Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1420 Fatal Illusion [2]

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi was stopped by the man in gray robe, and then raised her eyes to look.

After a short time, there were already many figures in the black field of flowers.

The rest of the team, even Lisa, were commanded to stand in specific positions in the black pastoral flower field.

The black petals, because someone entered and trampled on them, many fell one after another, crushing out the black flower juice, presenting a strange and broken beauty.

But the members of the Great Pharmacist Guild didn't seem to feel distressed at all, and they were still driving them in to stand still.

Only Gu Qiqi remained in place.

She frowned slightly, thinking to herself, what does this member of the Great Pharmacist Guild mean?

Don't tell her, it's to let them appreciate the black past life flower field better!

You know, in the banquet hall just now, the little dirty turtle just wanted to pinch a flower, but was thrown out mercilessly.

But in the blink of an eye, they will suddenly be so generous?

"Don't make me say it a second time. My patience is limited." The gray-robed man said with a gloomy face.

Gu Qiqi remained calm, and walked towards the location he designated.

That is the very center of the flower field.

She, Lisa, and the rest of the team made a total of eight people.

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or through precise calculation, seven of them just formed the shape of the Big Dipper, and Lisa's position is a little subtle, just in the spoon of the Big Dipper.

As for Gu Qiqi, it was at the handle of the spoon.

Big Dipper...

Gu Qiqi frowned even tighter, trying to search for the function of this arrangement in her mind.

Obviously, she was not the only one who was curious.

In other teams, some people finally couldn't help asking: "Master Deacon, what are we going to do? When will the agreed reward medicinal materials be given to us? Can we pick the medicinal herbs in this medicinal field?"

These three questions are what they are most concerned about.

Of course, Lisa also mustered up the courage to take the opportunity to ask: "I don't want anything else, I just want a black dead flower to cure my sister's heart disease, is that okay?"

She and everyone else looked at the gray robed man, expecting his answer.

The man was expressionless, and said coldly: "Stand honestly where you belong. You just need to know that what you are doing is a very valuable thing. Compared with it, the reward medicine is nothing! "

Everyone shut their mouths in embarrassment and looked at each other.

I thought, is this a promise? Still haven't agreed? I can't understand this.

The Great Pharmacist Guild, isn't it trying to renege on its debt?

However, such a large guild is regarded as the top existence in the pharmacist world, so there should be no reason to do such despicable things.

If it's a bad thing, the pharmacist conference is held every ten years, and someone has already revealed these things. How come every time it is held, all the famous and respectable pharmacists in the world are moved by the news and flock to it?

Since according to the status of the Great Pharmacist Guild, there is no need to renege on the debt, then they have their own arrangements?

Maybe it is really for them to see the world and see the special herbs in the medicine field, so they have to stand in such a formation?

The deacon has said that it is a very valuable thing, so it shouldn't be a lie... right?

Everyone thought anxiously and calmed down a little.

However, Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, and faced up to the difficulty: "Then may I ask the deacon, I don't need any herbs from you, I just want a prescription to treat eye diseases, I wonder if you can take the time to enlighten me?"

The gray-robed man's eyelids twitched, and he looked over gloomyly.

The impatience and savagery in those eyes made Lisa nervously blink at Gu Qiqi: Mr. Ye, please don't provoke him any more, finish what he told you, let's ask later, shall we? The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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