Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1392 To use beauty tricks

Qianqian Novel Network

Once the dewdrop becomes cloudy, it will be ruined, completely lose the efficacy of the medicine, and have no value, let alone turn it in as a result.

In other words, Gu Qiqi and the others have been busy for nothing tonight.

Everyone's first reaction was to fall for it!

Lisa stamped her feet: "Is someone jealous that we won too many first places along the way, did something to our test tubes, added some medicines that shouldn't be there, and made the dew turbid? I knew that the bad nature of people is In this way, you can’t see that others are better than yourself!”

Uncle Yun agreed with Lisa once in a while: "Well, it should be, because the dewdrops were destroyed, the biggest beneficiaries are those pharmacist teams that were unable to defeat us before. I saw that pharmacist named Kunli just now. The jealousy that can't be concealed on the face, maybe he did it."

Gong Jue murmured: "Not necessarily. Maybe it was Chu Junmo who did it. He wanted to delay the time and get more time to hang out with us. It's a pity that people are not as good as God, and he passed out by himself, hmph."

Gu Qiqi supported her forehead.

She admits that the darkness of human nature is everywhere, but... what is it all about now, even brother Chu is lying on the ground.

She pursed her lips, and disagreed with everyone: "No one has tampered with it, and it is not a frame. I can tell at a glance that this glass test tube is clean, and no other medicine has been added. And the test tube has been in our In our hands, no one can have this opportunity to get close to us."

"The one surnamed Chu has a chance!" Gong Jue was still stubborn, "Maybe he has already done it before he passed out."

Gu Qiqi glared at him angrily: "Isn't my medicine discrimination skill well placed, poisoning my test tube is not so easy to succeed."

Gongjue: "..."

There is a heaven-defying little wife in the family. Although it is something to be proud of, it may not be a good thing!

For example, when framing a rival in love, it is easy to fail!

Gu Qiqi ruled out the possibility of someone framing her, so the next step is to find the reason from the dewdrops and the test tube itself.

But glass test tubes are the safest containers, so why is there a problem?

Is there something wrong with the dewdrops?

But dewdrops are natural, so how can there be problems?

Everyone is puzzled.

During the discussion, people have already rushed back to do business one after another. Seeing that Gu Qiqi and the others are still standing here stupidly, these people all showed honey and gloated.

But, these people were not happy for a few seconds.

When they handed over the dewdrops, without exception, they were all cloudy!

Amidst the wailing, Gu Qiqi observed carefully. Some of them used glass test tubes, some used plastic boxes, some used copper utensils, and some used crystal cups...the containers were different, but the results were all different : All containers, cause dew cloudiness!

A flash of light flashed in Gu Qiqi's mind: "Container! It's the problem of the container, you can't use ordinary containers to collect dewdrops."

Everyone was startled.

For the first time in my life, I heard that dewdrops are so delicate!

"What container do you want, I will find it for you, diamond? Gold?" Gong Jue announced domineeringly.

Gu Qiqi shook her head: "No way. It seems that a very professional medicine cauldron is needed."

She herself has a small medicine stove, but it is used for refining medicine, so it is obviously not suitable for storing medicine.

When Gu Qiqi reminded her, Lisa remembered: "I know, it is said that the disciples of the witch doctor clan all have medicine cauldrons, which are gift tokens from their masters!"

The eyes of several people collided, and their first reaction was to rush back to the room to find the unconscious Wu Er.

Gong Jue searched himself, searched all of Wu Er's panties, and there was no medicine cauldron.

Obviously, this idiot was not brought out at all.

Wu Er did not.

Then only...Wu Nineteen is left!

Lisa blurted out: "Young Master Ye, why don't you borrow a medicine cauldron from His Highness the Nineteenth Prince by using the beauty trick?"

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