

Gu Qiqi stood outside the bamboo forest depressedly, looked at the dense forest, and stomped her feet: "Is it possible that the Treasure Pavilion is underground?"

But soon, she rejected this possibility.

The royal family is not of Kumbu's level, so there is no need to hide things in a dark basement, it's too out of style.

Where else would it be?

The imperial palace is so big that she searched it inch by inch, but she didn't know that she would search as far as the year of the monkey.

It would be great if Gong Jue was here, he studied the military maps of various countries all day long, and he had the most diabolical vision.

As soon as this idea popped up.

Gu Qiqi was shocked.

Why do you want to rely on a stupid man again?

No, no, she has to work hard on her own.

Gong Jue is now fighting on the battlefield, facing the strong enemy of country S, how can he use such a trivial matter to involve his energy?

Gritting her teeth, Gu Qiqi stepped away from the bamboo forest, preparing to use the most stupid and safest method - searching inch by inch...

But, before she took two steps.

Suddenly, a cold shout came from behind: "Who?! Stop!"

Gu Qiqi frowned.

was discovered?

She stopped instinctively and looked back.

Not far away, a man in black armor with a serious face was walking towards him, holding a snow-white Tibetan mastiff in his hand.

No way, was it really discovered?

But it's not right, Gu Qiqi looked down at herself, she was clearly invisible and transparent, like a ray of soul floating in the air.

How could it be discovered.

But in the next second, she understood.

That snow-white Tibetan mastiff, baring its teeth, rushed over with a growl!

She is invisible, but the breath is still there.

And dogs have such a keen sense of smell that they can detect the strange smell of strangers.

Damn it!

Gu Qiqi stamped her feet, turned around and returned to the bamboo forest!

The bamboo forest is very dense, and she can move around flexibly when she is invisible.

However, the huge Tibetan mastiff is not good enough, and it is several meters behind.

Gu Qiqi didn't dare to stop, she had to get rid of this dog.

Otherwise, wherever she goes tonight, the dog will bark. It will be too inconvenient for her to explore the map.

Gu Qiqi ran desperately, passed through the bamboo forest, and an exquisite small building appeared in front of her eyes!

Without even thinking about it, she rushed upstairs.

Pray there is someone in the building!

As long as someone's breath and smell are mixed, maybe the Tibetan mastiff will not be able to tell her apart.

Moreover, where there are people, the Tibetan Mastiff can't intrude, right?

When it was too late, Gu Qiqi went upstairs nimbly.

But where did she expect that the upstairs is actually... reading a book and finding the latest chapter by herself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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