Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1438 Who is the woman he misses?

Qianqian Novel Network

All of a sudden, swords, swords, and poisonous mist filled the air.

Both Chu Junmo and Wu Er are not vegetarians, and both of them are determined to win Gu Qiqi, so they are really a little confused.

At this moment, there was a sound of propellers passing through the sky.

A helicopter stayed in mid-air not far or near.

The pilot on the plane asked the officer behind him: "Look, it seems that there is President Chu and the pharmacist surnamed Wu that Sir Sir said. Shall we take them away now?"

The officer shook his head calmly: "My lord said, let them fight, fight as much as you want! Pick them up until both sides are injured. Throw them home and find their own mothers."

Pilot: "Yes!"

I couldn't help but click my tongue secretly in my heart, it's still the head of our family who is calm and strategizing, just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, hehe!

After half an hour.

Chu Junmo and Wu Er, both wounded, were lying in the medicine field respectively, panting and unable to lift their arms.

The helicopter in mid-air finally landed slowly, and carried the two people who were no longer able to resist...


high seas.

on the warship.

Gu Qiqi looked at the warship that was so big that it was almost borderless, and thought to herself, could this be the legendary aircraft carrier?

From getting off the plane to entering the operating room, she walked for almost ten minutes.

Ten minutes! ! !

After quickly disinfecting and putting on a sterile suit, she couldn't wait to test Xiaobei's medicine.

Xiaobei didn't know that the medicine she was looking for this time was a medicine that might restore eyesight, because she didn't want him to have too much hope, and he would be even more disappointed if it didn't achieve the effect, so she only said it was a medicine for daily care.

Xiao Bei acted very relaxed, and asked Gong Jue to help him look after the robot Brother Yun.

Talking and laughing with Gu Qiqi again, reporting interesting things that happened at school recently.

While preparing the medicine for external application and internal administration, Gu Qiqi asked him: "Xiaobei, if you can really see, what do you want to see at first glance?"

Xiaobei didn't hesitate: "I want to see you, sister!! Brother-in-law loves you so much and takes care of me so much. I really want to know what he looks like."

Gu Qiqi's eyes became hot, and her throat became a little choked: "He... Maybe he looks ugly. Don't expect too much."

Xiaobei held her slender arm: "Sister, it is said that love is born from the heart, I don't believe that a man as good as brother-in-law can be ugly. He must be a handsome man. He is also an idol in my heart. In the future, I will Just like him, you have the ability to protect your own woman."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Well, Xiaobei, you have eyes, he is quite handsome.

Through the glass of the operating room, Gu Qiqi glanced out the door, Gongjue was signing documents, and he was reprimanding others, he was extraordinarily handsome and cool.

She withdrew her gaze: "Sister promises you, I will let you see us as soon as you recover. Okay, now you lie down, because the medicine is a bit irritating and painful, and you will have hallucinations. I will inject you with a sedative, so Get a good sleep. I will apply medicine to you."

"Okay, sister, I will listen to you." Xiaobei's tone was obedient and warm.

Suddenly, his lips moved a few times.

"What did you say, Xiaobei?" Gu Qiqi asked.

Xiaobei shook his head: "It's nothing, sister, you can start."

He said silently in his heart, Lord God, if I greedily want to see one more person when I open my eyes, can you consider agreeing to me?

Besides my sister and brother-in-law, I also want to see...Sister Yunqiao...

Sister Yunqiao, I miss you very much, where are you?

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