Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1395 The underwear inside has not been changed

Qianqian Novel Network

Wu Jiujiu's girlish heart was beating non-stop!

For the first time in her life, she loved a man so much that it was irreplaceable and irreplaceable.

I always hear people say how exciting love is and how obsessive it is. Now that I am in the scene, I realize that all descriptions are pale.

Only every second of heartbeat, every second of anticipation, and every second of joy that I personally feel is the real taste!

But at this moment, she wished that this feeling would stay for one more second, one more second!

The bed was slightly sunken.

It stands to reason that if a grown man sits on her bed, he must sink in for a while.

Men are heavy after all.

But when Mr. Ye sat down, the bed didn't sink much.

Wu Nineteen had no doubts.

On the contrary, I was even more moved.

Mr. Ye must have deliberately sat down in order not to disturb her sleep, right? Mr. Ye is really a gentleman and considerate.

How could she meet such a nice man?

Wu Jiujiu was thinking wildly, when suddenly, his body froze.

Mr. Ye's slender fingers lifted the brocade quilt, and a burst of cold air penetrated into her quilt, which brought her slight trembling and momentary stiffness!

What's worse, Mr. Ye's fingers didn't stop, he continued to untie her shirt!

Ahhh, what is he going to do?

What was he doing undressing her?

Wu Jiujiu worked so hard to hold back his waking up, and kept guessing in his heart, is Mr. Ye going to do that kind of thing to her?

If she had known this earlier, she should have taken a hot bath at the inn just now, and got into the bed fragrantly.

I also need to change into a set of well-matched underwear, which is exquisite, cute and sexy, so that Mr. Ye is interested.

Ahhhhhhh, but now she is not prepared for anything, and she still smells of thin sweat, and the underwear inside has been worn for two or three days, and there is also a smell, woo woo woo, Mr. Ye will definitely dislike it.



Sweat dripped from Wu Jiujiu's forehead.

She has never been so nervous in her life, and regretted it - because of a set of underwear that has not been changed!

She even thought about opening her eyes immediately and interrupting Young Master Ye's movements: Young Master, we have an appointment in half an hour, is that okay?

Give her half an hour and she can take a bath and change into beautiful little clothes.

However, Mr. Ye did not give her the time to speak.

I saw that his hand, after untiing Wu Jiujiu's clothes, did not reach in, but groped around her waist, and stopped when he touched a bronze product wrapped in a brocade bag, the size of an egg. down.

Bronze Medicine Cauldron!

Like all pharmacists, Wu Jiujiu used to hang the precious medicine cauldron on his waist.

Because it is wrapped in a delicate and soft bag, although it is close to the skin, it will not hurt the body.

Gu Qiqi took down the medicine cauldron.

Wu Jiujiu was struck by lightning in an instant——!

It turned out that Mr. Ye didn't come to do that kind of thing with her, but just to get her medicine cauldron.

A heartbreak that can't be added for a moment.

It's not because Mr. Ye took it for himself without asking, but because Mr. Ye even took off her shirt, but turned a blind eye to her beautiful figure, and didn't even touch her!

Is she that bad, so unattractive?

Wu Shijiu's big eyes were tightly closed, sore and sore, and the big teardrops were held in her eye sockets, making her eye sockets swollen and painful, so uncomfortable!

At this very moment, suddenly, she heard Ye Gongzi sigh—the online service of the real lady, helping you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search for hot web articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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