Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1434 Woman, fell in love with the Lord again?

Qianqian Novel Network

"You don't need to bring it, this is Lao Tzu's Thirteen Iron Cavalry Flying Regiment, come whenever you call." Gong Jue replied casually.

Gu Qiqi was secretly startled.

He had long heard that Gong Jue had a secret guard team that belonged entirely to him, and that he formed before joining the Imperial Army, which seemed to have some connection with the power of the Gong family back then, including Adjutant Lu, who also came from this direct line of force.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the empire, he has always distinguished between public and private. When the power of the state should not be used, he will never abuse it, but use his own private power to solve it.

She had also met some of them by chance before.

But like today, it was the first time that such a massive flying column was dispatched.

How strong Gongjue's power is and how deep his personal power is is really hard to imagine.

I'm afraid... What I see now is just the tip of the iceberg, right?

And how did he form such a powerful and terrifying force at such a young age?

She is proud of this man, but at the same time, she is even more worried about this man.

Such a powerful man, the so-called big tree attracts the wind, is it true that no one in the empire stares at the mighty power in his hands, or is jealous?

Is there really no one who wants to seize some opportunities to defeat him and replace him?

At this moment, Gu Qiqi suddenly felt unprecedented worry. She suddenly realized that while she was enjoying this man's meticulous protection, how he silently shouldered the pressure and crisis that ordinary people could not bear, put all danger and Coveted to resist outside.

Never tired, let alone complain a word!

real man!

Gu Qiqi's silence made Gong Jue aware of it sensitively.

He was manipulating No. 1 to glide forward. At this time, he turned slightly sideways, with a bit of pleasant banter: "Why, fell in love with you again? Do you think your grandfather is the most handsome in the universe?"

Gu Qiqi didn't speak.

Suddenly, he stretched out his arms and hugged his thin and strong waist!

With his chin resting on his shoulder, his voice was slightly waxy: "Jeez, when we return to the empire this time, I will be with you..."

Confess everything to you!

Gongjue's heart skipped a beat, and his voice sank a bit: "We will not return to the empire."

Gu Qiqi was surprised: "Huh?"

Gong Jue slightly curled his lips: "I said, I will give you a surprise. I will take you to a place that you have never been to."

He started preparing for this matter a few months ago, and everything is ready, and now he only owes her this ray of wind.

He can't wait to take her to the independent island in Northern Europe, conclude a white-headed agreement with her, and spend the first night together!

How could Gu Qiqi know what he was thinking, let alone what surprise he had prepared for her.

When she heard that she would not return to the empire, she immediately became a little anxious: "Jeez, Lisa is still injured and has lost too much blood. She needs to go back to China for an emergency blood transfusion..."

Gong Jue: "I brought a military doctor, and there is a blood bank on her plane for use."

Gu Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, with a blood bank and a doctor, Lisa will be saved.

But then she thought of something more worrying: "But, how do we get out if we smash the aura layer of the ghost island? People from the Great Pharmacist Guild guard the entrance and exit, it is impossible to let us out..."

Gong Jue raised his eyebrows: "I can get out the same way I got in! Who dares to stop me?"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

That's right, he can command the flying column to enter the aura layer, there must be his way.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the palace is awesome and terrifying. Ordinary people need invitation letters that are hard to come by, so that one or two people can come in.

Gong Jue directly pulled the whole team in.

Could it be that his team wiped out the members of the Great Pharmacist Guild directly outside?

The way out is also solved.

Then Gu Qiqi's only worries now are...

"Jeez, Big Brother Chu is still at the inn. We haven't picked him up yet. He is not in good health. He was drugged by Wu Er and fell asleep for so long. We killed the people in Yaogong. I am worried that the inn will directly attack him. ..." The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search for hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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