Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1432 Simple and rude Sir

Qianqian Novel Network

The tranquility of Yaogong Boyun was completely broken by the appearance of Gongjue.

Above the white palace, the black column of planes is extremely oppressive and shocking!

The deacon's face was livid and livid: "Who are you? You... are our mercenaries? Are you a traitor?!"

He was even angrier when he saw the camouflage uniform on Gong Jue.

This is clearly because they spent a lot of money to hire soldiers to work, but now they have the guts to betray them and eat inside and outside?

Unexpectedly, Gong Jue snorted coldly: "You want to ask me to serve as a soldier for you? Oh, your medicine palace can't afford it! Even if the palace master of your medicine palace comes forward, it's useless, let alone you little shrimp! "

All the people present gasped.

That Mr. Ye just now was already arrogant enough.

This man who fell from the sky is even more arrogant than Mr. Ye, and he is not afraid of death!

Dare to say that Master Deacon is a little... Cough cough cough, little Xiami!

A man is said to be "small", but the consequences are serious!

Sure enough, the deacon was completely enraged, he put aside Gu Qiqi, and turned to Gong Jue.

With a kick, the whole person bounced into the air again!

Gu Qiqi hugged the little dirty turtle, sighed slightly in her heart, and thought to herself, the stupid man is getting smarter and smarter, and he can use aggressive methods.

That "heh" and that "little" really got a lot of hatred!

Others may not have seen it through, but she understood it in a second. His simple and rude declaration of war, which seemed arrogant, was actually deliberately drawing the enemy's attention away from her.

What a move to attack the west and adjust the tiger away from the mountain!

Feeling warm in her heart, she put away the little dirty turtle and prepared to run towards Lisa, saving Lisa first.

As a result, in mid-air, Gong Jue scolded coldly: "Stay where you are and don't move!"

Although Gong Jue loves to be jealous and is a fighter in a vinegar vat, Gu Qiqi also knows that under such circumstances, as a leader with a certain command, he will never be jealous indiscriminately.

Don't want her to touch Lisa? nonexistent.

The palace must have made other arrangements.

Bear with it, she stays where she is!

Cooperate with Gong Jue's command.

Seeing Gu Qiqi stop obediently, Gong Jue's eyes softened for a moment, then turned to the deacon who rushed up, and immediately turned into icy sharpness!

Little Xiami, who doesn't know how to live or die, dares to use his woman as a sacrifice?

Hmph, I made you a sacrificial offering!

Without saying a word, Gong Jue directly blasted him.

The splendid artillery blasted out a shocking flame in mid-air, and directly bombarded the oncoming Lord Deacon.

The deacon is not a vegetarian either, after he reacted quickly, he did a beautiful somersault and dodged sideways!

However, how do you know that this hiding is also in the calculation of Gong Jue.

In the blasted artillery fire, there were actually several clusters of flames, which continued to explode in all directions.

One cluster happened to explode in the direction he was avoiding!

Mr. Deacon never expected that such a powerful weapon would be installed on that gadget that looks like a miniature helicopter, and it even exploded in a series of franks, it's against the sky!

Although he has the ability to fly into the sky, he is a mortal body after all, and he will be injured and die if he encounters explosives!

Being bombed, he tried his best to use a defensive technique to save his life, but his body could no longer hold on, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment from midair.

Gong Jue snorted coldly: "Little Xiami wants to jump over the dragon's gate? You can't control yourself! Do you dare to come again? Lao Tzu's cannon is waiting for you!"

As soon as the words fell, the densely packed helicopters in midair all stuck out their black muzzles! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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