Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1411 The So-called Late Justice

Qianqian Novel Network

After Gu Qiqi found out his true identity, the fear in Bai Yunxian's heart spread uncontrollably.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you, you can't kill me. If you kill me, your master Feng Yangchu will never forgive you in this life. You can't pull me in front of Feng Yangchu to expose me, because just now you What you said is groundless, if Feng Yangchu saw it with his own eyes, he would never believe you! Hehe, you are just a little girl, do you really think you are a detective? Anyone will listen to your groundless guesses?"

Bai Yun first racked his brains, and tried his best to find a reason in order to save his life.

Gu Qiqi smiled coldly: "Why should I let him believe it?"

"You...don't you keep saying that you are wronged by Feng Yang and Chu Ming, and want to find justice for him?" Bai Yun couldn't understand Ye Gongzi's routine.

Doesn't Mr. Ye want to make his evil deeds known to the public?

Would he let him go for nothing?

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows faintly: "There has never been any fairness and justice in this world, and I don't like to engage in that so-called late justice! Well, I just want to..."

Bai Yun's heart skipped a beat. Why did he suddenly feel that Mr. Ye might be more terrifying than he imagined?

"I just want things to return to their original ending." Gu Qiqi finished coldly, and looked at him as if she were looking at a dead person!

How things should have ended? ? ?

Bai Yun was startled for a while, and then reacted.

Wasn't the original ending of the matter that he died in the explosion, and then asked Feng Yangchu to bury him in the rose field?

Bai Yunxian's pupils suddenly widened!

Could Mr. Ye want to...

"The tomb is empty even if it's empty. Don't you think it's a waste of coffin slabs? Coffin slabs are very expensive in this isolated island. Waste is a very bad behavior." Gu Qiqi smiled half-smile road.

Lisa also nodded sharply: "That's right, a person should be thrifty, and extravagance is too bad."

Bai Yunxian: "..."

your sister! Now it is about his life and death, these dead women are actually discussing thrift and waste.

Could it be that in order to save the coffin board, he has to take his life.

He writhed violently on the ground, trying to break free from Xueshuang Cheetah's restraint: "You black-hearted girl, why don't you give me a way out? Is it okay if I don't steal the Pharmacopoeia? Just let me go, and I will start a new life. The rivers and lakes will never see each other again, can't the two have nothing to do with each other?"

However, how could Gu Qiqi give him a chance?

"Hehe, I'm so sorry, I've never had the heart of a virgin, I cut grass without leaving roots! When you have time, you can think about why you didn't let my master live in those years, so that he could not hold his head up for the rest of his life? Pharmacopoeia is not owned by you personally, but It is the treasure of the town hall of our School of Pharmacy, Imperial Medical University. In order to steal it, you poisoned us and murdered us, so let’s pay it off first! As for starting a new life, it’s fine..."

Bai Yunxian's eyes lit up: "Really?"

No matter how ironic he is in the previous words, but is she really giving him a chance to be a man again at this moment?

Gu Qiqi sneered: "It's true. Next life!"

In your next life, you still have a chance to be a new person!

Bai Yun's legs softened first, and he lost his spirit.

After all, this vicious girl still wants to take his life!

Is he really just sitting there waiting to die?

Fake death, ten years of dormancy, he endured hardships and hardships that many people can't bear, just to steal the pharmacopoeia one day and become a peerless famous doctor.

In the end, it was no match for the means of a stinky girl, how could he be reconciled to this?

Seeing Xueshuang Cheetah's fangs and claws mercilessly stabbing at Gu Qiqi's throat under Gu Qiqi's order - the online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please WeChat/letter/search/search Popular web articles or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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