Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1468 Get up cute? Wake up crazy!

Qianqian Novel Network

I don't know how long I slept again.

Gu Qiqi opened her eyes again, and the room was dark again.

Outside the window, the cold moonlight came in, and it was obviously another late night.

"Sleeping until night..." She opened her mouth and found that her voice had also gone hoarse.

She blushed slightly, um, she yelled so badly last night, the few times during the day, because Gong Jue said that the room had excellent soundproof walls, and let her yell whatever she wanted, but she couldn't bear it anymore and let go , I no longer suppress my voice when I feel it instinctively.

It turned out that it was really cool to call out.

It's a pity that it was miserable afterwards.

For example, now, the speaking voice is called hoarse.

It's like telling the world how miserable she was oppressed by the man yesterday.

She waved her small fist angrily, and hit the sleeping man next to her: "It's all you big liar..."

Fist, but fell to nothing.

She was the only one on Nuo Da's imperial bed.

She lifted the quilt and found that the bathrobe was missing, so she had to get up wrapped in the sheet.

"Jesus?" she called softly.

Then he said to himself: "Are you going out to help me find something to eat?..."

While muttering, when he turned around, he bumped into a black shadow!

Gu Qiqi staggered, her legs were already weak, but after being hit like this, she immediately fell back to the bed.

"Hey, you... you are in the room, why are you silent?" Gu Qiqi rubbed her sore knee, looking at the black figure in front of her angrily.

The man was sitting on the black gold velvet sofa beside the bed.

Because she was wearing a black shirt and black trousers, her belt was neatly tied, and her leather shoes were neatly worn. The black suit blended in with the sofa, and it happened to be backlit. She didn't notice it when she just woke up.

Gong Jue sat silently without answering.

As if it had sat there for a century, it had become a sculpture.

Gu Qiqi stretched out her hand to pat him suspiciously: "Hey, fell asleep? Don't sleep on the sofa, you'll catch a cold. Is there something urgent to go back? What are you doing in such neat clothes in the middle of the night? Are you hungry and want to go out? Eat? Do you want me to accompany you?..."

There are so many questions! Gong Jue is so strange!

However, the hand she stretched out was in vain.

The man turned sideways, avoiding physical contact with her, and said indifferently: "After sleeping with her, do you want to eat with her?"

Gu Qiqi was startled, and then spat at him: "Bad guy, what are you talking about!"

Gong Jue said nothing, and directly pushed a piece of delicate dessert on the coffee table in front of her: "Since you like to sleep and eat with you, I will satisfy you."

Gu Qiqi frowned.

She suspected that her ears had misheard.

How Gong Jue spoke was a bit strange.

Although the stupid man's words were always unpleasant, he never said such poisonous words to her. Where is he convulsed? Or did you get up and get a badass?

No, where is getting up and cute? This is getting up crazy, right?

Forget it, don't argue with the lunatic.

Because he knew that when Gong Jue just woke up, he would act a little strangely and behave differently from normal times, but Gu Qiqi didn't mind, nor was he angry.

Instead, he took the cake with great interest, and admitted generously: "I'm hungry. It's all your fault. Who told you to torment others so hard. Well, this dessert looks good, I'll eat half of it , leave half for you."

Under the cold moonlight, the exquisite French soufflé is placed in a golden plate,

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